electronic bird "xpeller"

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

My husband is losing his patience with the starlings that have been stripping our pear tree clean. He has a pellet gun that he's used to scare them away, but they're apparently not easily frightened. Now, in his frustration, he is actually considering getting something called the Bird Xpeller Pro, an electronic device that mimics bird distress calls. We had a bad experience a couple years ago with an electronic squirrel repeller, which was so not-repellant to the squirrels whose poop we were trying to banish from our porch that they pooped right on top of it. Has anyone had experience with the Bird Xpeller? It's not cheap. I'm worried it will be a waste of money. And a noisy nuisance to us and neighbors. I'm new here and have very much enjoyed catching up with the forums. Thanks!

This message was edited Aug 15, 2006 11:38 AM

Monon, IN


First of all, welcome! You will love it here!

I would say simply that if it does not come with a guarantee long enough that you can take sufficient time to test it, I would not buy it. But even then, the starlings might become used to it and it might become usesless.

I wonder if your husband could get either a real gun or one of those guns used for starting races, that shoots either nothing or blanks. I don't think starlings get used to gunshot sounds, because too often they are accompanied by starling deaths, since a great many people hate them and shoot them whenever they can.

IF your husband ever did use a real gun , like a shot gun or something with real bullets, he'd have to be sure to always point it UP when he fired it, as there is no telling where a horizontally-shot bullet could end up.

I am not very knowledgable at all about repelling starlings and blackbirds, and must tell you that I have tried none of the methods I have suggested. Just thoughts, which may or may not hold water, or they could be all wet.

The way I had to deal with my starling/blackbird problem, which was that the stinking things were gobbling down all the birdseed from my feeders, was to NOT feed the birds in summer anything other than thistle seed from an "upside-down" finch thistle feeder.


Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Thank you, CJ. We're in the city and can only legally have a low caliber bb gun, which my husband does have and has used. If I were a starling, I'd be scared. But our starlings seem happy to risk death for one of our juicy pears. I've just ordered a fake owl and a couple of inflatable eyeballs, though it's probably too late. Not that many pears left. I'll be glad when they're all gone, actually. It's so distressing to watch and clean up after! Laura

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