Yet Another Clematis Question

My friend has 2 clematis that she purchased bare root this spring. One is growing like mad and the other isnt growing fast but has bloomed. My question is why would one bloom and one just keep growing? Same soil used for both. Same location.
Anybody know the logic behind this??

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Clematis are catagorized into three bloom catogories...early,mid and late...the blooming one could have been and earlier you know the varieties?

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Some hybrids like the viticella have strong, thick roots and grow very fast. The early montana group is also very aggressive. Some other groups have just fibrous roots and take a while to establish. Perhaps the following will help.

Clematis are separated into three groups.

GROUP No.1 (i/.e. C. montana)flowering in the Spring, producing flowers before the end of May on short flower stalks usually in clusters of two or more directly from a leaf axil bud.

1st Feb-March. Cut back all stems to 30 cm.
2nd February-March. Cut back all stems to 1 metre.
3rd and subsequent years, after flowering cut out any weak or dead stems.

GROUP No.2 (e.g. C.Nelly Moser) These clematis produce their flowers on short stems which have grown directly from the previous season's ripened leaf axil buds. A single flower is borne on each stem; flowering commences before the end of June.

1st Feb-Mar. Cut back all stems to 30cm.
2nd Feb-Mar. Cut back all stems to 1 metre.
3rd Feb-Mar and subsequent years cut back all stems to a strong pair of buds.

GROUP No.3 (e.g. Jackmanii Superba) These clematis produce all their flowers on current season's stems, several flowers to each stem, from July onwards.

1st Feb-Mar. Cut back all stems to 30cm.
2nd Feb-Mar and subsequent years reduce all stems to just above the base of the previous season' growth within 75 cm of soil level.

I know this sounds complicated but it really is OK once you get the hang of it. The months stated here were designated for the British climate. Since living in Virginia I think all your seasons come a little earlier than back home. There is a book by Raymond J. Evison who, in my mind, is the guru of clematis. One such book is called Making the most of Clematis.

This message was edited Monday, Jul 23rd 9:01 AM

Thanks very much. I do beleive she said they were the same variety. I think they have blue blooms.
I will pass this info on to my friend.
Lousia, thanks so much for taking the time to write out such detailed instructions.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

I've had it typed out for a long time now Janice and it comes from Evison's book. It has come in very handy for me and hope it does the same for you and your friend :-)

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