September's Dailly weather. When's it gonna cool down???

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Yes, Rannveig. It is a nice day....not to mention that I'm off for the weekend. 'Done much studying (with more to go). But at least I won't have to do any studying this week end! :D Yes I was even studying over the holiday week end.

Thumbnail by music2keep
(Zone 5a)

Those waterfalls are beautiful. Enjoy your weekend break! Hope the weather will stay nice! It won't be up here :-(

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

If you don't mind telling us, what are you studing in college?

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Aquaculture! Cold water pond fish farming. I am very excited about the whole thing. I'm thru with my general studies & can concentrate on Aquaculture.

Jim Falls, WI(Zone 4a)

Cloudy-windy Temp is 67 and tonight is suppose to get down to 49 degrees. This weekend low down to 47 degrees.

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

Aquaculture sounds interesting and fun

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

66.4°(F), 98%, can you tell the outdoor hyro-gometer-ma-thingy got soaked again? It is not raining. Gotta get a better wx station. Got to tend to the onions cooking.

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Kelli, it is the most interesting (to me) thing going. W.Va. has a fairly new program going on in the DNR raising Arctic Char & Trout in abandoned coal mines (naturally 52 degrees), which is ideal for raising char & trout. There is a private company that is already doing it in Logan co. & naturally the state wants in on it. Big Money. The average pay (& you have to have a college degree) is $4000/month with state benefits.

If you like Biology, Science & the great out doors ~ it's the perfect job.:-))
Although, my advisor thinks that I should go into the management end of it....(?)

I'd better stop. I could talk about this all day....:-))


(Zone 3b)

music2keep-does sound interesting - I was wondering what is done with the fish once they are raised? Sold directly to market or used as a stocking program for the rivers? Is Arctic Char also known as Grayling? We've had Grayling and the grandkids love catching them.
A couple of King Salmon makes for many good meals.

Thumbnail by kiska
(Zone 5a)

kiska those are enormous!
Joey, there was a boom in cold water fish farming here in Iceland in the 80's or 90's, has diminished a bit but there are still a few "farms" going - mostly raising salmon - all salt water farms I think. They're raised in "floating pens" - it was in the news last week that jellyfish did a lot of damage on a "salmon farm" on the east coast.

The weather here is still very windy, intermittent showers and sunny patches, 52F - fall is definately here. The leaves are starting to turn on a few trees, the Cotoneasters accross the street have turned bright red.

Thumbnail by rannveig
Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

61.9°(F), Hydro-do-ma-thingy stuck at 98% again.

There was a good article about aquaculture on the Mother earth news awhile back. I'll try to find it so I can let youse guys know the issue#.

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Temps got up in the eighties yesterday. This AM it is very foggy. and mid-60's. The fields and trees are looking tired. Cooler weather will soon be here. We are enjoying the last of the summer flowers.

Thumbnail by se_eds
(Zone 5a)

That is a pretty butterfly, se_eds. Enjoy your last days of summer!

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

It's 65 & really comfortable.

kiska, Those are some good-sized salmon.:-)) The fish are used for many reasons...the trout are used for stocking streams, selling of eggs & fry. The arctic char is used for market & selling of eggs & fry. The farm in Logan co. that I was talking about even has a restaurant. We are learning about salmon (which are in the same family as the char & trout). It is soooo fascinating!

Rannveig, We have read about the "floating pens" in the open waters of the Atlantic, but not very much. "Floating pens" are even used in large ponds or lakes.

Thanks for the interest...Dyson I would appreciate the # of the issue in Mother Earth News. Even more for me to read.! :-)) It's a good thing that I like to...

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Wow, I am so impressed with the new and old residents here. Did you mean to say $4000 per month, Music? I hope not. Seeds as usual that's a great picture and I will be enjoying your temps come Monday.
I'm in Reidsville
82.0 °F / 27.8 °C
Humidity: 68%
Dew Point: 70 °F / 21 °C
Wind: 0.0 mph / 0 km/h
Wind Gust: 0.0 mph / 0 km/h

At home it's
84.9 °F / 29 °C
Mostly Cloudy
Humidity: 61%
Dew Point: 69 °F / 21 °C
Wind: 8.7 mph / 14 km/h from the ENE

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Actually, sugarweed, I did mean $4000/ month. :-)That's some really good money in these parts. And it sure is alot more money that the factory that I worked my butt off in for 20 years. The cost of living here (taxes, etc) are much lower here than most places. (especially in this co. ) You would be shocked to know what we pay in property taxes! :-)) Neadless to say...I am most thankful.

Gas here has gone down to $2.22/gal ~ if that gives you any idea.

Still 65 degrees & NICE.

