Black Walnut seeds

Parkville, MD

Hey guys, I came across a Black walnut tree and I pulled some seeds off. They are still green and I would like to know the best way to turn them into a seedling... Z

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

I would recommend that you return to collect more seeds when they drop from the is possible that the seeds you have now are immature and will not germinate. I've successfully planted Black Walnut seeds (freshly dropped from the tree) with a high germination rate.
When the seeds are ripe....the husk will turn brownish/blackish abd split open exposing the seed within....and, usually,...drop from the tree(with or w/o the husk) Good luck! PS: the black walnut seed needs a deep container since the seedling will have a long tap root....which will start to curl around the container...if not enough room....and become root bound.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Just keep in mind there's a long list of plants that will be killed or damaged by having a black walnut tree within 80 feet or so of them.

Also, wear plastic gloves when you remove the husk. Green or black it will dye your hands a lovely shade of black that won't wash off.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I've found the best way to grow them is to let the squirrels plant them for me in my potted plants! LOL Lost count of how many walnut seedlings I've had to pull out of containers!

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Great info Hart.....I wasn't aware that Black Walnut produced juglone (as well as some hickorys & pecan)
but having thought about it....that may explain why there seems to be scant vegetation beneath so many of the hickorys on our property....and under the walnut in the area.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I killed a lot of perennials, shrubs and trees finding this out the hard way.

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