Bismarck Palm Help

Phoenix, AZ

Planted in May 2006. In Phoenix. It has been very very hot. I have been watering a lot and it has good drainage. Fertalizing regular. It has grown 4 "shoots" but they have not opened. Is this because of the heat? Also adding nitrogen to try to stop the browning of the tips. Any help appreciated. I love this palm and want to make it a happy palm.

Thumbnail by TDiddy
Rancho Cucamonga, CA(Zone 10a)

Tdiddy, Do all of them look like the unopened spear on the left?

Cape Town, South Africa

Iīm afraid I canīt help you but at least comfort you ;-) My Bismarkias took about 6-7 months to open their first leaves. The good news is, the following leaves wonīt take as long. Furthermore the remaining leaves survive for a much longer time as at a Washingtonia which is some sort of compensation for the slow growth.

Acton, CA(Zone 8b)

I agree... it will probably just take time to settle in. I have moved these palms before and they often sulk for up to a year.. then, suddenly, once one leaf opens, they speed up. But, sadly, for us, then comes winter and they stop again until late in the spring to mid summer. They are a fast palm once they get going, but they do take a long time to get going. In Florida or other more constantly warm climates, these are very fast and reliable palms and tend to grow all year round. For me, I only see growth from about June until November... then nothing. THey have a really large and sensitive root system which, after planting, takes a while to feel 'good again' and establish itself. While that's happening, not much on top happens.

Phoenix, AZ

Thank you for all the information. I will just wait and keep a close eye. The heat as just been terrible here, as most places, and The rain seems to go around my house. Don_L the other "shoots" are smaller and tighter right now, so not as "full" looking. The one that has been there for a long time looks like it should be open, it just won't. I attatched a pic that kind of shows them. Thanks again for everyones help. Young palm tree growing grasshopper must learn patience. :)

Thumbnail by TDiddy
Acton, CA(Zone 8b)

'terrible' heat is just what Bismarckias like. The best place in southern California for this species is in the desert where it gets over 110F often- I have never seen them so happy in this end of the country as out there in the heat. Of course, combine that with humidity like in Florida and they get even happier.

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