Opening the Gardener's Gate!

Hello Everyone!

As some of you will know the European Round Robin 2006 came back after 2 trips around Europe (be interesting to know just how many miles it went). Those of you who have been following the recent Round Robin thread will know that we've been batting around ideas about some poverty charity donations, one was to list up the remaining EURR seeds at the end of the 2nd round.

I'd like to be clear here and state there is absolutely no obligation for the current (as of the date of this post) EURR members to donate anything for these seeds, it's entirely up to you. If you do want to donate you can do it privately, giving to a charity of your choice or you can send it to me for a collective pot. Help with postage costs would be appreciated where possible :)

Anyone can join in on this project, but if you are not a current EURR member there is a stipulation of a donation (no minimum) to be sent to me should you want any seeds from the list below.

********************We have already collected £32.00***************************
that's about 47.40 Euros for the collective pot! Thank you to those of you who have made donations so far :)

We are still yet to decide on where the collective donations are to be spent, some of you seemed to like the "buying a goat or chickens"/ farm/garden/livestock for families idea but I don't think anything was set in stone so please let us know your suggestions.

All donations for the collective pot can be made by paypal (any currency Paypal accepts), cheque or PO (in pounds (£) sterling only please). Or let us know if you have any other ideas :)

I aim to post some of my own seeds for donation only too, I have not yet created the list but will not be posting out any seeds for a week so there you have time to browse the entries here. I've tried to add a little information that was already on the seed packs, an image or information website and how many packets but these are guidelines only. A number of packets are large enough to split into two generous packs. Not all packets with company names are in company packets, for many this was the information on the packet.

If you want to keep your name private, please feel free to d-mail me, I will update the list accordingly as and when I am able.

I have, most likely, made some mistakes in the following listing, if you recognise any please let me know so I can make the changes :)

Anything else I missed?

Acacia farnesiana - Thorny Acacia ............Tree - semi-hardy (4 packs)

Alcea ficifolia - Fig-leaved Hollyhock .........Biennial - has some rust resistance (1 pack)

Alcea rosea 'Nigra' - Black Hollyhock ........Biennial/perennial (2 packs)

Amaranthus paniculatus 'Hot Biscuits' - Amaranth .....Annual (1 Pack)

Aquilegia fragrans - Sweet-scented Columbine .....Perennial (1 Pack)

Arabis carduchorum ..... Perennial - rock garden (1 Pack)

Arabis caucasia - Alpine Rock Cress .....Perennial - rock garden (1 Pack)

Asclepias incarnata 'Ice Ballet' - Swamp Milkweed .....Perennial (2 Packs)

Bauhinia purpurea - Orchid Tree .....Tree - semi-hardy (1 Pack)

Broom .....Shrub (1 Pack)

Canna .....Tender perennial (1 Pack)

Canna indica - Indian Shot .....Tender perennial (1 Pack)

Cedronella canariensis - Balm of Gilead .....Perennial - semi-hardy (1 Pack)

Clematis montana - Anemone Clematis .....Climber (1 Pack)

Datura - Thorn-apple .....Seeds from wild flowering Datura in Bretagne - France (1 Pack)

Datura 'La fleur Lilac' - Thorn-apple .....Annual (1 Pack)

Eccremocarpus scaber - Chilean Glory Vine .....Climber - Semi-hardy (1 Pack)

Eucomis bicolor - Pineapple Lily .....Bulb - semi-hardy (1 Pack)

Francoa - Bridal Wreath .....Perennial (1 Pack)

Geum 'Blazing Sunset' .....Perennial - T&M (1 Pack)

Gladiolus italicus - Field Gladiolus .....Bulb (2 Packs)

Godetia 'Amethyst Glow' .....Annual (1 Pack)

Haloragis erecta 'Wellington Bronze' - Toatoa, Seaberry .....Perennial'Wellington%20Bronze&btnG=Search&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wi (1 Pack)

Hemerocallis - Daylily ......Perennial (1 Pack)

Heuchera .....Perennial - reddy bronze (1 Pack)

Hieracium 'Chocolate Spot'- Spotted Hawkweed .....Perennial (2 Packs)

Impatiens balsamina - Balsam .....Annual - Pink (1 Pack)

