Packaged seeds shelf life?

Plano, TX

Can anyone tell the shelf life of packaged seeds? We have a local store that is selling all of their seeds left over from this year for ten cents a package and i was curious if they would last till next spring? All advice is welcome.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

I think it would depend on what kind of seeds they are. I know that some seeds go dormant. If I were to get any seeds that I intend to use next year, I'd keep them in the refridgerator.


Union City, CA(Zone 9b)

I buy packaged seeds every year and take to Mexico . Almost all grow - mostly vegatables - tomatoes , garlic , onion , carrots and string beans . most vegatables seeds are sold by the pound [ 1/2 kilo ] . People grow peanuts , corn or chilis to sell and have small veg and flower gardens for their own use . I found out most of the seeds are divided up to different family members - but who needs 25 string bean plants .
Seed packs there start at 5 pesos [ .50 cents ] . I rent my house there for about $22 dollars a month- 1 bedroom , kitchen , bathroom 2 other bedrooms are for me when I go down and renters stay somewhere else when I am there [ 2-4 weeks a year . less I stay with relatives . ]
There they sell packages that are up to 5 years old .
Most seeds are good for 3 to 5 years . Most flowers produce MT Seed cases , about 1 in 5 are MT .
The more flowers a plant produces , the bigger the chance of non-fertile seeds .
If you are worried about it just buy 2 packs of ones you want .

Plano, TX

Thank you for the response. I thought they would keep well but I wanted someone who has done it to confirm what I thought. Thanks again

Union City, CA(Zone 9b)

Forgot to say I'd keep them in the refrigerator too . I do keeps to keep them from getting moldy and drying out . They think they are in dormancy .
Onion and garlic seed produce a gas that hinders germination in a few seeds . There are other seeds that do the gas thing too , but I can't remember which ones but I think Brussels sprouts and broccoli are 2 .

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