How is your veggie garden going?

Sterling, VA(Zone 6b)

As I am sitting here eating a sandwich with my first tomato of the season, I have to say that mine it going good! I did not get my plants in the ground until after Memorial Day, so I might be a little behind some of you. I wanted to plant some peppers, but the stores that I hit did not have any plants, so my garden consists of about 8 tomato plants (a few cherry, a few bush, and a few indeterminate), 2 cantaloupe plants and a another vine...I think it is a type of squash. The tomatoes the cantaloupe are growing great, but the "squash" is on the edge of dying. I will have to take a picture.

A week ago I wanted some tomatoes for burgers, but I had to break down and buy some from the store. They were so tasteless! At least it reminded me why I go through the hassle and expense of growing my own.

I actually did not plan on harvesting veggies from my plants. I planted them in the garden area at my "for sale" home hoping that it would dress up that area (I hear that dirt and weeds are not that attractive to buyers). How is your garden doing?

- Brent

Warren, PA(Zone 5a)

You are way ahead of me with tomatoes. Congrats! We have lots of green ones of various types (all heirlooms including a "Kellogg's Breakfast,") but nothing ripe yet. Summer squash are bountiful (we are growing "Gold Rush," "Floridor," "Eight Ball," "Romanesco" and a couple of others). Growing this much squash seemed like a good idea at the time LOL. We are eating it for every meal it seems. The first harvest of pole beans will be ready by the weekend ("Cascade Giant" and a yellowish-green flat Italian Romano style). We are Zone 5a and don't use a greenhouse to start anything (just start seeds inside a little after St. Patrick's Day and plant outside around Memorial Day). Enjoy those tomatoes...I can't wait!!

Sterling, VA(Zone 6b)

Here is a shot of my garden area. I used to have a larger area set aside for a garden, but I did not plant it for a few years and the space was claimed for the kid's playset. I checked and the near dead plat is a zucchini squash. I guess I did not give it enough water. Oh well, the cantaloupe is taking over that space anyway.

I partially wanted to plant something here because I added a lot of organic matter to the soil last year. Now the soil in this area is a joy to plant in and the plants (well...except the zucchini) seem pretty happy.

- Brent

This message was edited Jul 27, 2006 10:30 AM

Thumbnail by Brent_In_NoVa
Warren, PA(Zone 5a)

Nice green color on that foliage Brent. The roots found that good stuff you put in the soil!

Crozet, VA

Well, to tell the truth, mine isn't doing all that great. I am enjoying seeing to it or tending it though. I didn't plant too much of a variety. I have tomotoes, green peppers, lettuce, radishes, a spinach/kale mix and parsley. In the same small bed I also planted a row of miniature marigolds and several sunflowers. Oh yeah, and canteloupe.

One of the sunflowers has gone to town and is over six feet tall. As I looked out earlier today I thought of either digging it up and throwing away or trying to re-pot in large pot. When I ran it by hubby, he said don't do either. I haven't decided yet which to do. I do know that the gigantic leaves on the thing is shading some of the pepper and tomato plants. I will decide early tomorrow before the sun is scorching down.

Up until this year I have always done container gardening. I suppose that it is a bit too early to tell but, it doesn't look like my pepper plants will be doing anything. I have had only one ripened tomato so far. There are several on some of the plants that need to ripen. This is the second year in a row that I have burned my radishes before they grew. Might have to give up on that. ha-ha.

I also asked hubby earlier if while out on his travels if he would stop by fruit sellers on road side or at stands to see if I can get their blemished green peppers for a reduced price. I did that with one grower last year and was able to put up a very nice batch of frozen green peppers. I am on the last bag of them now. That worked out perfectly.

Anyway, I would'nt mind hearing from some others who have planted veggies or herbs this year and see how theirs are doing.

I also need to know what kind of things Brent did to amend his soil or what he fed. Yes, yours are definitely looking better than mine.


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Due to health, I am growing 4 tomato plants in containers, 2 Early Girls, and 2 Better Boys. The plants are as tall as me 5' 2" and loaded with GREEN tomatoes. Not a blush showing yet.

This message was edited Jul 30, 2006 9:46 AM

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