paw paws in a pot

Toronto, ON(Zone 6b)

Does anyone have experience keeping a paw paw in a large pot? I brought some to southern France and my sister-in-law insists on keeping hers in a pot becaust the soil is so bad. Sould I push her to put it in the ground anyway? Robb.

Glen Rock, PA

Southern France is pretty warm. I would think that the soil temps. would kill the plant. I don't know how this will affect a tree with a taproot, but these things are notorious for finicky roots. On top of that, if she wants fruit she will almost certainly need another tree. But, if it makes it through August in Provence, it will make make it through the winter for sure. She should put it in the shade and water it like it was a cattail. From what I've seen, if she doesn't live in the Camarque, damp soil is hard to come by.

Toronto, ON(Zone 6b)

My sister- in-law lives 20 min. from the Camargue, I just hope she has enough sense to leave it out for the Winter, and not put it in a greenhouse. The tree was grown from the fruit of a solo tree.... There are not many growing here in Toronto Canada. I am sure that the productivity will increase if I bring her a second tree... Next visit. Robb

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