Keratonia siliqua - Carob Tree ..... Tree - semi-hardy (3 Packs)

Kitaibelia .....Shrub (1 Pack)

Knautia macedonica .....Perennial (1 Pack)

Lathyrus odoratus (from Crete) - Sweet Pea - Purple (2 Packs)

Lobelia 'Queen Victoria' (now L. cardinalis 'Queen Victoria').....Perennial (1 Pack)

Lobelia syphilitica - Great Blue Lobelia .....Perennial (1 Pack)

Lychnis coronaria - Dusty Miller, Rose Campion .....Perennial - fromm white flowered type (1 Pack)

Lychnis coronaria 'Dancing Ladies' Dusty Miller, Rose Campion .....Perennial - T&M (1 Pack)

Lychnis yunnanensis .....Perennial (1 Pack)

Malva sylvestris - Common Mallow .....Perennial (1 Pack)

Matthiola incana - Stocks .....Annual/Perennial (2 Packs)

Mirabilis jalapa - 4 O'clocks .....Annual/Perennial (1 Pack)

Nerium oleander - Oleander .....Shrub - Semi- hardy (4 Packs)

Oriental Poppy (1 Pack)

Osteospermum fruticosum - Trailing African Daisy .....Perennial - semi-hardy white and pink (1 Pack)

Penstemon - Beardtongue (1 Pack)

Petrorhagia 'Pink Starlets' .....T&M - Perennial - Rock Garden (2 Packs)

Peucedanum verticillare .....Biennial/perennial (1 Pack)

Phoenix canariensis - Canary Date Palm .....Palm - Semi-hardy

Physostegia (virginiana) 'Crown of Snow' - Obedient Plant .....Perennial (1 Pack)

Polemonium pauciflorum 'Sulphur Trumpets' - Jacob's Ladder .....Perennial, sometimes annual'Sulphur%20Trumpets'&btnG=Search&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wi (1 Pack)

Puya chilensis (Chasudi) - Chilean Puya .....Bromiliad - semi-hardy (1 Pack)

Rumex sanguineus - Red veined Dock .....Perennial (1 Pack)

Salvia forsskaolii - Indigo Woodland Sage .....Perennial (1 Pack)

Scabious Lilac (1 Pack)

Stipa gigantea - Golden Oats, Giant Feather Grass .....Perennial (1 Pack)

Styrax officinalis - Styrax, Incense, Storax .....Tree - semi-hardy (1 Pack)

Verbena bonariensis .....Perennial (1 Pack)

Verbena hastata - Blue Vervain .....Perennial (1 Pack)

Veronica spicata 'Blue Carpet' - Spiked Speedwell .....Perennial T&M (1 Pack)

Veronica virginica (now Veronicastrum virginicum) - Bowman's Root, Culver's Root .....Perennial, Chiltern seeds (1 Pack)

Vestia foetida .....Shrub - Semi- hardy (1 Pack)

Viola hybrida Purple with blue splash and golden eye (1 Pack)

Viola 'Miniola' 'Purple Heart' .....T&M (1 Pack)

Wisteria sinensis 'Alba' - White Chinese Wisteria .....Perennial (2 Packs)


Pink Annual Mix .....HEMA (1 Pack)

Lobelia (perennial mix) .....Perennial (1 Pack)

Campanula (Upright Mix) (1 Pack)

Aquilegia Mix - Granny's Bonnets .....Perennial (2 Packs)

Lucky Dip!


Allium tuberosum - Garlic Chives (1 Pack)

Foeniculum vulgare 'Purpureum' - Bronze Fennel (1 Pack)

Inula helenium - Elecampagne (1 Pack)

Marrubium vulgare - White Horehound (1 Pack)

Olea europaea - Olive (wild) (1 Pack)

Petroselinum crispum var. neapolitanum 'Geaut d'Italie' - Giant Italian Flat leaved Parsley (1 Pack)

Thymus - French Thyme (1 Pack)


Beetroot 'Red Ace' (1 Pack) *********Cannot be sent outside the UK******************

Broccoli Quick heading Real Seed Catalogue (1 Pack)

Brussels Sprouts 'Noisette' Old French variety Suffolk Herbs (1 Pack)

Butterhead lettuce (1 Pack)

