Do you touch your greenhouse plants?

I can't access the UofC site because of lousy cookies. That's the pits.

Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

This might sound crazy, but I have seen the positive effects that touching your plants can have. A few nights ago I stayed up all night long working with my African Violets that are in the greenhouse. I have lots and lots of them. What I did was take a nice, soft paintbrush and brushed every single leaf on every single plant. It took me hours but I can already tell a difference. Sometimes you can't see all the dust that has built up on the leaves, but there was lots of dust flying off of some of them. They look so much healthier than they did and I am very pleased with their progress. I know it sounds crazy, but it really has made a difference in my violets. So touching your plants really does make a difference.


Brenham, TX(Zone 8b)

No, it doesn't sound crazy. At least not to most gardeners. It sort of justifies something I always knew, but never said out loud! I found that after "primping" a plant, it looks healthier/happier within hours. Whether it had undergone a haircut, had damaged leaves removed, or just had fresh mulch applied. I just thought it activated some hormones or somthing.... I never did any research to find out if my suspicions were correct, or if so, why. ("Primping" does not include repotting, they get a little p***ed off about that for a few days!)

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