does anyone grow kiwi?

Plano, TX

I recently purchased kiwi vine over the internet and was curious if anyone grows them.
they are supposed to be a new cold hardy vine that grows very fast and produces fruit in about two years. All replies welcome.

West Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

I got two female vines and one male vine of a cold-hardy variety, Kolomitka, last year. No fruit yet, of course. I know someone up in "Mainland Seattle" successfully growing the non-cold-hardy (fuzzy) variety, but they must be protected from winter winds, which cannot be done in our neighborhood, so I thought I'd try these and see what happens.
Did you get both male and female vines? One male vine can pollinate several females.


Plano, TX

Yes I did- same as you 2 females and 1 male. Do your vines grow as fast as they say and how much sun is it getting?

Bradenton, FL(Zone 9b)

I grew several ‘Golden’ Kiwis from seed a couple of years ago. I also purchased couple ‘Tomuri’ (male) and ‘Vincent’ (female) Kiwi plants two years ago to ensure I had a couple of known male and female plants. All the plants look great except one.

One of the "Golden' seedlings suddenly had all the leaves die off. The stalk still is green and even the brown mature wood is alive. Is any one familar with this?



Thumbnail by dwallace59
West Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

JFREDT, Mine haven't really taken off yet. They went in the ground last Fall, and we've had bizzare weather ever since, so maybe they'll get going next Spring. We had some of the coldest weather we'd had in years, then almost broke the record for rain, and now we've broken some records for heat, and it's very dry. I've been pretty stingy with the water, as well.
Anyway, they get unobstructed sun until noon, then dappled sun until 4:00, or 5:00 then sun again.

Greensburg, PA


Can you supply more info about the specific kind/variety you obtained? Generally there are 3 main types of kiwis people plant for fruit, the fuzzies, the arguta's and the kolomikta's. In zone 5, I've only experience with the arguta's, which sounds like what you may have gotten. The kolomikta's and arguta's are cold hardy to zone 5 and beyond. I recommend the aruguta variety "Issai" as it is self fertile and bears young. The others require a pollintator and can take years to get going. The fuzzies are not supposed to grow around here, but I know of one in a microclimate near here that is thriving.


Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

Just came across this forum. I have a question. I have one lone Kiwi that has survived from a group of 3 female and one male. the were suposed to the hardy chinese varity smooth skin and a little bigger than a grape. This vine has not had one blossom in10 years. how would I tell if it is male or female.
I need to move it as it is too close to my pond. and in the way of a stream bed I want to put in. I would like to get others now that I am retired and can take better care of them. Or is this one that needs to be dug up and forgot about. Please help.

Houston,Texas, TX(Zone 9a)

anyone interested in starting Jack fruit from seed...The Hong Kong market in Houston offers cut pieces. Some if them contain several seeds. This is fortunate as the whole fruit is HUGE. I just started 6 in compost and vermiculite.

Monon, IN

I don't know much about it, but my neighbor across the street grows hardy kiwi and does pretty well. She is in a zone 5a/b.

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