daylilly seeds?

Louisville, TN(Zone 7a)

i have read all kinds of entries on saving daylilly seeds. i was under the presumption that they grew from bulbs or divisions. how do i harvest seeds and replant? this is so exciting, i can hardly wait to find out. please tell!!!!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Well, first you need to have a pollinated bloom. You can do this by taking one of the (I don't recall the technical term) stems that have the pollen on them, there are like 6 I think. And simply brush the pollin onto the single female part, a stem that looks like it has nothing on it usually. Usually, it sticks out the longest. Nature does this some, but not as often as we'd like. So you can do it manually.

When the bloom fades and in a few weeks you'll see a pod begin to form. It takes a while for the pod to become ripe. When the pod starts to turn tan and starts to crack open on the top, It's ready to be picked. You then open the pod and there are your seeds. They are black pea like things.

It's not hard at all to do. I'm sure others have various methods of doing this. But I just break off the stem with the pollin and pollinate the female part. It's easier that way and it doesn't hurt a thing.

Hope this helps!

Take Care,

Abilene, TX(Zone 7b)

I'm so glad somebody asked this question. I've been dying to know, as I never find seed pods on my daylilies. I thought maybe I just didn't know what I was looking for. Thanks for the info!

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