Canna altensteinii from seed.

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

This Canna was new last year from Chiltern Seeds. Out of 8 seeds I had either 2 germinate or a double, as they separated easily this Spring I suspect it was 2 that shot up in the same place. They germinated in August last year, I overwintered them inside in a window.

From still small seedlings this year, they have grown very quickly and one has flowered. One produced 2 stems, and they both recently made a new shoot each which I removed. I also split the double stemmed one. Thus I had 5 plants, one lucky person has received one new plant already.

Since splitting them less than 2 weeks ago, they are making more new shoots.

The flowers are small, as many species are, but oh so pretty!

In their native Africa, they grow along stream banks, and can grow to 15' tall. This one is not said to be terribly hardy, but with not previously being on the market, this has yet to be tested.

The tallest plant with the flower head is 73", the actual plant not including the pot. I would expect it to be taller next year, and if it could be kept in a frost free location I imagine this could easily be achieved.

Thumbnail by wallaby1
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Hi Janet!! Nice to finally see you over here!!!

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Hi pepper!

I tried to load another pic last night (this morning) but it was too busy.

This is the full view, I think it's obvious which one it is!

Thumbnail by wallaby1
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Lookd like a show off!! Look at me!! Look at me!!! Ain't I pretty??? LOL

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

Hey wallaby1
whats the chance of geting some seeds of that canna from you ? Paul

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

If it makes seed I guess there is a chance. I was thinking of trying to cross pollinate it with Canna x ehemanii, it's the pink droopy one. Species mostly do make seed, but it may need help.

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