How big of a container for about 55 bulbs?

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

Here is what will be in the container: 10 purple Passionale Tulips, 25 Whitewell Purple Crocus and 15 purple Chionodoxa, and 5 hyacinth. I am also doing similar containers in white, red, pink, yellow, and blue. I have some pretty large containers already, but I want to make sure thay I can plant that many bulbs in one container. What kind of soil would be best...just regular potting soil, or should I mix in something else to make it drain better? Tamara

Dallas, TX

Tamara that information should be on the container of Tuleps you purchase. and its really up to you ,,, you dont want it to look too scimpy either

Westford, MA(Zone 5b)

Do you plan to stack the bulbs in the soil or planning to put them all in one layer? For example, in some containers I've seen they put the tulips deep then the hyacinths then the crocus on top. If they are single layer, when I've done tulips I plant them right next to each other. For hyacinth you could also crowd them close to. I think they would look best grouped in 3's or 5's if possible - odd numbers. For single layer, you could spread them all out on a table and see how much room they take. Also you don't have to completely bury the tulip bulbs if they are in a single layer. I usually use regular container potting soil which shouldn't have any water retaining crystals or added fertilizer (not needed).

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

Zone5girl..I'm in zone 5 also when I tried planting in containers they turned to mush....I have to put all mine in the ground...

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

Demstratt, thanks for the warning! I think I will add perlite to the potting soil, and then keep the containers in the garage in the winter.
Sedum37, I haven't decided which is the best way to plant them. Maybe I will do 3 of the containers one way, and the other 3 the other way and see which one works better. Tamara

Westford, MA(Zone 5b)

Demstratt did you put your containers outside when they turned to mush? I have only done containers inside and kept in my unheated garage to get the cold period. I watered them only about 1 or 2 times a month.

Zone5girl I agree it is a good idea to try a couple of methods. This year I am going to do some forcing after taking a break from it for a couple of years and am just like you trying to line up what pots I'll use.


Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

Yes I wanted to do some up as gifts...I put them in a unheated garage...and did water them...they still turned to mush....Another time I left them in the fridge and potted them and put them in my basement till April still no ALL mine go in the ground...Let me know how you make out...

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