Capsicum Hot & Spicy Mr. Fothergills (1 Pack)

Capsicum pubescens 'Rotoco' Rare hot pepper from Bolivia. 2ft spreading bush Real Seed Catalogue (1 Pack)

Chili 'Cherry Bomb' (1 Pack)

Carrot 'Lubiana' Yellow carrot (1 Pack)

Celeriac 'Balder' (1 Pack)

Climbing French Bean 'Neckarkonigin' (1 Pack)

Hot Oriental Salad Mix Edwin Tucker (1 Pack)

Japanese Burdock (selectively bred Arctium lappa) (1 Pack)

Japanese Parsley - Mitsuba Perennial Edwin Tucker (1 Pack)

Jaune de Poitou Yellow Leek Early season. Not very cold hardy, use early winter. (1 Pack)

Lamb's Lettuce - Mache a Grosse Graines Sow July - Oct, harvest Nov (goes on til Feb in gentle climate) (1 Pack)

Lamb's Lettuce/Corn Salad 'Grote Noordhollandse' (1 Pack)

Lettuce Leaves Mixed Mr. Fothergills (1 Pack)

Lettuce Salad Bowl red & green mix Mr. Fothergills (1 Pack)

Loofa - Luffa aegypticaca (2 Packs)

Pickling cucubit 'Melothrie' Real Seed Catalogue (1 Pack)

Purple Popcorn (1 Pack)

Raddici - Use like Spinach (2 Packs)

Raddici (wild) - Use like Spinach (1 Pack)

Radish 'Munchen Bier' Grown for seed pods and roots Suffolk Herbs (1 Pack)

Red Beet - Small round form (2 Packs) **********cannot be sent outside the UK*************

Spring Onion 'Ishikura' Mr. Fothergills (1 Pack)

Sweet Red Pepper 'Meurrca' Large Sweet Pepper (1 Pack)

Sweetcorn 'Double Standard' Bicoloured cobs - sweet Edwin Tucker (1 Pack)

Swiss Chard 'Lucullus' (1 Pack)

Tomato 'Marglobe' Auchan (1 Pack)

Tomato 'Roma' Plum type (2 Packs)

Turnip 'Golden Ball' Old variety, Suffolk Herbs (1 Pack)

*************For those donating only**************************

Vegetables - Legumes

Broad Bean ‘Red Epicure’ Crimson flowered type with reddish seeds. Gourmet veg! (1 Pack 10 seeds)

Carlin Pea Ancient pea, grows to 6ft tall. (2 packs 7 seeds each)

Christmas Lima Bean Was sent these in a trade, harvested 2003. (1 Pack 7 seeds)

Climbing French Bean - Mr. Fearn’s Purple Flowered From Patbarr who gave a plentiful packet in the EURR (2 Packs 10 seeds each)

Dwarf French Bean ‘Kinghorn Wax’ Yellow pods. (1 Pack 10 seeds)

Petit Pois ‘Waverex’ From Suffolk Herbs. (1 Pack 50 seeds each)

Runner Bean ‘Relay’ From Unwins, produces red, white, bicoloured and pink flowers on different plants. (1 Pack 15 seeds)

Vegetables – Non-leguminous

Beetroot ‘Detroit 2’ From Lidl (1 Pack) *************************Cannot be sent outside the UK*********************

Beetroot white variety From Real Seeds. ***********Cannot be sent outside the UK**************** (1 Pack)

Broccoli ‘Romanesco’ (1 Pack 25 seeds)

Carrot ‘Purple Dragon’ (1 Pack 25 seeds)

Cucumber ‘Rhinish Pickling’ Old German variety, for pickling strangely enough. From 2003 J (2 Packs 20 seeds each)

Leek ‘Monstruoso di Carentan’ From Suffolk Herbs 2004 (1 Pack)

Lettuce ‘Grandpa Admire’s’ Butterhead type from Real Seeds. (1 Pack)

Lettuce ‘Great Lakes’ Iceberg Type (2 Packs)

Lettuce ‘Webbs Wonderful’ Crisphead variety (2 Packs)

Lettuce Loo’s From received in a trade but originally from HDRA (1 Pack 20 seeds)
Onion ‘Barletta’ Pickling onion. (1 Pack) (2 Packs)

