Anyone around Loughborough into genealogy ?

Northern Rivers NSW, Australia(Zone 7b)

Off Topic but while the weather down here is "slightly " non gardening I have been on the net checking out my family name origins .
And yes I am a Brit !!! Well 200 years ago .
I have gone back past online census information and now need to get a look at Parish records for All Saints Loughborough . Anyone DG members interested in helping or know of anyone that would.
Thanks in advance .
Holty in OZ.

Thumbnail by holty
Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Hi Holty,

I llive down on the South coast, but am into family history bigtime...(in the colder months anyway)

I am paid up for quite a few sites, so if I can help you out, just let me know.

I have complete access to Ancestrys, BDM and census in England.


Northern Rivers NSW, Australia(Zone 7b)

Hi Sue ,

Looking for info re John Hoult born (abt 1795) to Ann Vine born same or later 1797 ?. Marriage and Births if possible then further back .

I know fron census forms 1841 up both born in Loughborough Leicestshire and had an affilation with All Saints Church . John was listed as a sexton in one census.

I know the Records Office in Leichestshire now hold all All Saints records back to the 1500s but they want 25 quid an hour to search with no guarantees .(So their website says) .
Any other options ?

Thanks ,
John. ( Vine Holt 3rd)

Yep , thats why I am looking , when a man of " the Holt / Hoult " marries a woman "of the Vines"
you would have to recon on some sort of GARDENER being the outcome :-)

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Hi John, all that I've found so far is them in the 1841, 1851 and 1871 censuses, do you have those?

Also on the Family search website

On that site in the Ancestral files is an Ann Vive b 1799 Stanford Leicestershire /spouse John Holt/Hoult b. Stanford.

John Hoult b. 1821 Stanford
d.20 May 1902 Australia.

though I'm assuming that you have these.

It might pay to join the local FHS , they have look -ups, enquires and exchanges etc.I've done that with my Devon side of the family, and have had a lot of sucess with help from other members as regards to look-ups.

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

I also checked out the GENUKI site, sometimes you get useful things off there, but as of yet no luck with anything.

I'll keep searching, and let you know if I get any joy.

Northern Rivers NSW, Australia(Zone 7b)

Hi Sue,
Thanks for ALL your help .
Yes, I have the census forms and you can see the name changes from Hoult to Holt and back to Hoult. Whats "FHS" ?
The 1851 census form say they a born in Loughborogh late 1795 / 97 ? BUT one son William is born Stanford.

I have emailed off to Leicestershire & Rutland Family History Society to see if I can join as an overseas member ? as they are the "local" History Society for my searching and am currently waiting on a reply.
Also looking at Genealogists Society UK ?
I have no problem paying some one to help me in the UK but need some direction as to WHAT direction I should take.

Again thanks Sue.

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

FHS is what you later said Family history Society.

I checked out the Leicestershire site and on there is a baord where you should be able to ask someone for help, probably someone that goes regularly to the local records office, to see if anyone would be willing while they're there to look up for you.You never know maybe someone there is also studying the same family, were they a big family? or did they all emigrate to australia?

The Devon FHS has been a big boon to my research, they also do a quaterly magazine, and in some old ones that I managed to get hold of on a certain auction site I found photos of my relatives outside their farmhouses in Devon, I was well chuffed.Still hoping to track down the original photos so's I can get a copy.

Have you tried the Ancestry sites message boards? (not sure if you have to be a member to post on there) I've had a lot of contacts through leaving messages on there. Also the Rootsweb site, though I'm still trying to master this one.....

I tried the GENUKI site because again, often there's someone on the local page who'll do look-ups for you, but Leicestershire doesn't seem to have that , not that I could see anyway.

I don't know what computer you have but I'd purchased a Vital Records Index for the British Isles, only to find I can't use it because it's older than my computer.It runs on Windows 95 or wndows NT 4.+. This contains 5 million births christenings and marriages taken from records going back to 1538.

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