4 o'clock seeds

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Hi There,

I've grown 4 o'clocks this year and find that they are producing large numbers of big seeds for me.
Many of these seeds will escape me and be dropped into the garden. I'm wondering about the viability of this seed in a Zone 5a garden. Will it likely survive the winter and germinate in the garden next spring? (ie, will I have masses of 4 o'clocks that seed themselves? LOL)


La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

My cousin has them in her garden, and the answer to both your questions is, yes and yes :o)

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Oh goodie. That's lots easier than starting seeds.

Waukesha, WI(Zone 5a)

My mom has had fouro'clocks for 30 years. from one sowing. They re-seed and reseed kinda like a morning glory and moss rose. plant them once and your stuck for life.

Rutherfordton, NC(Zone 7a)

I moved into a 1949 house last summer. It was complete with heirloom plants and rampant four o'clocks. I did nothing but let them reseed. This spring I pulled some and replanted them in naked corners. They thrived. I don't know much about them, but some of mine have tubers. Anyone know the story on this? My sister pulled some tubers and now she has thriving four o'clocks. Both of us will have to thin by next summer.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)


Planting from seeds ultimately will get you tubers as the plant gets bigger. Same as an amaryllis, it was a seed before it became a bulb.

Vann, sure wish the 4:00's would germinate out here. I threw a whole bunch out last spring and not one germinated.


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Do they need a cold period for germination?

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

I don't think so, I had grown some down in S Florida and there is never a cold period down there.


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Then I'd try again and again or start them in peat pots the first time.


Hollywood, FL(Zone 10b)

I have some annual 4:00s which germinated on their own- but that's because I'm growing them in a pot which has been kept moist. I think the moisture is needed to help penetrate their thick shells; I don't recall exactly, but I think I may even have soaked the seeds the first time planting them...

Rutherfordton, NC(Zone 7a)

I would suggest planting outside an abundant number of seeds, both in the fall and again in the spring. If you plant in a small area simply to get your first crop, you can expand from there. Next year in August, if anyone who wants seeds will remind me, I'll send some of these along to you. All of mine are yellow and are "vintage" (I won't say "heirloom") stock. I did order some other colors but they didn't make it.

Havelock, Canada

Thanks and HELP!!!

A big thanks to all who welcomed the new kid on the block. I feel totally inept at finding my way around. I wanted to catch the coffee chat today but can't figure out how to get there.

All you guys seem like you are pretty swell and interesting. I can only hope that I can jump in and get somewhat involved as we share so many of the same interests. Can anyone tell me how to get to Tuesdays coffee chat? That would be very much appreciated.



Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Procrastinator (Elaine), since I'm starting the threads for the rest of this month, you've asked at the right place. This will take you to coffee. You'll be most welcome to join in.


This message was edited Sep 19, 2006 4:00 PM

Havelock, Canada

I have 4 o'clocks for the first time this year. I planted from seed mix from Cosco
(wildflower mix). It was amazing what I got. I have white, yellow and coral 4 o'clocks. I have just started to collect the seeds they are starting to give me. I have great plans for them next year. I will make sure that the plants are put to bed with a good layer of oak leaves as I understand this is the best way to overwinter the plants. I am saving seeds for the neighbours too. Yes. I am Canadian, eh, and have to get that "u" in neighbour. Anyway, I just started my garden this year, after moving to "Hickville" last September and transplanting all my perennials from my former garden in Peterborough. I can't believe how beautiful the 4 o'clocks are and I plan on having many next year if my seeds, Mother Nature and a lot of love will allow them to grow. Gardening Hats off to all 4 o'clock lovers!!!


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)


You've just moved closer to Ottawa, that's all. Come and see me sometime. How large did your 4 o'clocks get? Mine weren't as large as I anticipated. Had no white ones, but had yellow, and two colors of pink. I either ordered the seed from Vesey's or bought it locally.


Havelock, Canada

Hi Ann!

I have several smaller 4 o'clocks but one coral plant is the size of a large bush. It just keeps getting bigger and bigger. I can't believe the size of it and am worried that the weather man is calling for frost tonight. OH NO!!! My babies are going to get tickled by Jack Frost. I am trying to convince myself that they will just be having a rest for the winter and then will wake up in the spring refreshed and ready to thrill me with their beauty again. I used to think of fall as the time that they all died but one has to have a positive outlook. I'm going to attempt to join chat forum today so here goes.
Thanks for including me and the warm welcome.

Havelock, Canada

Heaven Help me!!!

I can't get to the coffee chat for today September 20. Anybody out there who can help. Holy cow I feel inept.



Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Elaine - I've sent you a D-mail. Let me know whether it helps.


Cincinnati, OH

Dear heavens, they will survive and thrive. I threw (literally) some seeds on the ground 3 years ago, and have had so many four oclocks, that I can barely keep up with them. I try to pull as many seedlings as I can, but they just keep coming.....I am not complaining, just be sure of how many volunteers you want next year. The only thing that I do not like about them is letting them grow to see what color they are. I end up pulling the ones that I have too many of. This year I pulled too soon and ended up with tons of yellow, and only one fuschia, and NO white.

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Elaine you have dmail

Havelock, Canada

Thanks for your message. I've been out of the loop for a week. Apologies to all you sooper-dooper people.

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