I wish you were here

Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

You can't believe the fragrance on my deck tonight. The Night blooming Cereus is blooming at least 20 flowers opened. Off in the distance the Night blooming Jasmine is blooming, Lots of Brugmansias, several other Jasmines, can't forget the Hoyas and the Lime tree. It is wonderful. Just so sad that we don't have a big party tonight to inhale the scent. DH and I have just been sitting outside enjoying the night air and the fragrance. Wish you were here. There will be a repeat tomorrow night. Only about 4 NBCs left to bloom. Y'all come.


Thumbnail by picabo
Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Beautiful scene you have described .... wish I was there.

Which double brug is that Betty?

I'm on the run, I'll come back and enjoy your words again a little later.


Maben, MS(Zone 7b)

WOW, picabo that is beauiful.

Ripley, MS

I hope it is cooler there than here, it is too hot to even think about sitting outside here. I am happy for you, enjoy it for me too.

Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

It is pretty, isn't it? I don't know the name, but it is the double that Logees sells. It is a real funny shape, If it grows I should have some cuttings this Fall. Right now it is only about 18" tall. It blooms all of the time but doesn't grow. LOL

Edited because I never learned to spell. LOL

This message was edited Aug 3, 2006 8:47 AM

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

18 inches and blooming!!! Gracious, I have som 7 feet tall that aren't blooming yet. Even if I beg, don't send me a cutting. lol lol I have too many brugs now.


Gallatin, TN(Zone 7b)

Picabo - Isn't the one in the picture actally Datura, which some call Devil's Trumpet? They are very similar to brugs and I believe are in the same family, but are shorter and their flowers look like yours in the picture.

I have an article that my deceased mother had cut out and put in one of her old gardening journals about the Night Blooming Cereus. It was written by someone at a retirement home. All the residents watched diligently for it to bloom, and when it did, they all rushed to bring the rest of the residents to see its magnificent bloom. I have never seen one except in that article. Could you take a picture of yours and put it on here for us to see?

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Betty - This is a very pretty flower! You painted quite an image of heaven there. Sounds absolutely calm, peaceful and delightful. Can I come up? LOL

Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

Just deb...Please come...I have a pitcher of tea on the table, Margaritas in the fridge, we can sit and breathe in the night air all evening. It is sooo peaceful at night. Not a sound except the tree frogs and other creatures of the night. Way off in the distance I often hear a train, and an occasional car down on the road in front of the house. I have been here most of my life and will be hard to ever leave.

Karen... It does look like a Datura, but definitely a Brug. no mistaking the fragrance. I have several of the single, double and triple Daturas in white, yellow and purple. Making lots of seeds to share this fall. Don't you need some seeds or cuttings? You are so close to me. Here is a Logees link showing a better picture of the flower. http://logees.com/prodinfo.asp?number=R1112-4. Mine is so small the flowers are almost on the ground when they open. LOL

I can do better than give you a picture of the NBC, I have some nice plants that would like a home if you have a way to winter a big plant. They are too big to ship. But I can send cuttings if anyone wants one.

Here is a picture of the NBC that I made earlier, not at this flush. For some reason the flowers were still open in the morning. Usually they fade before daylight. Gave me a good chance for some pictures.


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Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

Well, the Link didn't take you to the plant. Click on
Browse by Botanical Name
then Brugmansia
it is the one they call Brugmansia species

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Betty - if only I could. This has been a week to remember around here, or maybe one to forget. I keep flip flopping on that. Ice tea? Margaritas? So very tempting. :-)

What is an NBC? I've seen a lot of similar flowers in magazines and nursery ads, but I'm not familiar with them. Don't think I've ever seen one in "real time." What a sheltered life I lead....

Starkville, MS

Betty, how many NBCs do you have? I have 7 epis, all from one plant. The mother plant has gotten totally out of control. It measures over 12 feet if you can hold up the *long* stem and still get to the bottom of the stem that is dragging the ground!. It had 4 blooms last week, and now it has another bud (pic below). I'll try to get a pic when it opens. None if the others have bloomed this year, but most of them are just two years old. Maybe next year.

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Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)


Stop offering plants you are tempting me again....

I would love a NBC cutting. I had one that was 40 years old, from a 2nd cousin's estate but I couldn't take care of it one winter.


Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

Hi Ginni...I don't know how many NBC I have. LOL Maybe 10... maybe more. I have found homes for a couple this summer. My mother plant is also huge. I keep it trimmed back to get in my basement with a 7 foot ceiling, but if I could hold it up it would be at least 12 foot tall, in the fall especially. I usually let it climb up in a tree over the Summer but had a bad spring here and was really late getting everything out. I also have lots of epis pink, red and white. The only problem is I repotted all the eppies, made new labels and over winter ALL the names washed off. They are all just sitting there waiting to bloom so I know what is what. LOL So Dumb. Since I repotted Everything I don't expect them to bloom this summer. I did have one red bloom but it had not been repotted.

