postponed surgery

Crozet, VA

Well folks -
I have another 5 or so weeks to enjoy gardening. After being prepped for surgery on Thursday and actually waiting for about three hours past my scheduled time, I was sent home. After three weeks of being told one thing, and then speaking with someone else and being told another, I should have expected something like this. I am glad that it happened actually. There are many positives to still being home and not recovering from surgery in this awful heat.

At the very last minute as I was speaking face to face with the breast surgeon and mentioning my dental problems of the past two weeks, she said "whoa!!!" Seems that when a person has had dental surgery, and even cleaning types of dental work, the body is full of special types of germs. The surgeon explained that this particular germ would first off attack any foreign body and reject it. The implant that was scheduled fits the bill.

Since the particular type of cancer I am dealing with is non-life threatening, we all feel comfortable in waiting. I am now scheduled for the 7th of September. In the mean time I suggest that we support our sister Chris as she goes through her therapy for a much riskier cancer.

Thank you everyone who sent well wishes and did some praying. I feel that the surgery was postponed because conditions were not ideal. Who wants to go in to a room a 5 PM with two surgeons who have been up all day and were on their third operation? Not me. I am happy as can be to be home for a while longer.


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Hi Ruby, Things did work out for the best, No use trading one problem for a bigger one.

"Seems that when a person has had dental surgery, and even cleaning types of dental work, the body is full of special types of germs. The surgeon explained that this particular germ would first off attack any foreign body and reject it. The implant that was scheduled fits the bill."

Working in a dental office we take precautions (Pre-medication for life before dental work) with Joint & Hip replacement patients and heart valve patients. I'll have to ask my boss about Implants.

I will probably find out Monday when I'll start radiation treatments, my doctors fell they got it all but the radiation is just an extra measure.

I would like to urge all you ladies to do monthly breast self exams- thats how I found mine, mamograms are important too but with thick tissue the mamo would have missed any early signs.

It is a long Journey I started all this in November 2005.


Shenandoah Valley, VA

Glad they put it off, Ruby. You certainly don't want to take on any added risks.

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Ruby, DH & I always say that certain things happens for a reason, this would most certainly fall under that category! Good luck! And enjoy the gardening, the heat and a few more weeks of getting your body and mind ready for this!
All the best, Becky

Crozet, VA

Again, I thank all of you ladies. For some reason in the past few weeks that I have been dealing with my news, I have been craving a blue hydrangea. My hubby kept telling me to put it off for now and get one later.

Ha-ha, as all of you well know, it is the same old story, if I see something at a time that I am in the mood for it, I am going to get no matter who has said what. Poor hubby, he gets to dig the larger holes.

A couple of weeks ago I actually stopped in at one nursery but the two or three that they had didn't look too great and cost almost $30. I am too cheap for that.

This morning after taking my son to his job, I decided to visit a greenhouse/nursery that I stopped at a few times last year. Didn't buy anything there but needed to use the bathroom and decided to stop a bit down the road at what I thought would be even more high priced yuppie store than some other places. To my surprise they had several hydrangea that were in very nice shape and were marked $21. Yep, will pay that.

I got to the check out and there was another 30 percent off, so I made out quite nicely this morning. The hydrangea is called nikko blue and is the one that I have been wanting. It has one bloom so far. I am so excited about it.

For someone who may know better than myself, would it be best to let it continue to stay in 5 gallon pot and then plant later when the weather has cooled off, say end of September or early October, or go ahead and try putting it in the ground now? I will post this as a new topic on this board in case any of you would like to answer it there.

Again, I thank you all for thinking of me recently.


Centreville, VA(Zone 7a)

Like some wise man said " Things Happen for a Reason, We just have to wait and see how they unfold for us to make a complete picture" .

I am glad for you , but do keep a watch and be in contact with your Doctors.

In the meantime enjoy and keep smiling..::)


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Can't believe I missed this thread...I'm so sorry!! As with what the others said (& you) I believe ALL things happen for a reason. As The good book says: "All things work together for good to those that love the Lord." I agree with you re recovering in this heat...would not be a good thing!! Good for you to find the plant you'd been after as well!!!

YOU most definately will continue to be in my prayers along with Ruby. We're rootin' for the both of you!! Thank you for the reminder on the self checks...I must admit...I'm horrible about remembering to do that

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