3 coteydons

Javea, Spain(Zone 10a)

I have some baby Spilanthes oleracea which germinated with 3 cotelydons and have followed with 3 true leaves at the next section. Most of them only had 2. What is the reason for this? I have heard of some plants throwing out 3 cots and ending up with double flowers but don't have a clue if this would be the case here. Maybe it means nothing.....

Found I can't edit the subject......I meant to say cotyledons, I think - maybe everyone's ignoring my post because I can't spell!! ha ha

This message was edited Aug 4, 2006 7:27 PM

Cincinnati, OH

We all miss letters. Our brains are faster than our fingers.
I guess we all will be in suspense waiting for your updates. Could there be a connection between Spilanthes and Mickey Spillane?

Javea, Spain(Zone 10a)

Hey - I didn't know Mickey Spillane was a botanist too!!!!! Could have been a family connection there I guess....I will post results when I get them. Thanks for replying.

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