What's blooming in your rock garden?

Rosemont, ON(Zone 4a)

What plants do you grow that flower late summer and early fall? I'm getting bloom from a couple of low-growing Oenotheras, the pale yellow one and the white one that turns pink (O. missouriensis and O. pallida?), Gentiana septemfida, Salvia forskaohlei (light purple & cream), Linum flavum compactum, Campanula carpatica, Pterocephalus pinardii, Silene schafta, Satureja arkansana, a creeping pink Verbena, and Thymus 'Doone Valley'. Oh, and Penstemon hirsutus 'Pygmaeus' is just starting to re-bloom.

The plants are growing in 4" to 6" of road gravel, over sandy loam with pockets of sand and rocks (it's glacial moraine), in full sun, and they never get watered once established.


St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

My rockery is mostly Allium flavum and its many colour forms, along with Gentiana septemfida.

Thumbnail by Todd_Boland
St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

Here's A. flavum in orange

Thumbnail by Todd_Boland
St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

and pink

Thumbnail by Todd_Boland
Rosemont, ON(Zone 4a)

OK, I definitely need some Allium flavum. Todd, did you grow your different colour forms from seed? Please can you recommend a source for seed or bulbs?


Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

June, I'm just starting work on a rock garden. can you post any pics of what you have that's flowering now?


Rosemont, ON(Zone 4a)

Sorry, Gram, I have no pictures. I'll be buying a digital camera soon, though.


St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

June, I did grow them all from seed. They came as Allium flavum var. tauricum from NARGS seed exchange some years ago. Apparently, the originator submitted the seeds as specific colours but the seed 'distributor' put all the seeds in the same bottle, ending up with a mixed bag of colours. I was expecting yellow flowers but as they started to bloom, I ended up with a mixed patch of yellow, white, pink and orange shades. Last year I dug the clump while it was in full bloom and seperated each colour so that now each colour is in its own clump. I plan on collecting seeds based on colours this fall. If you think on it, drop me an email later the fall and I can send you some seeds.

Rosemont, ON(Zone 4a)

Thanks, Todd. I'd love some seeds. I don't have any experience of growing bulbs from seed (apart from some Pancratium maritimum seeds that were collected at Leptis Magna in Libya last fall, and I sowed them in almost pure sand). What advice can you give me for germinating and growing Allium flavum, please?

St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

They need stratification. Sow them Jan. 1 then put the pot in the fridge for 2 months then expose them to gentle heat. Or sow them the fall in pots left outside for the winter..they'll germinate in the spring. They actually self-seed in my garden. They should flower the second year from seed. Some flavums have lovely blue foliage, although it seems to be restricted to the yellows.

somewhere, PA

How wonderful to see activity here in Aug! I almost missed it.

Todd - what a nice variety of color for those allium! The pink are
especially pretty.

My little daphne's are still blooming on & off. And geranium nana.
Hardly the big spring show. I'll see if I can get a few pictures
this weekend (assuming there is anything blooming).


Central, UT(Zone 5b)

It's nice to see any activity here. It is a slow time of year in the rock garden as far as blooms go though. I rely on the foliage for interest this time of year. I grow more fond of the Acantholomons each year. I do have a few things that are still blooming but nothing like the spring show of blooms. I'm glad to see that Gentian septemfida and Pterocephalus pinardii bloom this time of year. I have seedlings of both that will be going into the garden shortly.

As far as what's actually producing blooms right now I have Oenothera caespitosa, Sphaeralcea caespitosa, Aster coloradoensis, Talinum brevifolium, Othona capensis, Townsendia incana, Erigeron compositus, Andryala agardhii and Erodium carvifolium that has been blooming all year. Petrophytum caespitosum is also sending up it's white/cream bottlebrush blooms right now that the bees seem to enjoy and Eriogonum ovalifolium is still producing little puff ball blooms. Alyssum stribryni(sp?) is looking much better since it's hair cut and producing a bit of yellow bloom (I may keep it another year). I also have a couple of Penstemon that are blooming but I don't know which they are. One is larger and I'm thinking it may be P. laetus the other is smaller with rosettes of bluish foliage and small lavender blooms. A single Castilleja integra is blooming right now situated next to a Salvia dorii. These are planted in a sandy/gritty clay loam mulched with pea gravel and are watered occasionally through the hot dry part of the growing season.