Oriental Leaf Salad Mix (1 Pack)

Pepper – Black variety. Sorry no idea what type although I suspect they are Sweet Peppers. (1 Pack)

Radish ‘Long White Icicle’ From Lidl. (1 Pack)

Watermelon ‘Sugar Baby’ From 2003 (1 Pack)


Coriander Coriandrum sativum Annual (1 Pack)

Good King Henry - Chenopodium bonus-henricus Annual or Perennial (1 Pack)

Rue – Ruta graveolens Hardy shrub and skin irritant! (1 Pack)

Sage – Salvia officinalis Hardy shrub (1 Pack 10 seeds)

Sweet Marjoram – Origanum majorana Tender perennial but grows under a Rosemary here in SC England. (2 Packs)


Abrotanella forserioides – Cushion Plant Rock garden plant from Tasmania (1 Pack)

Aconitum lycoctonum subsp. vulparia Perennial, poisonous. (1 Pack)

Anacampseros rufescens Tender perennial/succulent, seeds from SRGC 2005 distribution (2 Packs)

Antirrhinum majus ‘Tom Thumb’ – Dwarf Snapdragon Annual (1 Pack)

Aquilegia atrata Short lived perennial. (1 Pack)

Arnica chamissonis Perennial (1 Pack)

Aster alpinus var. albus – White Alpine Aster Perennial, seeds from SRGC 2005 distribution (1 Pack)

Cactus mixed seeds (1 Pack)

Calochortus ambiguus Bulb, needs a lot of patience. (3 Packs)

Campanula mixed, seeds from garden and trades included (2 Packs)

Cardiocrinum giganteum Bulb reputedly takes 7 years to flower from seed. (1 Pack)

Clarkia pulchella Double Choice Mixed Annual Chiltern Seeds (1 Pack)

Clematis recta Climber (1 Pack)

Corokia cotoneaster ex ‘Little Prince’ Shrub, seeds from SRGC 2005 distribution (1 Pack 10 seeds)

Crocosmia ex ‘Lucifer’ Perennial, strong grower. (1 Pack)

Dahlia merckii – Merck’s Dahlia Tuberous perennial. (2 Packs)

Dianthus barbatus Double mixed – Sweet William Biennial (2 Packs)

Digitalis lutea subsp. australis Perennial (3 Packs)

Digitalis mixed species (2 Packs)

Digitalis purpurea ‘Dwarf Red’ Chiltern Seeds (1 Pack)

Digitalis purpurea ex ‘Elsie Kelsey’ – Foxglove It’s unlikely to come true from seed but who knows! (2 Packs)

Digitalis purpurea Excelsior Group Biennial (3 Packs)

Erigeron karvinskianus Biennial/perennial (1 Pack)

Eriocephalus africanus Shrub, seeds from Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden (2 Packs)

Freesia laxa – False Freesia Bulb includes seed from the white type too (1 Pack)

Gentiana verna alba Spring Gentian Perennial rock plant. (2 Packs)

Heterotheca jonesii Seeds from SRGC 2005 distribution (1 Pack)

Inula oculus-christi seeds from SRGC 2005 distribution (1 Pack)

Kiggelaria africana Tree, seeds from Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden. (2 Packs)

Lesquerella wardii – Ward’s Bladderpod Brassica relative, seeds from SRGC 2005 distribution (1 Pack)

Lilium formosanum Bulb. (2 Packs)

Macleaya cordata – Plume Poppy Perennial. (At least 10 packs)

Meconopsis napaulensis From trade (2 Packs)

Mentha aquatica - Mentha aquatica Perennial (2 Packs)

Moraea mixed species[common]=&searcher[family]=Iridaceae&searcher[genus]=Moraea&searcher[species]=&searcher[cultivar]=&searcher[hybridizer]=&Search=Search From Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens, hardy to tender bulbs, needs some patience and an appreciation of small (but often plentiful) flowers! (2 Packs)

Nicandra physalodes – Shoo-Fly Annual (2 Packs)

Onopordum acanthium – Scots Thistle Biennial, self seeds, very prickly! (1 Pack)

Papaver somniferum ‘Danish Flag’ Opium Poppy Annual. (1 Pack)

Papaver somniferum Paeoniflorum Group – red form, one we’ve selected for 10 years (3 Packs)

