FYI Great Seed Site

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)
Comes in very handy!

Hollywood, FL(Zone 10b)

Yes, it does- I have it bookmarked too. :)
The only problem is I don't want to bombard the webmaster with
insignificant questions that I could ask other people who may have more
experience with certain conditions... like my question about zinnia seeds/ rain damage.
I could google it, but it'd be nice to get answers here, too. That way another person
can search the forums and find answers for just about anything they want to know
here on this great site. I've looked through the archives here myself and found
some great info, but there's always room for more knowledge.

Renton, WA(Zone 8a)

I finally bookmarked this site after visiting mulitple times. thanks!

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

I totally agree with you Gina_Rose, I think this site is wonderful for gather information and so many people are so kind to share their knowledge. I only happened on the site mentioned above today, so I thought I would share it with others here. So many of us don't know what the seed pods look like or where to find the seed on a lot of the plants we grow. Not just new gardeners but many of us that haven't bothered trying to collect seed from some of our plants before...I hope I didn't give you the wrong impression...I was just in a hurry and when I found the site, I thought it might be of interest to you as well. Sorry if it sounded otherwise.

Hollywood, FL(Zone 10b)

No, I really do appreciate that you responded; many people don't know of that site, or have used it before but forgotten to bookmark it. I really hope I didn't come across as witchy, I know I do that sometimes.... I meant the reply as a sort of rallying call, b/c I know there are people here who most likely have the experience, and therefore can provide an educated guess, but who don't seem to speak up. You responded! :) I've been adding some info to Dave's site where I can, to help out others who may wonder the same thing about a plant or etc., but sometimes it's frustrating b/c you think you have a simple question yet it isn't getting answered- you know? {I should be more patient but I'm always concerned about threads getting lost and me not remembering them.}
Sincerely ~ Gina

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

I totally understand! I do the same thing, sometimes I just can't remember something that I should know and when I post the question...nothing...and I think, well maybe that was just a dumb question, or maybe I ddin't ask that correctly...LOL But most of the time I find out what I need and if not I just go with my educated (?) you didn't come across witchy...I just was afraid maybe I did..LOL Sometimes on the computer things get misunderstood, I know...even when I email my daughter...she will email me back and ask what is wrong...and I ask her "What are you talking about, nothing is wrong" and she tells me I sounded like something was wrong...HOW can you SOUND like anything when you type! LOL Anyway, I also have some zinnia seed if you are low or would like some. LMK
I am off to take my car to get it serviced..yuck! It is a long drive for me about 45 miles one way. Hope you have a good day!

Hollywood, FL(Zone 10b)

Thanks Janet,
That's funny, I just got my car back yesterday! They fixed the dents from an accident... and now my passenger door doesn't lock. But neither does it open after I press the lock button, nor does my key fit in, so I guess it's alright! Only as easy to break into as it was before. ;)~

We definitely had a case of internet miscommunication, but I'm glad we both feel the same way about it. Everything you said was exactly what I was thinking! :)

Thanks for the offer of zinnia seeds, but I'll be alright- my little patch is still blooming, even though the zinnia stalks now grow horizontally, so I will have plenty of seeds by the time they die off.

Hoping your car comes back whole,

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