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

"Gas here has gone down to $2.22/gal"

Lordy-mercy, and we were glad to see it get below $3 a gallon here.

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Kelli, I really feal for the people ( you ) that have way more elevated prices than us. I feel that we have no reason to complain...but the lowest gas prices are in Va. not W.Va. W.Va. is hovering around $2.68 / gal. Since I live 1 mile from the state line...well, you know where I buy my gas. :-)) I also have to drive thru Va. to get to school (in W.Va.)

It's up to 72 & not Bad!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Yesterday I filled my tank @ $2.47. Same station today is $2.37.

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

83.8°(F), 97% (according to the unreliable hydro-thingy).

Fuel at 2.23 a gal. for reg. - something I have noticed recently - I work in several plants belonging to different companies - The vending machines in some of the plants are serviced by the same company - The plants w/higher wages have higher vending prices for the exact same items (ie coffee, snacks, etc.).

Ok off the soapbox and back to working on the Jetta ............... care to all.

(Zone 3b)

As usual, very interesting - gas here is $2.92 but one station a few miles away is at $2.82.
We're having the family over, 17 of us, for a bbq and the weather is cooperating very nicely. It's sunny, a bit of a breeze with the temp of nearly 60 and may even reach 60 before this evening.
Glad you liked the king Salmon photo...

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

80.2°(F), 92%, maybee the thingy is drying out again!

Actually I don't really trust my current instraments - but it is all I have to work with

I don't trust the - puter - reports any either - no microclimates.

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

At our house, it is 79F or 83F, depending on which thermometer you look at.

Observed at: Van Nuys, California
Elevation: 797 ft / 243 m
75 °F / 24 °C
Humidity: 48%
Dew Point: 54 °F / 12 °C
Wind: 8 mph / 13 km/h from the SE

(Zone 5a)

Interesting to see how gas prices differ - we're paying around $6.28 - that's about the lowest price for self service. When gas prices were at the highest this summer they were around $6.90.
Current temp. 48F - getting a bit chilly :-)

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

75*, cool and a chance of rain. It's overcast so far. We've had a lot of rain lately. I need to put edging in, but it's much to wet. Exellent for the grass seed we threw down tho!

Love the photos of the last couple of days and the lesson on Aquaculture. I'm always amazed at how big some fish can get and Kiska you posted some beauties!

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

What do you use for bait to catch salmon that large?

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Dill, Lemon and/or Pesto. LOL.

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

LOL darius!! Not eat them ~ catch them! LOL :-D

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)


So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

LOL, I REALLY meant that for bait since they will get it anyway!

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

The Aquaculture articles are in the Arpil/May 2006 issue (#215) of "Mother Earth News"

69.8°(F), 92%

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Beautiful day in Pa. 60 degrees at dawn, 82 this afternoon, now on its way back down to the low 60's. Sunshine, blue skies, light breezes. A beautiful moon, close to full is shining over everything and illuminated the porch enough for a giant praying mantis to find her way onto my hoya plant.

(Zone 3b)

Lots going on today and the weather held for the bbq, didn't quite get up to 60, but nice nevertheless..The moon sounds nice; it'll be dark here in less than 2 hours, so hope to see it through the clouds. As to the King Salmon, you can't use bait, just artifical lures; ususally spin-n-glows and pixies. Smoked, bbq'd, broiled, or canned, it's always good...
Photo: last winter's ice-fishing success. Planted land-locked Silver Salmon.

Thumbnail by kiska
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Aawww, she's adorable! Giggling over the planting.

60* chilly and a light rain around 5:00am. I know it's late summer, but when it's cold and gloomy, it's just fall to me.

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

69.1 °(F), 94% sunny

(Zone 5a)

Windy, rainy and 53F.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

LOL, Music I was reading that as the cost per month of education. I will start a new thread this afternoon this one is already very long.
In Riesdville, NC;
77.3 °F / 25.2 °C
Humidity: 75%
Dew Point: 69 °F / 20 °C
Wind: Calm


Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Ewww, sugarweed! That would be going to Duke or something! LOL Can't do that. :-D
The company that laid me off has to pay for my edu. so a university is really out of the question.

60* & sunny ~ Superb!!!! I think I may have to go to the river to play.

Thanx, sugarweed ~ this has been a fun thread.

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

Pleasant this morning. They're calling for it to get up to 90.

Updated: 8:51 AM PDT on September 10, 2006
Observed at: Van Nuys, California
Elevation: 797 ft / 243 m
62 °F / 17 °C
Scattered Clouds
Humidity: 80%
Dew Point: 56 °F / 13 °C
Wind: Calm

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

If you haven't seen the News, there was a 6.0 earthquake in the Gulf off Florida this morning.

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