I'm not complaining!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

But, I got up this morning and it was 62 degrees. Outside the same. I got a hot cup of coffee and sat on my bench in the sun to get warm! I have on a fleese jacket and thinking about changing my shorts for jeans.

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Yes! Isn't it great? I went out to play with my dog (Jack) & he looked at me like..."You're really comin' out?" I have been goin' out, but not for long. Today I stayed out for a long time, without having to water my flowers. Wonderful!

Crozet, VA

Hey guys - I have just been reminded in the past day or so that summer is winding down. Nahhhhhhh..........I don't want it to, I don't want it to. Well, I can definetly do without the high 90's and 100's degree temperatures, but not ready to be inside all winter yet. I am still planting seeds.

My youngest son who is 16 told me yesterday that they start back to school on August 21. I was unaware of that too. It is a lot earlier than they usually go back I think. Not sure the reasoning for going so early this year.

Music, I am glad that your pup got to enjoy your company outside this morning. I have three dogs of which two follow me everywhere, whether I am inside or out. There they are, at my heels. Gotta love them.

Another good topic Chris. The weather is something that just about anyone can comment on. This has really been a strange year, weather-wise.

Anyways you lovely people, enjoy the day, whatever the weather.


Sterling, VA(Zone 6b)

Days like these make me look forward to fall. I really like fall, but I sure miss the long hours of daylight that come with spring and summer. Every fall I tell myself "this is the year where I will be productive", but then it is dark by the time I get home from work so I get nothing done.

August 21? Public schools here in Loudoun County do not start back up until Sept 5th, the day after Labor Day.

Mums and Asters are starting to bloom...the ornamental grasses are sending up seed heads...and the Redskins have started training camp...sure sounds like Summer is winding down.

- Brent

On the banks of the , VA(Zone 7a)

I'm in Loudoun County, too, and I am WAY looking forward to Sept 5th. I have a date with a cup of coffee and my rocking chair about two minutes after my big girl gets on the bus for the FIRST TIME EVER!! Whooohooooo!!!

It was just unbelievably beautiful this morning. I've been feeding the horses about 6 am so we can get the riding done whilst it's still cool-ish....this morning I had such a good time just sitting there in the porch swing at the barn watching the sun come up and feeling just wonderfully, pleasantly chilly.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Well I'm so glad everyone could enjoy the weather! LOL I did behind my office windows!! Now it's one thing, mind you, when it's 101 degrees outside...I'm more the happy to be at my desk...but when it's pleasant temps outside...hooo, hummm! I LOVE fall...it's my favorite season...ok...the fact that my bday comes...helps out some!!!

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Good evening! Well, we're in for more rain. I hope that the humidity goes down; the slugs are trying to take over! AHHHH....nothing like slug bait. I am ready for fall, too. It's my favorite season, but then again I like them all. I am glad that the seasons are diverse. I like the changes. I also like the "cool-ish" weather ~ the "flashes" aren't as bad.

School here starts the 28th (high school). For me...the 21st. at BSC. I am excited...and I'm not. (mixed feelings).

Ruby, Jack follows me Everywhere!. I can go out to "play" in the dirt & he lays down not too far away. When someone lets him in the house, he searches all of the rooms 'til he finds me. He surely keeps tabs on me. (it's wonderful to be needed)


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

ladyg- Same boat here today. Hubby went off and it was too chilly to go on the deck in my nightie. took my coffee to the bedroom. OK I'm lazy or spoiled or recovering from stress or saving energy for the next stress......
luna- I remember the first bus trip for my oldest. Had to pry his hand out of mine(or was it really the other way around) and push him crying up the steps, then
take my eight month belly and my two year old daughter and go sniffling back home...........
Here's to first days of school, big mugs of coffee and rocking chairs outside......

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