Pollia japonica From 2005. Perennial. (3 Packs)

Primula ex Cowichan Garnet Group Seeds from SRGC 2005 distribution (1 Pack)

Rhododendron ferrugineum – Alpenrose From trade, shrub (2 Packs)

Rumex sanguineus – Red Veined Dock Perennial (3 Packs)

Sisyrinchium californicum Perennial, self seeds! (1 Pack)

Sisyrinchium mix (2 Packs)

Sorbus aucuparia – Rowan From trade, tree. (1 Pack) ***************Cannot be sent outside the UK*************

Sparaxis tricolor – Harlequin Flower Bulb (1 Pack)

Thalictrum flavum subsp. glaucum Perennial, I’m no good at germinating Thalictrum so I’ve no idea how viable these seeds are. (1 Packs)

Trachelospermum asiaticum Climber, may also be ground cover too? (1 Pack)

Viola mandschurica – Manchurian Violet Perennial (1 Pack)

This message was edited Aug 9, 2006 2:37 PM

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Javea, Spain(Zone 10a)

Hi Baa

I am interested in the Euphorbia myrsinites, the Amaranthus spilt personality, the Abe Lincolns and the Tomatillos. I would be happy to wait for the next RR if you would prefer that to actually posting them to me direct. Just mark them with my name on the packets.

Thanks B1zzy L1zzy!

I've marked those down for you. Please let me know your address via d-mail. I've no idea when the next RR will be, unless someone wants to take it on it won't be for at least a couple of months :)

Horn, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Hi Baa, I 'm interested in the following if possible.
Dierama - Angels Fishing Rods
anthericum saundersiae
Lettuce Romaine 'Forellenschloss'
Sorrel 'Belleville'

I like to make a donation. What a wonderfull idea. Can I donate more seeds and is it possible to donate in cash Euro ?

Thank you for doing this Baa!

Thanks Saya! I've put those aside for you.

I've just checked with the post office and they will exchange Euros commisson free, my only worry is about sending cash through the post. If you are happy to do that it would be great :)

If you have any spare and want to donate more seeds for the list, that will be fantastic. I will list them here, I'll be putting up my own list, I hope, this weekend.

Rethymno, Crete, Greece(Zone 10b)


what a lovely job you did for a moment's inspiration !! I thank you personally and I never imagined you would present all seeds so analytically . Congratulations and many wishes.

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Hi Baa, you've put in a load of work here, it's very much appreciated....I can send a load more seeds to go on the list if you want, though I may be a bit sporadic on here for awhile as hubbys had a fight with a car, and not too sure who's come off am having to do my nursing skills at the mo.(dauhgters just taken him for docs appt so I have 5 mins free)

Will go through the list when I have a bit more time to peruse

Thank you Dimitri. I thought if it was more like a catalogue where you could (almost) instantly view the plant and have a little info then it would be easier for people to make a choice and wouldn't mean spending time remembering the spelling and having to trawl google for it.

Sueone, Thank you :)

I hope your husband is going to be OK and has a speedy recovery! Do you know whose car it was?

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Baa thanks for your trouble, and what a great idea!

I would like the Incarvillea zhongdianensis if still availble. I can make a donation by Paypal.

Thanks Wallaby! I have put those aside for you :)

Sheffield, United Kingdom(Zone 7b)

That list must have taken you ages Baa, thank you so much for all your efforts. I would like the Cherokee Trail of Tears beans please and can pay by Paypal if you give me the details. Hope you haven't already told us and I've missed it.

Thanks Patbarr! I've put those aside for you, I'll be posting these seeds out in a day or two, I'll say what day.

Sorry you didn't miss my paypal email, I choose not to make it public but I have sent it to those of you who need it via d-mail :)

Throwing out a thought here, I may yet place an Ad for this on DGs own Classified Ad forum if Dave, Terry and Trish agree. Any thoughts?

Rethymno, Crete, Greece(Zone 10b)


I am very happy to see there is going to be a significant turnover from this story.

Gardeners appreciate the development of life through knowledge, protection, support and devotion; consequently, they should be happy to see their donations for the children of unicef, those weak unlucky seedlings that need all our attention to make it to maturity.

