A poll of sorts

Crozet, VA

If you had to describe yourself using flower or plant descriptions, what plant would you be? Are you something strong, mighty and invincible? Are you small, delicate and shy? Tell us about yourself. I haven't thought enough about this to give my answer yet, but will check again later and let you folks know a bit more about myself. I am looking forward to reading your answers.


Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Good Mornin' Ruby! :-))

Well to tell you about me would take too long & I'm not much on words. But here goes...

I am a lover of life, with many interests. My DH calls me a "jack of all trades" ~ yep, master of none. I like to cook, quilt, garden (doh), play the piano, go on road trips, take pictures (mostly water & scenery), 'am an animal lover. I could go on & on...

My main love ~ Jesus. He keeps me sane.

I am attending college (after all these years) & am majoring in Aquaculture. I will graduate in Dec 2007! God gave me this opportunity & I am only following His lead. I used to work in a factory, for 20 years & was permanently furloughed. The job was litterally killing me & now I have been given the chance to do what is right for me. There are many ops in this field, especially with the state (WV), which means state benefits,etc.

I have 2 great kids. Emily, who is a senior in college, will graduate next May with a 4 year Business Degree. Garrett, who is a Senior in HS. He plans to go into Archetechtural Design (but everything is subject to change).

Well that's pretty much it...

Have a Great Day! :-D

I forgot the "flower" part...sorry. I guess you could say that I'm a "bloomin' idiot"! & my Peony's went wild this year....I guess that is what kind of flower that I am...

This message was edited Sep 17, 2006 9:12 AM

On the banks of the , VA(Zone 7a)

My husband just told me I was a black eyed susan, beautiful, surprising, persistent. Couldn'tcha just kiss him? I don't even care if it's a weed. : )

Crozet, VA

Oh!!! Both posts brought a smile to my lips. How funny you both are. A bloomin' idiot and a weed. You guys!!!! I love, love it.

I still haven't had much time to put in to thought yet. I am now getting ready to head out of the door and go to Walmart and a ballgame.

The little bit of thinking I have done returns me to being a gem, (Ruby) rather than a flower.

Catch yall later on.


Crozet, VA

Oh!!! Both posts brought a smile to my lips. How funny you both are. A bloomin' idiot and a weed. You guys!!!! I love, love it.

I still haven't had much time to put in to thought yet. I am now getting ready to head out of the door and go to Walmart and a ballgame.

The little bit of thinking I have done returns me to being a gem, (Ruby) rather than a flower.

Catch yall later on.


Crozet, VA

Oh!!! Both posts brought a smile to my lips. How funny you both are. A bloomin' idiot and a weed. You guys!!!! I love, love it.

I still haven't had much time to put in to thought yet. I am now getting ready to head out of the door and go to Walmart and a ballgame.

The little bit of thinking I have done returns me to being a gem, (Ruby) rather than a flower.

Catch yall later on.


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Ruby.... Just for fun, go under plant files and search by putting ruby in the cultivar space, I came up with 286 matches!!!

Still thinking about my flower.


Crozet, VA

Chris - I knew that there were lots of flowers with "Ruby" in them. I don't own any of them though. I am still thinking too.


Crozet, VA

At this time I am going to compare myself to the Dianthus. This is only because I bought several of them yesterday and when I was thinking about how they behaved for me this past year, I thought I had some of the same characteristics.

In times past people have referred to me as being bright. That term can be taken a couple of different ways. When talking of the plant, it is bright, colorful and cheery. Just puts a smile of a persons face. Now, I don't always live up to this. I have lousy moments just like the rest of the world. I would like to think of myself as brightening up a room when I walk in. I will strive to do better in this area. I must remember that I am making impressions wherever I go.

Another thing that I noticed about this flower is that it can take a beating and come back even stronger and more beautiful than ever. If the beating happens to knock older blooms off, it is all the better. I have thought on several occasions while dead heading this plant, that surely it was done blooming. I would come back a day or so later and this thing was lit up like a firecracker with blooms everywhere.

I guess the comparison that I am trying to make between this plant and myself is that in the 50 years that I have lived here on earth, I have been battered by the storm on more than one occasion. When I met my hubby about 14 years ago, I warned him that if he was serious about getting involved with me, that he was taking on a very heavy load and that he was going to need to be a special type of person to endure the sometimes madness of my life. He wanted in despite my warnings and has done beautifully. He sometimes says that he has just been along for the ride from crisis to crisis.

Thankfully, and this is certainly one positive thing about aging, the crisis don't seem to be as difficult to get through as they were while I was younger and less experienced. Most of the occurances in my life no longer even deserve the title of crisis. It seems that I have a new term or description of things that go on today......just a "bump in the road." Phew!!! It sure feels better when you can describe your life as having some bumps versus living crisis all the time.

Golly gee, ain't this a heavy topic for this early in the day? ha-ha

As I watch the new dianthus and the two older ones through their life cycle, if I come upon any other comparisons, I will let you know. I will end this by saying that I hope that dianthus have a long life.


Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Whew! Ruby. I'm doing good to get up at 5:30! (Lots o' coffee.... :-))

Thumbnail by music2keep
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Ok here goes, Pasque Flower that is in my yard. Blooms in spring, my favorite season! Stays quite the rest of the time with it's delicate leaves, loves the space close to the logs, sort of a wall flower, but when it blooms it makes a statement! "Here I am ... now listen to this." Other wise I stay in the background and take everything in till I have something to say.


Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Crozet, VA

What a gorgeous flower. My favorite color too. Yes, I can tell that your description of yourself is right on target. Staying quiet until the time comes to say something. More of us should practice doing that rather than just spouting off whatever comes to our minds. I am guilty of that.

Thank you for sharing.


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