you guys were correct

Crozet, VA

I went to the plastic surgeon yesterday who is doing my breast implant. When I visited him the week before, he said that every thing looked good but that I bruise more than the average person. Yesterday when I went he had to drain over 200cc of fluid that had accumulated mostly under my left arm area. He was questioning what might have caused this. One thing he asked is if I was over doing things. AHA! Must be that. I have now been given instructions once again to take things easier.

I am now set back two weeks it seems. I have an implant inserted that needs to have a saline solution put in to it. This is to be done over a period of time, a little at a time. The first week I was still too bruised and then yesterday needed draining versus putting saline in. The plastic surgeon told me the day of surgery that we would be getting to know each other very well. This seems to be true.

Anyway, just wanted to check in with all of you and let you know of my progress. It could be better, but so far, so good.

I hope that you all will have a wonderful week.


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, (shaking my head, with that told you so look in my eyes) That is a lot of fluid!

I went for my second radiation treatment yesterday, saw the Radiation-Oncologist asked him about my arm too, it has been getting sore since I had to lay on that table for 45 minutes with my arm above my head, I also have some fluid but that can be taken care of by elevating my arm above my heart as much as possible. With lymph nodes removed the arm needs help removing fluid so gravity has to take over.

I limit my activity when I'm tired, and try not to use my right hand/arm to pick up or carry heavy objects, such as purse, grocery bags, opening heavy doors. And when you are right handed that is a hard habit to break.

Ruby you take care, I am sorry you had this set back. Now is the time to smell the roses instead of planting them. LOL

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

You were the next one I was going to "check on" and then I saw your post. You MUST take it easy!! I'm sure that's easier said then done...but you don't want any more set backs....right? Please, please take care of yourself!!

Crozet, VA

The Plastic Surgeon who will be doing my reconstruction only has office hours on Tuesdays. Looks like I have a standing date with him for a while. I still had fluid that needed to be drained this week, but it was a bit less than last time. I am wrapped in a six inch ace bandage across my chest, as I was last week, but took it off early and didn't put it back. It will be staying on this week, other than for showering.

I asked how common this was and was told it was not common at all. So, once again I find myself a medical marvel. My body does almost exactly opposite of the majority of people. If a medication makes most people sleepy, it speeds me up. If hardly anyone ever reacts to a certain med or procedure, I will be the one who will react. I am used to it21 years later.

The doctor is not telling me much. Maybe I am not asking the right questions. I am so new at this that I am not knowledgeable enough to ask proper questions. Oh well, he at least put me on antibiotics this week.

Other than this fluid build up, the recovery has been mild. I will continue to update you folks as things occur. So far, so good. Have a great weekend all.


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Ruby, I am not doing reconstruction but you might want to check out this site www.BreastCancer .org The ladies on that site are very helpfull and supportive, you may get some insite on questions to ask your Doctor. The site helped me through chemo and got me ready for things to come.

Take care, we both have a lot of gardening to do this next spring. I plan on filling up Mid-Alantic Gardening forum with lots of pictures and posts of spring & summer flowers and you have to help me. Ü


Shenandoah Valley, VA

Ruby, dagnabit! Don't make us come down there!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Yeah...just what hart said...ditto!

Crozet, VA

Hi Friends - Thank you so much for the link Chris. It seems to be full of very good information. I did some reading and plan to go back and read more later.

Just wanted to report that I slept the longest last night than I have in about 4 or 5 months. That is GREAT news. I have been sleep deprived for the most part all of this time and I am sure that it is playing a part in my healing/non-healing. Let's hope that it will continue.

Have a great week all.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ruby - what a blessing...very relieved to hear that!!! Enjoy this gorgeous day!!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Ruby, I didn't know you were having that much trouble sleeping, I thought you were just a night owl, from the times on your posts.

Every time I go for treatments and even my surgeon asks if I'm getting enough sleep, that is always one of the questions they ask. They ask about pain, appetite, digestion and sleep.

They can give you something to help. I don't like taking a lot of meds, never had, but now is not the time to be concerned about that if it will help. Tell them if something is bothering you or is not normal.


Shenandoah Valley, VA

Wanted to join Chris in urging you to mention the sleep problems to your doctor and get something to help. The meds they have now for sleep are very gentle and don't cause you to be a zombie the next day.

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Ruby ~ How are you doing? Are you taking care? I sure hope so....just thinkin' about ya!


Crozet, VA

Hi Joey - I just read the message that you sent Chris inquiring on her health. You are really sweet to be doing this for us. I can report that I am continuing to do well. I had my first injection this morning in to the skin/muscle expander, which is preparing a place for an implant later. We are a couple of weeks behind in the injections because the first two weeks the doctor had draw off fluid, rather than put it in.

How are thing in West By God Virginia? ha-ha, You didn't know I knew what some folks called it, did you? My husband was born in WVA, but moved here in VA when he was in elementary school. His family still has a cabin on a part of the Greenbrier. Have to have 4 wheel drive to get there. You actually have to park your vehicle on one side of river and boat over to cabin. I have only been there once, but it was beautiful.

Hubby is napping, so I can't ask where the cabin is. I will ask later and let you know in case it is near Peterstown.

Anyway, thank you so much for checking on us. We are very appreciative.


Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

LOL, Ruby! I haven't heard any one call WV that for a while.:-)) I really don't live too awefully close to the Greenbrier River. It's about 23-24 miles from here @ Hinton (Bell Point) where it runs into the New River. I live 3 miles from the New, tho.

I'm glad to know that you Are taking care...and that you have progressed to the point where they are preparing you for your implant. :-)) I feel sure that you are looking forward to having it over with ~ but...1 thing at a time.;-)

This is the New River...

Thumbnail by music2keep
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

How pretty is that view?!! OMG

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Chantell, Thanx. I took some more pictures the other day & waiting for them to be developed, But I splurged yesterday on a digital. Maybe, if you would like to see more of the New, I can "practice" & show you.:-))


Thumbnail by music2keep
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Love the pictures, Joey. Congrats on the new digital camera. Looks like every thing is still green where you are, can't wait for some of your fall color pictures.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Wow, what lush colors...Chris is right...can't wait to see when the leaves start changing!! One way or another I will get my own digital by Jan. :)

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Godd Mornin'! Those pix of the river were taken last year, But here is a fall pic!


Thumbnail by music2keep
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

So pretty...we're all comin' to visit you, Joey!!

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

OK! "Come on Down"! I found this pretty aster in the yard yesterday. I have Got to go get a memory stick for my camera! And I need to figure out how to delete what's in the internal memory.. Gotta go "play" & I need to study for my Biol. mid-term, which is tomorrow mornin'. :-)

Thumbnail by music2keep
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Joey, What an eye popper that red is in your fall picture. Wow!

Good luck on the Mid-term !


Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Thanx, Chris. I've figured out how to delete the internal memory, planted 4 Fox Glove, mulched my Rhodo's, & have done Some studying. Now after my "DG - break" I'll go back to finish studying. :-) Thanx for the wishes. :-D


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Joey, can you send me some of your energy?

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Chris? Can I give ya some of that energy tomorrow? I've finally stopped studying & am fairly pooped. If I get a good nights sleep ~ I'll send you some tomorrow, OK?

It's "jammy" time. (yawning) & 5:30a.m. comes earlier than I like.


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