i hope this is the right place? Dierama pulcherrimum

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

Dave if this isent plmk where i need to post it ok?

Dierama pulcherrimum -angel's fishing rod,does anyone know when is the best time divid them? i have read in spring but i thought fall was the best time to divid perennials,am i reading something wrong or did they get it wrong please any help would be appriciated thxs

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I grew them once and can tell you that I don't know your answer for sure, but my guess would be Spring. They are very sensitive to being moved and respond negatively to it.

I would think you'd experience the least amount of shock, or loss, if moved in Spring.

Also, they don't like a lot of water in winter. Hope this helps. That is about all I know.

I messed with mine in Fall, and in the Spring nothing ever came up. I dug down and they were dead. I had a friend in Florida grow them, and she lost all hers, too.

They really don't seem to like being moved, so the optimum time would seem to be Spring(If you must move them.)

I had tried to grow them in pots and plant out, then later learned they are best directly sown.

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

Although I haven't grown them, the best plants are in grit-mix and probably are best done in spring as they need to settle-in and grow after transplant.

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

i grew mine from seeds and they seemed not to mind to be transplanted and have growed like a weed since but i really need to move them because they are in the way of another plant thxs for the in fo i will wait, mine get well drained soil where they are they love it

Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

I have found these plants to be very tough. I have divided and moved many times, even when they are blooming and no problem. Here we don't get too hot, maybe they don't want to try and root when its hot. But I usually move mine in the fall. Your problem may have been over watering after they were moved. They really don't want a lot of water, I have not watered mine all summer, the grass in that area is all dead and they are nice a green. They originate from the southern part of Africa where there are very dry summers.
They are such nice plants, I got some seeds from a woman in England for a minature variety. They are just bloomed this year , very pretty, about 18 inches tall and bright red. I am collecting the seed to get more.

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

if you have any you want to trade plmk i would love to try the dwarf ones thxs
thxs for the info too.i think i will divid them this fall and see what happens i can always grow them from seeds again

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