Looking for entrance ideas

Porterfield, WI(Zone 4b)

This weekend I removed tons of overgrown iris from this bed. The other side of the drive is very similar. I want something that looks professional and Wow.

I sell plants from home, and would like this to something special. I plan to have fill brought in and use the space up to the first upright in the fence. It will be approx. 15' from the fence to the road, and 10' from the drive to the first upright.

Here is the criteria:

Deer Proof, or at least resistant. Used to be Iris, Oriental Poppy, and Yucca. (Thus the fence!)
Hardy, this is Wisconsin.
Interest throughout the season.
The first round of Wow will probably be tons of daffodils.

I sure could use some ideas, it has been the same for years, and just does not speak to me at all the way it was, and I'm having a hard time thinking new here.

Thanks, Legit

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