Deb... The NBC refers to the Night Blooming Cereus. BUT actually this plant is the Epiphyllum oxypetalum.
While the bud is forming, it grows pointing downward. A few days before it blooms, the bud starts to point upward. When it finally blooms. The flower is white, 6-10 inches across and very fragrant. The bud opens around 10 PM and wilts before daylight the following morning.

Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

Judy...you are just going to have to load up some of those Bullies and come to Nashville for a visit. Not that far. Just come with an empty van. LOL

Deb... I am waiting on you. I just got out that pitcher of Margaritas. LOL

Starkville, MS

My Grandfather had a NBC (many years ago) and he would pick the bloom just as it opened and put it in the fridge. It seems to me he could keep it open for two or three days that way. I'm not too sure of that as it was a long time ago, and as a teenager, I didn't get *real* excited about it. Mostly I remember that the plant was fairly ugly, but the bloom was Heavenly!

If you ever need a home for some of the reds and pinks, keep me in mind. All I have is the white. Since I have a SIL close to Nashville, I just might be able to sweet talk DH into visiting his sister.


Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

ginni...You for sure need to visit Nashville. I can give you a rooted red now, and at some point can give you the pink, white and Ric Rac.
These are pictures of the four Eppies that I have... the pink, white, red (really a bad picture) and the Ric Rac.


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Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

They are so beautiful. I can't believe I've never seen them before. Are they difficult to grow? I am still working on shaking the reputation of killing everything I tough, even the silk plants.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Bettie - Eppies? Isn't that the really painful hair removal thing that whirls and yanks the hair out? :-)

Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

I am with you on killing the silk plants. Someone once told me that you could wash those pretty silk plants in the dishwasher. Well take it from an expert, I have the repair bill to show that you can't. At least that is what the dishwasher repairman said caused the great flood in the kitchen. I told him you never know what kids will put in the dishwasher. LOL

DEB...Now you sound like my Father...LOL korecting my spealing, LOL Epies look better? Somethings Spell check don't understand these plants. LOL

Sometimes that's also the definition of me in the morning when I stand in the kitchen whirl in circles and yank my hair out. LOL


Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

I don't know what the proper spelling is/should be. When you first said Eppies,the first thing that came to mind was the very painful instrument of torture called the Epilady. I am funny, really, I promise. Ask anyone who's on my payroll or under my thumb. ;-)

We are an interesting bunch, aren't we. I'd way we really are quite creative and resourceful, if not a bit mischievious (ambushes with loaded garden hoses, torchering kids, sacrificing silk plants to the equally doomed dishwasher). It all makes for good natured, fun loving, young at heart, DGers. :-)

Oh - and I'm spellcheck chaleng...challunge....shallanged...challenged.

Crossville, TN

I recently purchased two angel trumpets and they are extremely fragrant. I can't wait for them to bloom again next year.

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)


Welcome to the Mid-South Gardening Forum. You will find people here who you will be proud to call your friends. Just feel at home and post on any thread.

This is a warning... they will probably get insects this winter in the house. I suggest using Bayer 2-in-1 Rose food and systemic insecticide as a preventive before you take them in for the winter and then again 6 weeks or so later.


Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

barnegat...You will love your angel trumpets. Bugs and all.

If you need more, come to Nashville. I have way tooooo many. I was at a garden center here last week and they had some beauties. Forgot the names but a beautiful yellow, a white and a pink, they were 75% off. only $12.00 Over 6' tall and full of blooms. I have been out of town, but will check on them tomorrow, I bet they are 90% off by now. I have lots of different ones and will be lad to give you cuttings.


Eupora, MS

Will you be bringing cuttings to the RU, I would love some if you do!! You have some beauties..Ruth has some beauties this yr. and know she will share cuttings but don't care if I have duplicates. Have a huge NBC on my Back porch..wished it would bloom..your place sounds like heaven...maybe I'll put brugs close to my deck..hadn't thought of that!


Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

Carolyn...Wish I could come, just tooooo far away.

I can send you cuttings this fall if you would like. I am starting a list.


Starkville, MS

Betty - I have been looking through *many* sites - DG and others- and the best I can figure is that my epi is a Hookeri (aka Stictum (sp?)). It is coming into full swing and I'm loving it! I would love to have cuttings of any others that you might be willing to spare. I have several that need haircuts if you would like some. I'll be happy to send you some.

I have seven plants right now, and three cuttings that have rooted and need to be potted, all form the same 'mother' plant. 'Mother" is now about 12 feet wide tip to tip of her longest branches. I haven't figured out how to get her back into the greenhouse this fall, but I'm afraid I'll have to do some serious pruning! I hate that, as the long branches are giving me so *many* blooms this year!

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Eupora, MS

I would love some...already planning where I'm going to put them by my deck..I have a large herb bed that I'm going to move to have a little bit of heaven like you do..never even thought about them there, but they should do well and we can enjoy them....sure wished you could come on down.

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