Need help, advice, sympathy, MOLE

Oops, typing when lwhalliday was typing.

Now there's a pleasant thought, chippies and moles on caffeine. Special.

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Peppermint oil is strong stuff, so be cautious if you decide to paint your body with it. I'd recommend diluting it in almond or sesame oil. I feel it only fair to warn you that it has an invigorating effect when applied to the tissues, so be careful about applying it to the more delicate ones. Ahem....

Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

Ah garden, I feel there is a story behind that....I used to live in Sunnyvale many years ago. A very nice climate for growing things, a pretty area, but sure got built up in the last few years. When I first moved there, there was a cow pasture right off Lawrence Expressway, gee, I am old.
I am not going to use the stuff on my body, may just use it in some more holes or put it in a cupboard till I hear of another useful tip I will need to try.

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Yes, it's pretty sad that the last orchard in Sunnyvale is a heritage park, but at least they had the sense to keep one. It's hard to recognize the area any longer.
I don't want to scare you off of using essential oils, just recognize that they are strong. "a little dab will do ya". I was guessing you were somewhat tongue-in-cheek about painting your whole body with the stuff, but I've met folks who have actually done some similar things, or gotten mentholated sports cremes to close to an area they which they hadn't. Does make for some interesting impromptu dance moves on the way to the shower. :D A dab of peppermint oil on the temples can be pleasant. Dr. Bronner's makes a great liquid peppermint soap that can really wake you up in the shower in the morning.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

LOL, this thread sure did take a sharp turn back there somewhere. It is a long way from the mole holes. May be more interesting than moles tho.

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

What? You haven't noticed the new tunnels created by moles doing inpromtu dances as the peppermint oil hits their delicate tissues?

Union City, CA(Zone 9b)

Well 3 out of 4 notes- remedies not posted . I copy most advice to a word processor and sometimes forget to add bookmark . ANYWAY ---
Juicy fruit gum stops them up 2 or 3 pieces in each hole / tunnel
Ex-lax will give opposite effect - 2 or 3 pieces in each hole or tunnel
A small very cheap radio in a can set on a hard rock station will drive them off , but they will come back .
Go to your Barber and fill the holes with hair .
I did add the peppermint oil post to page .

Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

Well its kinda like the deer problem. Some things will work with most, some with a few and there are always one or two who break the rules. I think I just have one mole in there, he is doing a lot of damage, but NOTHING has worked on him. Perhaps I did get rid of 5 others, who can really tell? All I know for sure is there is at least one there and he has defied all attempts.
Right now I have tried the last one, which was the peppermint and that failed. I do not want to name him and call him a pet but it looks like that may be what will happen. I hear equil has a chippy

Perhaps I did get rid of 5 others, who can really tell?
Now there's a woman who has a positive attitude.

Now, what shall I name my chippie?

Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

Well the names I can think of for my "pet" mole, sorry I cannot type them here. They would boot me. I do trap gophers with success. Sure wish the mole was at least a little bit cute, but they are so ugly. Not like you chippy, they are cute, you have a cuter pet than I

See, now I think the mole is cuter than the chippie with bulging cheeks. Everytime I look at chippie his cheeks are bulging. I can't believe that spastic thing that loads up his mouth like that doesn't weigh in like a badger. We should find out what keeps that chippie slim and trim and bottle it. That thing never has an empty mouth and I mean never.


Cheeks might be a good name.

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Perhaps it is time to reread Wind in the Willows?

Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

Equil, you know he stays slim and trim keeping one step ahead of I did not get around to spraying my castor oil yesterday, last time it made him very hyper and he tore stuff up awful. But I had the feeling that I was bothering him and I am willing to settle for that now. He is sure bothering me. I go out everyday and stomp down his new hills under the fabric. Oh, the names I have for him. I keep calling it a "him" with hopes its not a pregnant female.

I read the Wind in the Willows a long long time ago- please spell it out for me as I'm not the brightest crayon in the box at times. I think there was a mole in that book.

I had the feeling that I was bothering him and I am willing to settle for that now. He is sure bothering me. I go out everyday and stomp down his new hills under the fabric.
Oh oh oh! I have to show this to my husband that you are stomping down your landscape fabric. I was kicking my composter at the base and screaming at my little chippie to get out and he thought I was losing it. By the way, chippie was already out and was sitting on the rim of the pot again staring at me... cheeks full. I have nice names for my chippie too.

I know what I am going to do. This weekend I will spread out the compost and disassemble the composter. Then he'll have to move because I'm pulling up the cinder blocks it was on too.

Southold, NY(Zone 7a)


I had a mole problem that started at the end of last summer in my front lawn. I put castor oil pellets in several tunnels (there were so many tunnels) and it just caused the moles to dig more tunnels farther away. (I think any repellants will have the same effect.) Eventually, they spread along both sides of the house to the back yard. I was so discouraged that I just gave up and hoped they would disappear over the winter. Well, they did disappear! They were gone by spring and the tunnels flattened out as well. So far, they haven't been back.


Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

Ohhh, now that makes me so mad! You ignored it and it went away! How can that be! You were just too lucky. Again today was too busy to use the castor oil treatment, but will try again to find the time tomorrow. He was busy today eating all my hard working earthworms!!

I seem to remember the mole in wind in the willows....equil tell your husband that I stomp the mounds done and verbally abuse Mr. Mole at the same time. Its not pretty. Thank goodness my nieghbors are all nuts as well.

Titusville, FL(Zone 9b)

When we were having our in-ground pool put in last year (and it was still empty of water), we woke up one morning and found a mole in the pool. Of course, it couldn't get out. I'm gleefully thinking, ahhh haaa... we finally got one of you guys and your dead now! But noooo, my fiance can't kill anything. I argued with him that if you let this guy go, he won't be greatful and will just continue to dig up my yard! I couldn't convince him. He got the mole in an old coffee tin and RELOCATED him to a vacant lot about a mile down the road!! I couldn't believe it... still can't.

Good luck, Rebecca!!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Your fiancee is a softee!!

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

A very kind softee....a keeper.

Titusville, FL(Zone 9b)

I hope so defoecat and ceejaytown... cause we are getting married Oct 21st LOL

Peoria, IL

The unsightly mole holes, mounds and trails are just free aeration for the lawn.

If you grow the grass real long sometimes the mole evidence is harder to see, hidden in the tall grass.

The moles were real messy in my yard last year, this year not so bad.

Congratulations! That's the best information this entire thread has had!

Titusville, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks, Equilibrium! :-)

I've been married for 20 years and I love my husband and I love being married and I wish the same for you. All my best to the two of you. Here's an image I found on line for you and your soon to be husband.

Thumbnail by Equilibrium
Titusville, FL(Zone 9b)

Ohhhh, how pretty!! Thanks!!!!!!!!

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

And I add my heartfelt congratulations!! My DH of 32 years would have done the same thing. And that's only one of the things I love about him....

Titusville, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks, Ceejay!

Cincinnati, OH

I've recommended moles to people with grubs. They always seem to prefer the grubs. My previous home bordered virgin woods. We had a mole boom prior to the 17 year locusts coming up. Castor oil did not work. If mint works you can get it at Arab grocers*. You could probably find menthol on Ebay. Natural menthol in mint or other plants is always right handed. Man made menthol is an equal mixture of right handed and its cold mirror image twin. Good luck!

Hey Larry, thanks for bringing this thread back up. I'm afraid to ask but... what is in the legally fresh chicken?

Hey LAKelley2- How did the wedding go? Have you any wonderfully heartwarming stories to share with us?

Titusville, FL(Zone 9b)

Hey Equilibrium!! How come no one told me to take THREE weeks off from work for this wedding?? ROFL I took the week before off and the honeymoon week and then went right back to work and I have not had moment ONE to do anything since then LOL.

Everything went GREAT!!! Yes, there were things I would change, but all-in-all we were very happy with the wedding and honeymoon (even though it didn't get above 45 degrees!)

I'll come back when I have more time to share about the wedding!!!

Glad you're not MIA! Congratulations on making it back to us!

Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

Just thought I would update on my mole situation. I kept trying things, the thick metal traps, the traps with the spears on them, poisen, all the above stuff. I couldn't just let them tear everything up, had to keep trying. A few years ago I had 2 traps given to me that are black round tubes. Very easy to set. So I thought, what the heck? So I tried them and the next morning I had a mole. I couldn't belive it. So I tried them again and the next morning I had another mole. But this time he got his head stuck on the inside and I could not get him out, so I gave the trap to my husband who told me later he had to "operate" to remove the mole. But in doing so he broke the trap. Now you need 2 of these for the run, so you can get them coming either way. So I go out and try and find one and the only thing I found is one called a "Black Hole Trap". Its a much stronger looking trap, square shaped and open on the bottom. So I put this one out with my remaing tube one and got a mole in the new one. The new one says for gophers on it but I got the mole. I cannot tell you guys how happy I am. And I don't think its just luck as I got 3 dead bodies now.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)


I've never heard of a trap like that, but I'm glad they work!!!

Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

I finally found a place on the internet that carries them, they are called "The original black hole trap". I ordered 4 of them as I have gotten 2 more moles and they broke my second trap. But it works!!!

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

You were not kidding about a mole problem were you! This is the breakthru for everyone who has moles. You're a hero!

Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

I have had a mole problem for over 4 years. And I have tried just everything. So this is a lesson on NOT giving up. I am finally winning the war. Its been so cold the last few days that they have not been working. But I am ready when they decide to pop up. Its so nice to look at my property and not see all the destruction the moles and gophers do. They make mowing with a riding lawn mower a real nightmare. But no more...

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)


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