I'll have to check out a couple of the other plants you all have listed.

(edited to correct name of plant.)

This message was edited Aug 13, 2006 4:09 PM

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

I'm lurking here and making notes. thanks, everyone. :-))

St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

Ally_UT I don't have nearly that much variety blooming in the rockery now. I have about 5 forms of Allium flavum, A. pulchellum, A. lusitanicum, A. senescens, A. cyaneum, A. angulosum, A. tuberosum, Oxalis 'Ione Hecker', O. 'Ute', O. squamata, Platycodon grandiflorum, Campanula patula, Veronica whitleyi and Geranium sanguineum. Cyclamen hederifolium is just starting to bud...the first of my fall-blooming bulbs.

Central, UT(Zone 5b)

I'm taking notes too Gram. I've added several of the above mentioned plants to my short list.

Todd, I know the rest of your garden is filled with an abundance of bloom that I could only dream of. I look forward to pics of the Cyclamen. I don't have many Alllium but my A. senescens 'Blue twister' is just finishing up and the A. tuberosum are just beginning. I've got another Allium that is blooming but I have no idea what it is.

What about autumn Crocus? or Colchicum? I planted some Crocus boryi that I would have enjoyed seeing but I'm afraid they've succumb to the elements and my ignorance.
When do these start to bloom? I could use some suggestions on ones that might be suitable for a xeric rock garden.

Staying with the theme of the thread I'll add a couple more plants that are blooming. These aren't in my main rock garden but would be suitable for the larger rockery. There is Zinnia grandiflora and Calylophus serrulatus as well as Papaver croceum all of which are producing delightful yellow blooms. Epilopium fleischeri is putting on a nice display of pink gaura like blooms and Dracocephalum ruyschianum is still blooming sproadically as is Antihrinum hispanicum 'roseum' .

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

The Oenothera minima is blooming now in one of my rock beds. It is a sweet little plant that only grows to about 6" tall and the little yellow flowers are about the size of a pencil eraser. It is well-suited for rock gardens.

Thumbnail by Weezingreens
Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Also, the Edelweiss.

Thumbnail by Weezingreens
Central, UT(Zone 5b)

Great pics Weezingreens. I've never heard of that Oenothera before. Very cute. Love the Edelweiss too. I thought that I had lost mine this year when it started to look all dry and crispy but it's starting to put on fresh growth now that it's gotten a bit cooler here.

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Yes, I imagine the heat of a Utah summer could scare the fuzz right off a little ol' Edelweiss! I got the seeds for this little Oenothera from Emmy in the Netherlands. She has lots of wonderful seeds.

St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

My alliums are still going...here's A. cyaneum in my alpine trough

Thumbnail by Todd_Boland
Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

I love the allium! I've never had much luck growing them from seed. Maybe I just need to winter sow them all.

Seward, AK

Weez, I seem to grow them all. Maybe I should be in charge of Alliums... Carol

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Yes, you are, indeed the Allium Queen of Seward! I even have trouble getting chives to germinate!

St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

Most Alliums sprout like grass for me but I do have trouble with a few species. A. zebdanense...tried it 5 times and still no luck!...chives self-seed all over the place!

This is an Allium blooming now that came from a gentleman in Latvia. He did not know the species. It is something like A. senescens but paler with a larger head and broader leaves. I can't seem to find anything on the internet that matches.

