Propagating Jasmines...

Waukesha, WI

Hi, i have a large collection of jasmine plants and i want to start propagating some of them. My tricolor asian jasmine is already rooting itself wherever the branch joints touch the ground, but the other jasmines aren't doing that.

I am looking to propagate:

Confederate Jasmine ~regular and variegated, does this make a difference?
Pink Jasmine (jasminum polyanthum)
Primrose Jasmine (jasminum mesnyi)
Angelwing Jasmine (jasminum nitidum)
Night Blooming Jasmine (cestrum nocturnum)
Winter Jasmine (jasminum nudiflorum)
Cape Jasmine (Gardenia jasminoides "August Beauty")
Dwarf Cape Jasmine (Gardenia jasminoides)
Golden Poet's Jasmine
Sambac Jasmine ~Double and Single
Carolina Jessamine
Orange Jasmine (murraya paniculata)

I'm wondering about the best rooting medium (water, peat moss, vermiculite?)

Area each plant roots from (nodes or cut end)

Time required to root

Light and humidity requirements for rooting

Thank you!!

Fulton, MO

I can offer information on two of your plants.

J polyanthum roots easily in a couple of weeks. I use nodal cuttings, rooting powder, peat:perlite, mist, in the greenhouse (50% shade cloth).

J nitidum roots consistently but more slowly, 3-4 weeks, same treatment.


Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

I would use the same treatment that SB said above for all of them,and I am sure that the time to root will vary. I just hit them with water a few times a day,or mist them, as long as you keep the soil really wet until they start to root, then back off the water somewhat.

Waukesha, WI

Thank you both very much!

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