Parthenocissus henryana

Cincinnati, OH

Is anyone growing this? It sure is pretty.

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I'll admit it--I was curious and unfamiliar with it. If you have it, post a pic in the PlantFiles...there is none there. =)

Cincinnati, OH

Parthenocissus is Virginia Creeper. The synonymn Vitis henryana would make it a grape. I don't have it yet.

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Yep its everywhere here.
Nice but covers the whole house in a few years. Really good autumn colours

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

I have it everywhere here, too. It's growing wild & I do mean everywhere!:-)) The only problem that I have with it is that the poison ivy grows in it. I would like to keep the Va. Creeper, but I need to get rid of the PI. At the moment I have been trying to pull the Pi by hand w/o getting the Creeper....UGHHH. It's not easy, but I am a persistant soul.:-))

Cincinnati, OH

Do you have the real Virginia Creeper Parthenocissus quinquefolia or Parthenocissus henryana?
15% of the population is not allergic to PI. The individuals in the 15% changes from year to year. Last I know I can tolerate it for a half hour. I did not start pulling PI. It was mixed in. I washed very well and only had a little rash well up the arm.
Have you ever seen a Cashew in a shell? It is a relative.

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Why don't we have interesting plants like poison ivy???

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

I have the quinquefolia.

I am allergic to PI, but I wear extra clothing, kevlar gloves, & glasses. When it starts to choke me up is when I quit. I strip when I come in the back door, put the clothes in the washer (cold water) & then go wash me in cold water. After about an hour or so I can breath easier, but I don't go back to it for a few more days.

I have never seen the Cashew. Do you have a pic?


Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Hey that sounds cool. Can i grow poison ivy here? If so does anyone have poison ivy seeds?

Cincinnati, OH

Google Image for cashew shell has a lot of pictures. They are apparently burried in a lot of text.
Center for Disease Control
occupaional dermatoses:

Denver, CO

Don't dare, Mike. The world could deal with less Toxicodendron. Can you not entertain yourself walking into a hedge of Gorse/Furze?

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

haha now thats just cruel!

Lonoke, AR(Zone 7b)

That's it.....I'm sending you back in a bit, going to look up Mikes address in the exchange......

Denver, CO

Come take a hike in the west and you will know how cruel cruel can be if you tumble over a spot of it, if you've not had the pleasure! Oddly enough, I think I'm somewhat immune to the silly stuff.

Lonoke, AR(Zone 7b)

So am I, James. I truly believe I could roll in it and not be affected much. Now, I have a daughter....who breaks out if she is even close to it, she doesnt even have to touch it!

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Ewww! That cashew oil seems nasty!

As far as PI goes, MIke ~ you may have all of mine (truely).:-)) I hate the stuff...I know that the birds like it, but between my brother & myself, we feed the birds well.

Denver, CO

I once pounced through a great patch of the stuff in Illinois to look at an Arisaema and realized where I was. In shorts. No problem. But in dryer and poorer soils, (like western riparian areas) I bet it is much more nasty, I'm not going to rub with some here in the name of science. Yet.

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

You're a lucky fella :) There is one pine here that I dread tackling. The leaves are as big as the leaves on my hosta's.! The vine is a good inch thick. I am really dreading it...

I wish that I didn't have to worry about getting it. I would have already ripped it off of the tree.

Cincinnati, OH

Don't pet the dog or cat. It doesn't bother them.

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

I found that out already. Jack just sits in the stuff.

Thumbnail by music2keep
Denver, CO

Attack it in winter when it hasn't any leaves?

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

I may have to do just that. That's when I work on all of that greenbrier that I have & that stuff is a total headache!

I did find a spray solution recipe that I can mix to put on it...I may try that first. The directions says that it takes two applications, and at this point I am willing to try anything, within reason.

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Whats the latin name for poison ivy. I really have never heard of it. Do you guys have ground elder and bindweed?
What about stinging nettles???
There must be some nasty weeds out there think we should have a competition for the hardest most violent weed!

Denver, CO

Toxicodendron, mate

Everyone has the most violet weed. By bindweed, do you mean Convolvulus arvensis? Or the bigger one? Look at PlantFiles and you will find a trail of complaints wherever a weed goes.

Mind, you the folks down south (with their Kudzu) by all means take the cake for worst weed.

Cincinnati, OH

Poison Ivy was moved from genus Rhus to its own. I think the cashew was also moved from Rhus to its own genus Anacardium.
TN license plates should be changed to read 'Kudzu State'.

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

I certainly feel for the folks that have that stuff! I have an aunt that lives in SC & it's terrible. I hope it never creeps this far north! :>)) My luck it will & get here about the year I finally get rid of the PI! (LOL)

Cincinnati, OH

Maybe you can get a job in a plant that makes (cashew shell) brake linings. Then you won't have to wait.

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

EWWWW!!!:-)) I worked in a plant for 20 years!...Please don't get me started...From now on I hope to work in the great outdoors.:))

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