more that need to come inside

Crozet, VA

more that need to come inside

Thumbnail by rubyw
West Orange, NJ(Zone 6a)

I just brought all mine in, all the orchids, the cordylines, the pelargonium, the geranium, the euphorbia, the jatropha... Took over a week to do it and I'm still figuring out where to put 'em. Without killing 'em, that is.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


You are smart to bring all your things in now and NOT wait until that ONE panicy night when frost is predicted. It is ideal to bring things in when the inside and outseide temps are about equal. How many of us do that?

I have been trying to prepare all the plants that I will be bringing inside. I have applied Systemic Granules to all the pots and have sprayed them all this week with Insecticidal Soap. Don't want any surprise "tenents" in the house. My big problem, also, is where to put everything!

My house is like jungle all winter. I just tell myself to breathe deeply as I walk through all that oxygen they produce. Been trying to downsize some by giving away a few plants.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Definate "to do" next weekend...shelving unit bought - assembled and haul in the plants...
Here's some shots of my C & S collection...OMG...where did everything come from? This one is when it was pouring outside and I needed to bring them in...notice no table is left...LOL

Thumbnail by Chantell
Crozet, VA

Lookin' good Chantell. I am not sure what I will get done in the way of gardening and plants today. I have to be chauffer to my son who has a baseball game later today. Last weekend I bought two $1 houseplants at Walmart. I finally re-potted them yesterday. I haven't brought my house plants in yet either, but figure I have a week or so to do so.

I did set up a large table in the spare bedroom where I will be putting the plants temporarily until my new bay window and garden window are installed.

Lack of sleep is catching up with me today or something. I feel extra lazy today. I hope that everyone will have a good weekend.


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