Thumbnail by Todd_Boland
Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

That's a beauty, Todd! I think I should put out a real effort to get the allium going in my gardens. Ceeads is a master at growing them, and she lives about a mile from me. I'll have to sneak down to her house with a flashlight and a trowel some night! She gave me a lovely little lewisia I mistook for an allium. I believe it is Lewisia pymaea. It seems happy in my wet, cool climate and puts out lots of little babies every summer: http://davesgarden.com/pf/go/55583/index.html

Thumbnail by Weezingreens
St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

My L. pygmaea is nearly dormant...only one of two flowers and leaves left but it produced lots of seeds.

Allium pulchellum 'Album' is just starting.

Thumbnail by Todd_Boland
Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

My L. pygmaea bloomed in the spring, but it retains its foliage all summer long. I've never tried collecting seeds. The flowers grow so close into the foliage! So far, it self seeds so readily, I haven't needed to harvest seeds. Your A. pulchellum is lovely.

Saint Bonifacius, MN(Zone 4a)

Other August bloomers I have to add to the list is :
Talinum calcynum
Mertensia pterocarpa(still blooming)
Inula ensifolia
Scilla scillioides
Petrohagia saxifraga (cut back for second bloom)

I planted these penstemon this spring so I am not sure it is normal bloom time:
pinifolius 'Mersea'

Saint Bonifacius, MN(Zone 4a)

Just learned Talinum calcynum has been changed to Phemeranthus calycinus. All those like talinums have a genus change.

Talinum paniculatum (Jewels of Opar), however, remains the same.


Saint Bonifacius, MN(Zone 4a)

Petrohagia saxifraga - would probably do better in real rock garden soil, but it is in well draining richer garden soil.

Anyone care to take a guess at the plant at the upper left? Planted late this spring, it is obviously not mature.


Thumbnail by Leftwood
somewhere, PA

Very nice bloom on that petrohagia saxifraga Rick!

St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

My Epilobium fleischeri just started yesterday.

Thumbnail by Todd_Boland
St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

and my Trachelium jacquinii ssp. romerianum is in full bloom.

Thumbnail by Todd_Boland
somewhere, PA

So cute! How nice to see the season isn't over just yet.

Central, UT(Zone 5b)

Rick that Petrohagia reminds me of a sandwort that I grow in my dryland garden, I like it, the Petrohagia that is. So is that an Epilobium in the upper left hand corner?

Todd another great looking plant that I've never heard of. After looking up the Trachelium I see that it's suitable for xeric and alkaline conditions, which got me excited. Then I notice it's not particularly cold hardy. Do you have to bring this inside for the winter?

St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

It should be fine for you area...mine is outside and my seeds originated from a lady who grew it outdoors in Ottawa (Zone 5a).

Thumbnail by Todd_Boland
St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

Gentiana septemfida is also flowering now.

Thumbnail by Todd_Boland
St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

and although not strictly an alpine, I thought I'd share a pic of my willow gentian.

Thumbnail by Todd_Boland
Saint Bonifacius, MN(Zone 4a)

Love the cross effect on that Epilobium, Tammy. I hadn't realized that species was so nice.

The other plant in the Petrohagia pic is a little Penstemon pinifolius. Interesting in that I planted both P. pinifolius and P. pinifolius 'Mersea' at the same time, and which do you think bloomed? The wimpier, yellow flowered Mersea.

Todd and Weezingreens (Gesundheit!): always great plants. I have two G. septemifida in two gardens that bloom in succession. But neither make it to September(!)

(Zone 5a)

Hello everyone
Great thread I just stumbled on - so many plants I've never even heard of! I'm making notes! Todd, love your blue A. cyaneum and the Trachelium! Didn't know A. flavum came in so many colors.

In my small "rock border" my dianthus are still blooming although they're getting a bit tattered.
Also blooming at the moment are:
Geranium dalmaticum
Geranium farreri
Campanula cochlearifolia
Penstemon pinifolia
Dianthus 'Queen of Henri'
Gentiana paradoxa
Erodium manescavi

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