Question about hostas in pots

Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)


Does he/she work for their food? If so stuff the kid in a flat rate box and send away and I will get some fudge to you.

Sure glad you liked the fudge, Kelly. I haven't found anyone yet that refused it or complained. My new babies from you came today and are soaking their little feet in some water till tomorrow. They looked great. Thanks for the trade.

Addie or should I call you Sue? lol With me you will prolly be both names. I AM a blond and can forget such things as names. woops. My DH's hobbies are the same ones that I have which is sure nice. We agree that I can spend the money on my hobbies and he helps me do whatever I need help with. He came from his Mother pretty well trained and through the 33 years plus that I have known him I have trained him even better. :o)

Central, WI(Zone 4a)


Glad you are happy with them. Thank-You also for the great trade.

Oh, forgot to tell you,,,will weed for fudge,,,,,

I have to say, Bill likes the landscaping stuff also. He's not in the beds with the planting though, once he gets them laid out, we put the landscape fabric down and we shovel the composted manure in, the rest is up to me. He does like the looks of the beds though so he's usually willing to put more in.

It's nice that your DH was trained well and is still trainable. Bill is getting a bit better. He was spoiled rotten,,,Not anymore,,,,LOL

Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

LOL Mine was the oldest of four boys and grew up so poor they had to rub their fingers together at night to get heat for the house for the day.

My DH likes to stay busy and whenever I say our yard is too big for him to handle he says he will be retired in four years or so and he wants to have SOMETHING to do with his time. Yup I think I will keep this man!


Central, WI(Zone 4a)

He sounds like a keeper. LOL @ the heat

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

Lani, if you can get em to work for food, more power to ya!!! LOL My girls are 21.....1 went in the Army in May and the other is in Dallas. They did a little mowing tho before they left the roost. Shannan(Army) used to be responsibe for planting begonias in the flower bed every year. I had to force her!!!! This year, a couple weeks before she left for the Army, she came home with a big smile on her face. I couldn't figure out what she was up to. Then she comes in with a flat of begonias and says "Mom, Where's your little shovel?" I burst in to tears.


Central, WI(Zone 4a)

That's sweet

Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

Debbie that is so sweet of her to do that. What a blessing to watch those bloom as she is away from your home. :o)

21 huh? Hmmm some of those can be trained and some can't. I think i would have more luck with the one that is in the Army since my DH is a retired staff sergeant he can command her around. LOL Yup sounds like a good trade to me. I'll get your fudge made while you stuff her in that box and mail her out to me.

Dallas, TX

Oh Debbie how sweet ... it just shows that Shannan is all grown up now. :) hey ... when are you coming to Dallas to vist the other daughter? you are talking Texas right?

Clementon, NJ(Zone 6b)

What a great kid!

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