a bit of rain finally

Crozet, VA

It seems that we haven't had rain in central Virginia in a very long time. It is so dry. We got a bit of a reprieve on Monday evening. A storm blew through and we got a bit of a nice steady rain for an hour or so. Didn't help loads, but gave the plants a good drink. Along with the rain, I had my only hibiscus plant bloom for the first time. It is a white one and I am thrilled. Looked a bit like I might have a few more blooms maybe today when I go out and check.

The gardens sure needed the rain, but my husband did a big goof. We are currently in the middle of dividing up his family's home place. His parents moved to a retirement home a few years back and had the original thought of using the family home on weekend visits. Well, they moved in to the retirement village and that they liked having most of their needs catered to. They didn't make many visits home. Sadly, their home caught fire one morning at the electrical panel box ini the basement and burned through two more floors. This has been at least two years ago and possibly three. Why just now getting to dividing things between children? Long time, huh?

Seemed that his parents insurance coverage was very lacking and they have been tied up in law suit with insurance company until now. The land which is quite a large farm is being sold now too. It has been rather hard getting five siblings who all live across the state back together in order to do this. It has so far been a two month process. But, I digress.

Hubby's big goof was in his mind thinking, "it is not calling for rain, I will leave the barrister bookcase strewn about the back lawn." I know that my wife has always wanted to have barrister bookcases, but what they hey? The pieces of the bookcase were still in yard on Monday evening when rain came along, despite wifey telling him at least three or four times that they needed to be at least covered.

Hubby was away, as he had been all day long on Monday when the rain came and the storm was so fierce that wife didn't go out in it to cover the bookcases. Hubby comes home and says "oh, they were going to get wet anyway, when I sand them, it is not partical board or veneer, everything is good." That is until.......he took a better look on Tuesday morning. The backs of each shelf were indeed some sort of veneer and are now basically ruined. Speak of an angry wife. I haven't really fussed about this in particular, but was not in the greatest mood with him yesterday. I didn't realize until typing this how much this incident is bothering me. Sounds like some heart to heart talk is due. While we are at it, I can also mention two dozen other things that are currently bothering me with him, but will try and stay to subject at hand.

Anyway, glad for the rain and hibiscus bloom, still a bit peeved with husband.


Shenandoah Valley, VA

What do you mean the backs of each shelf, Ruby? Veneer can be reglued. Also, on older furniture, sometimes what was under the veneer was hardwood too and you can strip the warped veneer and refinish the wood underneath.

If you mean the entire back, that can be taken off and fixed. If your huband wants to fix them himself, tell him to get a good book on refinishing that includes chapters on repairing veneer.

If the old veneer is too damaged to repair, you can find replacement veneer at Van Dykes and several other woodworking catalogs.

BTW, unless they were painted, they don't need to be stripped or any kind of heavy sanding. Much better is to clean and then reamalgamate the finish, which doesn't remove the original finish. He can find info on how to do that in the refinishing books too.

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

Oh Ruby, talk about rain being a mixed blessing. No matter how badly you want it it always comes at the worst possible time. Maybe hart is right and the damage can be repaired or maybe you'll have to let it go. Either way it's a bummer.

Sterling, VA(Zone 6b)

You should thank your husband. If he had not left those bookcases out side it would not have rained and all your plants would be dead!

I hear the weather forecasters calling for a bit of rain over the next few days for my area. I have even heard predictions of "several inches". I can only hope we get a good rain...without the flooding that we got back in June. Maybe I will even have to fire up my lawn mower this month.

I see that Dulles airport is reporting that almost an inch of rain fell on Monday. It sure did not feel like that much in my yard.

- Brent

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Glad to hear everyone is getting the much needed rain...we are too. We got an inch yesterday & a little this morning. Thunder is all around ~ I love to listen to it. Me & Jack sat outside on the bank where I planted one of my Rhododendron & just...listened.

hart, did you see clouds? I thought of you when we were outside listening.

ruby, I think that hart is right. Older furniture is much easier to refinish....chin up! Not all is lost.


Shenandoah Valley, VA

I have done professional antique refinishing, so I do sort of know what I'm talking about. LOL

Yes, I saw the clouds, Joey. We got a good rain night before last and again this evening. Now we have a flash flood watch with 5-9 inches of rain expected over the next couple of days.

We have hurricane/tropical storm/hurricane/tropical storm Ernesto to thank for all this rain.

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Yes, hart I think that we are in for a good soaking from Ernesto. I also fear that will get an enormous amout of wind.:-(

Crozet, VA

Brent - that was cute......thank hubby for leaving out valuables so that it would rain. Wish that he would have found something else to have left out. I am feeling better though after reading these posts. You are all giving me good hope that we can restore them quite nicely.

At the moment they are in a shed in yard. I told hubby that actually getting book cases together and ready right now was wayyyyyyy down on my list. He has a half dozen auto projects sitting out back that need his attention more.

I have been up since the middle of the morning. I think that I will eat a bit of leftover chinese and take a nap. Ya'll be good now, ya hear?


Shenandoah Valley, VA

If you need any help on what to do when you get around to the bookcases, just give me a holler, Ruby.

You take care of yourself. We'll be thinking about you.

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