Thank you all; I am now collecting seeds of all kinds to provide the Gardeners Gate with more and more.

I am very happy.


Thanks once again to all of you for joining in this venture!

My apologies for my lateness on this, I have now included a list from my own seed store, you can find it under the main list and below the words "For those donating only"

I should be sending out the first round of seeds by the end of this week, I know some of you were waiting for my list so I will wait for you to advise me before I send your seeds out :)

This message was edited Aug 17, 2006 12:59 AM

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Oooh, I would like

1) Moraea mixed species

2) Eucalyptus caesia ssp magna

As well as the Incarvillea already mentioned,

Please!! Thanks!

Thanks Wallaby1, I've put the Moraea, Eucalyptus and Incarvillea aside for you :)

I sent the seeds out on Saturday so they should be with you soon!

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Hi Baa, they arrived this morning, super quick!

Thanks, I know it can be time consuming. Nice lot of seeds.

My pleasure! I'm just happy you are all so willing to contribute and help make this a reality :)

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Hi Baa, sory it's taken me so long to get back to you, all sorts of things going on here, and we're off to France on Friday (hopefully with hubby driving!!...LOL) if not it's daughter who has to drive, and I don't now who's more aprehensive of that!

Yes, he knows who's car it was, he baught it to a halt after smashing the windscreen on his way up in the air, and buckling the roof on his way he got away without breaking any bones I don't know...but thankfully he did, just ended up with severe bruising, and a leg swollen almost to bursting point...which then developed an infedtion...he's hoping to be off the antibiotics for going on his hols, he doesn't want to miss the wine.....

I have a list of goodies that I''d love, if you mail me your Paypal account, I'll send the money.How do you go about paying fopr postage, as it's not fair if it ends up costing you money to do this.

My list is as follows

Campanula lactiflora 'Pritchards variety'
Geranium ruprechtii
Lobelia syphilitica alba
Pea Feltham first
Petit pois Waverex
Beetroot Choggia
Dahlia merkeii
Digitalis mix sp
Malica transsilvania
Thalictrum flavum glaucum.

Many thanks

Javea, Spain(Zone 10a)

Seeds arrived this morning, which I think is amazing to Spain. Thank you for all your work Baa!

Thank you Sorgina for the Tomatillos

Thank you Pat for tha Abe Lincolns

Thank you to WIMC for the Amaranthus and to WIMC for the Euphorbia mirsinites!

Will keep you updated with successes/failures as they arise!!!!

Sheffield, United Kingdom(Zone 7b)

Hi Baa, Seeds arrived safe and sound yesterday. Thanks.

Thanks Sueone, I've put those aside for you. I'm so glad your husband is now recovering! Is he well enough to drive now? :) Do you want me to send these after you come back from France?

Enjoy your holiday!

Thanks for letting me know they got to you safely B1zzyL1zzy and Patbarr! That was a quick delivery to Spain.

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Hi Baa, if thats o.k. I'll sort it when we return . I'm sure we'll have a whale of a time.

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Hi Baa, I'm home again now, after a week of feasting, drinking and chilling, I'm rested and ready for the off again.

Just an odd little query here, absolutely nothing to do with gardening at all...

On our outward journer , we were travelling along the toll road between Calais and Caen at about 1.30-2 a.m. when we spotted these strange lights in the was a multi layered ring of circles that slowly swept backwards and forewards in a slow arc accross the ssky, looking like l;ittle puffy clouds.We could see these 'things' for quite a long time, and much discussion (very heated at times) has occured as to what it was, from spaceships to cloud formations, I'm of the opinion that it was some sort of light show? though at that time in the morning ?
Any ideas or answers would be very much appreciated......things are still getting heated when it's discussed...

Javea, Spain(Zone 10a)

Well, perhaps there was a little too much feasting and drinking!!!! But, there's always the possibility that we're being watched by alien beings who are just waiting for the perfect moment to come down and breed and probe and do all manner of nasty things to us......... Or else it is a light show ;)
Glad you managed to chill out on your hols Sue!!!!

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Can't put it down to the feasting and drinking , we hadn't even begun then....LOL.. I'm determined though to find out what it was ,somehow!

Don't fancy the alien theory, though it was a bit scary at the time watching this 'thing' seeming to track us as we travelled for miles...

