Leaf cuttings in Amorphophallus.

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

After reading that A. titanum could be propagated form leaf cuttings, I thought that A. bulbifera (which naturally produces bulblets on the leaf at the end of its cycle) would be a likely candidate for leaf cuttings.

I took a 6" tip from my plant and removed the green leaf-parts (there's a word for that) form the stem part and inserted about 2" worth in a potting mix and put it under an overturned aquarium for higher humidity.

A bulb has been forming within the stem under the soil.

Has anyone else tried leaf propagation with other Amorphs or Aroids?

[Cross-posted to Aroids forum.]


Pittsburgh, PA

Hi thanks for this info I want to try it w mine..dont these go dormant soon tho ??as my other voodoo lily(sarotonum veniosum just did that to my surprise!) lmk any other info that I should know before doing this!! thanks again jean

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Hi Jean~

Some of my Typhonium venosum (Sauromatum venosum) have gone dormant too. Seems like if they go too dry in August, they can suddenly go dormant.

I took my cutting of A. bulbifer as soon as the leaf had matured (firmed up well). I know it usually forms it's bulblets just before going dormant. No sign of them as yet on mine, though.

I think it might be late to try to get a cutting to strike on Typhonium-Sauromatum, but you could try anyway. I'd keep it under heat, in a greenhouse, propagator or heating cables if possible, but indoors if temps dip below 75F. I think any coolness would be counterproductive.

My cutting is forming a bulb in the stem (from which roots will eventually form) so I don't think a rooting hormone will be of use.

I would add this:

Two sources say to put the cuttings in darkness (which I didn't do.....) so you might want to do that.I've considered putting mine in the dark, but it seems to be doing OK as it is.

I think I could make a few cuttings of the bulbifera yet....I'd put some in darkness--it might work better....I ran across that info after my cutting had been in the shade (no direct sun at all) and had begun to form the bulblet, so I didn't change it.

Also, you might want to make sure everything involved is as clean as possible and use a fungicide if you have any. I have read that fungus on the foliage can be a problem.

Good luck!


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