Sweet looking palm...I think!?

Burbank, CA

The one to the right of the King. Now after looking at nearly hundreds of palms I don't think it is one! What about the two tall ones?

If you are able to identify please let me know what in particular you saw. I have just recently gotten into palms and have not developed the "eye" for them yet :)


Thumbnail by K_Palm
Tallahassee, FL

thats a banana tree on the right slightly leaning to the left.

Acton, CA(Zone 8b)

I see a cycad in the background (Cycas revoluta), two tall king palms, two short king palms, and a banana... and other unknown trees on the sides.

Sunshine Coast, Australia

The two taller palms in the background appear to be Archontophoenix alexandre or 'King or Alexandra Palm' and the smaller one in front looks like a Archontophoenix cunninghamiana or a 'Bangalow palm' both native to Australia.

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