Rethymno, Crete, Greece(Zone 10b)

As we came across alliens here, I posted a booster to bring things down to Earth:

In hope somebody will respond.

And how much have we raised so far ?


Sorry Sueone, I'm not ignoring you, it's been bedlam here just lately! I'm glad you had a good time on your hols even if it was heralded by a mystery. Does sound like some kind of lazer/light show doesn't it.

I'll get these out to you this comming week, I'll let you know the day.


So far we've managed to raise 42 GBP which, according to Oxfam, is enough to "buy" a goat and provide safe water for 25 people. However, another 8GBP would "buy" a donkey or irrigate a farming plot for 6 months!

Rethymno, Crete, Greece(Zone 10b)

OK, thank you Baa;

I 'm sending this little cash, together with plenty of oregano for your winter roasts and some o. onites I found, and some more seeds. The only drawback is I lack the time to sit down and make 10 - 20 little envelopes of cosmos sulphureus, carob seeds, some huge spectacular rudbeckia and my usual stuff that you know about. If the worst comes to the worst, I will send them to you in big envelopes and you distribute them as demanded - but I see no one interested in my offer as linked above, anyway.


Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Hi Baa, don't forget to let me know your Paypal addy too.

My deepest apologies for not answering sooner, I've not been up to my eyeballs this week!

Dimitri, that's wonderful thank you, please feel free to send on the larger packets if you want, in the next few months I suspect more people will be considering next years seeds. I may yet put that ad in the DG Classified Ads forum, I need to find some time to devote before I do though :)

Sueone, again my apologies, I'll send you a d-mail and will stamp Sueone seeds on my forehead for this week *G*

I've been woefully abscent of late but I wanted to say a big thank you to all who participated, we've raised £52.00! We have enough now to "purchase" Donkeys, Beehives or Goats, clean water, school stuff etc, something to really give a family a chance to make a good living or help a small community to grow.

As we've had no recent takers I will ask the question whether we want to continue with this or start afresh next year, spend the cash as appropriate now (see below) or keep it in the kitty and see if we can raise some more?

Here's an example of the things we can use the money for. Any other ideas and suggestions (related to the thread please ;) please let me know!

Whatever is decided what a great Christmas present to be able to give! Congratulations to you all and thank you so much for all your efforts.

This message was edited Nov 8, 2006 3:37 PM

Javea, Spain(Zone 10a)

The sites are great.

I vote that we spend the money now and my choice would be fruit trees. With what we raised we can affore 160 saplings!!!! Thats a very bountiful gift from a bunch of gardeners. Just my eurocent!

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

I think it would be best to spend the money now and put to good use.

I'm not sure if the 25 trees for £8 are all fruit trees, but they did state they provide food, shelter and prevent soil erosion so I imagine they must include at least some fruit and nut trees. There are 16 mango saplings for £32, which would give a farmer an income for life but for the same money 100 other trees can be purchased.

Sums work out short of £1 with 125 trees for £40 (25 @ £8), a tool set for £13 would give the ability for a community to plant the trees and would have a continued use for many people.

Thank you both :)

I'm just going to quote myself from the 1 Billion Trees thread.

The main thing is though that whatever is bought is not necessarily what we've physically bought, while we may opt to buy a donkey, the actual physical money we've donated may well go to providing trees, clean water etc, it does in essence means we've bought a donkey as the money we send frees up money elsewhere for the animal where it is needed. I hope I haven't just confused the matter further there *G*

While I've said all that I think it is important for us to say we'd like the money to go into X because it's our project :)

Anyone else want to add their thoughts?

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Hi Baa, and thanks for all your hard work.

I too think we should spend it now, but I'm quite happy with anything that you guys decide.

Sorry I've taken awhile to join in but have been struggling a bit with my M.E. at the mo, so computer time kept to a real low, and mainly 'evesdropping'

But I'm really chuffed that we ,managed to get some money together for this.


Thanks Sueone

I'm sorry to hear you were struggling, I hope you've seen some health improvement now. Hows the allotments going?

I've started a new thread here and I'll be asking Dave & Terry to remove the sticky status of this one :)

All that remains now is to work out what to do with the rest of the RR seeds :)

Any thoughts please?

This message was edited Dec 21, 2006 3:59 PM

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