looking for passiflora seeds

Oradea, Romania

Hello. I am in Romania. Interested in passiflora seeds. I don't have any seeds to trade. I only have a few fresh bitter melon seeds. In Romania it is hard to come by any tropical seeds.
But I am in love with passiflora. Would like to grow some on my balcony. Please help me with some varieties that make big/showy/colorful flowers. romkore@hotmail.com

Springfield, MO(Zone 6a)

While riding my bicycle out in the country today, I spied some passiflora blooming by the roadside. I was suprized since the more common one (Passiflora incarnata I think) I have growing behind my home is usually finished blooming by the end of July. I think what I saw was Passiflora incarnata 'alba' (see picture) since it was a pure white flower. The picture is from the mobile phone and not so good. I think the plain (blue) form is much more attractive.

I took a big green seed pod (about 55 mm long) but I do not know if the seed will be viable. (It looked like a small smooth lime.) I may also get back to the spot which was along a road in a fence about 15 miles (25 km) from home. I would be happy to send seed to you.


Thumbnail by digital_dave

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