Centaurea Marcocephala

Dowagiac, MI

Any idea what part of the dried seed head/flower the seeds are in, and what they look like. At first, I thought they were the scales at the base, but now I'm not so sure. This is also called Giant Knapweed or Lemon Fluff.

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Hi Barbara,
I did a google search and came up with this.
Centaurea Macrocephala

When I typed in Lemon Fluff all I come up with is recipes lol

Giant Knapweed
From looking at the pictures, it looks like the flower sits right on top of the seed pods. There is different pictures on this on the link above

another good site to book mark is http://theseedsite.co.uk/seedpods.html


This message was edited Sep 13, 2006 11:12 PM

Dowagiac, MI

Thank you. I have the plant, just trying to figure out what part are the seeds. The "scales" that form the basket was what I initially thought were the seeds, now I'm not so sure. In the middle, stuck into the basket, are rod shaped parts. I did put some of those rods on a wet paper towel to see if those would germinate. Nothing so far, but it hasn't been very long.

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Barbara, you could put a nylon, (I use knee highs) lol over one tie it under the seed head and let the seeds fall in it. I know several ppl on here do that with other flowers. It wouldn't hurt to try that and see what or how many seeds you get.

BTW where is Dowagiac, MI
LaSalle, Mi is about 13 miles from the Ohio State line.


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