
Shelton, WA(Zone 8a)

Hmm ... I wonder where that last post I made just went? Second time I've lost a post. Oh well, I'll try again.

This may sound strange, but does anybody out there use / want old tires? I'm talking old, used truck tires, although some of them are reasonably sound.

I know some people swear by using them for planting things like tomatoes, so I thought I'd see if anyone was interested. Maybe there is a better forum to post this in?

So. Puget Sound, WA(Zone 8b)

Mz, if you're just looking to get rid of them try the Free Cycle for Mason County on Yahoo.

I've been able to give things away that I didn't want but were still usable.

Shelton, WA(Zone 8a)

Thanks KatyMac.

We do want to get rid of them, as cheaply as possible, and I hoped someone might have a use for them. I'll check out the link.

Marysville, WA

Dont know about tomatos, but I HAVE heard of people using them to grow potatos in. you start LOW, then as the potatoe plant grows, you add tires and dirt, then when you are ready to harvest, you just remove the tires and dirt and the potatoes come falling out, NO digging, lol.

Shelton, WA(Zone 8a)

Okay, now we know they're useful for something -- thank you skidivur!

The question still stands -- does anyone want any of the tires I've got? They're free! All you have to do is pick them up.

I'm working on the Free Cycle link. Thanks again KatyMac.

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