I Met a Tree "Nut." Or rather; an "Acorn..."

Denver, CO

Very poetic. Big native trees here are fairly rare here, as humanity has elected to build nearer the water (the only place big trees exist in the desert. All cottonwoods, the remaining stands are part of birders' little nature preserves studding the river and some on old farm properties as well.
But the really old fellers occur on the windswept serpent's trail in the CO nat'l monument canyon system. Only eight feet tall usually, these Pinyon (Piņon) have literally sanded-down (from the wind) nubs of branches or roots dry and bleached by the tyranny of high desert sun. The cliff-perched beauties can be incredibly old when they are only a foot tall. I should get some pictures of the best ones on the dramatic green stone cliffs of the Divide Road, aerially laced by purple swifts flying gracefully at incredible speeds. The trees there put man-made Bonsai to utter shame.

You will notice that I quote one of your wise comments on my member page, so that makes you one of my mentors, mate. One I neglected to add from the roadtrip came from my father (don't tell him I wrote this, lest he be embarrased further) who had not had enough sleep due to the trains:
"I'm a watchmaker, you see, that's why we haven't had our showers."

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

If I could not garden at all, I would still compost -- JamesCo

So would I -- but I think we mean two different things.
You probably are speaking in second person, while mine is first person!

Very nice member page, Kenton. I wish everyone would devote as much effort to their own so we could learn more about one another.

Guy S.

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

Steve, on your own page, is that your ex-wife, girlfriend, sister, daughter? And how much of your time do you spend in Kalispell versus Alaska?
PS: I see you're still wearing the same ratty old gardening duds!

Guy S.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

I have been planning on changing all that stuff but now it is sailing, gardening, and working season and I am rarely home at my own computer. That was the only picture that my DW and I had together when I joined Daves. We will pose when I get home tomorrow. She is my current angel who lives happily with me. (when I am on the road) Hee Hee

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

I see you robbed the cradle for a hot one . . . is that what they mean by "trophy"?

(Now watch your hit counter as all the Ys flock to your member page!)

Guy S.

Denver, CO

Now that is playing dirty, Guy. You should be ashamed. Well done.

You caught it. Like Benedict says: "There's a double meaning in that." Seeing as how the only way I will not be gardening is when the Lord takes me! Even then, I will be petitioning to get some vine coverage on the pearly gates...

The local CSU extension agent here once said, over lunch one day (during a discusison about trees being damaged to death by fools wanting to be buried under them..) that when he dies, he would hate to see good organic matter go to waste. "Slide me down the chipper...(and evenly distibute a thin layer of the compost so it benefits the tree). Those of us at the table looked at eachother and affirmatively mouthed "Fargo."

Did I miss our photographic gift to Equi?

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

Yes, go look at the "One for Evilalbizium" thread!
Fargo indeed!

Guy S.

Denver, CO


Thornton, IL

Kenton ~ Too funny!

After having realized why my father fled his family in Illinois, it was time to find things to do.

Serious male bonding interruptus, but I just had to tell ya I love that saying about gardening & compost, and you were so lucky to meet Mr. Wunnerful in the flesh. And I use that term loosely, ha ha.

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

And I use that term loosely, ha ha.

What term?
So, PartyGirl, when are YOU coming down here to learn for yourself that I'm actually a wunnerful human and don't bite, despite all the horrible things some of your troublemaker X friends conjure up about me? Lies, I say -- all wicked lies!
Just leave your shovel (and chain saw!) at home!

Guy S.

Thornton, IL

no time soon I'm afraid. My own Mr. Wonderful totaled my car Monday. thanks for the invitation, I'll take a raincheck!

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

Ooooohhh, not good. Hope he's OK.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Pgz I want a picture of that car. Come on lets see how the junker looks. You need to not encourage Guy. Those long legs will get him all "Yd" up. Tell DH that you would rather walk to work.
Guy my DW and I were best friends from Kindergarden to college and we never dated. Her best friend was my girlfriend from puberty through college and then our paths diverged only to connect again at out 25 class reunion. Where we reunited and fell in love. No cradle robbing she and I were born on the same day (well 2 months apart) and she reminds me of being married to the old man when my birthday precedes hers by 2 months. As you can see I look 10 yrs younger. How could he be OK he has to face that same scowl every day. She told us in another forum that he is. LOL

This message was edited Jul 30, 2006 5:53 PM

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

As you can see I look 10 yrs younger.

No comment!

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

My hair is natural colored and her's...... well only her hairdresser knows. LOL

Oh PG, I'm so sorry. Really bad timing.

Thornton, IL

Scowl? not me, I have recently been mistaken for my daughter's sister! Ha! now I know how my mother felt, she was young-looking too. Well, I'm not that old, hee hee. but still.

He is fine.

I didn't take a picture of the car. I'm driving a pretty decent rental, a Nissan Sentra. I like it! I've never had power door locks, ha ha. I know, I know, easily amused...

Denver, CO

Forget the rental, save money; just show a bit of leg. Better yet, have Guy do it for you.

Ahh. What this forum needs is one of those horrible "Show us your picture" or "Putting faces to the names" threads...

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Kenton quit lusting, PGZ is a beautiful woman who gardens. Who needs a picture! Oh and she has long legs, and looks like her daughter. Hey once I went to my daughters church and her friends quizzed her on who the new beau was. She collapsed and said this is MY DAD! One of my best days. LOL

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

During one of our arboretum tours here years ago, Edie and I split up the large group. She took the ones who were less ambulatory, and I took the rest for a longer hike. She told me later that one of them had asked her how she and her father managed the whole place all by ourselves with no help.

Of course, I'm sure she was lying. It didn't happen that way! She has no witnesses and no proof! Ol' SunBlonde STILL doesn't look THAT old!

Does he?

Guy S.

Thornton, IL

Nope, I wouldn't kick you out for eating crackers....Whoops! Shows ya how old I am, he he.

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

Crackers indeed -- I remember that! Hey, long and silky, I think it's about time for you to add a pic to your own member page!
Guy S.

Thornton, IL

I'm not Long & Silky anymore, I'm fat & old, no one wants to see that, LOL. I am thinking of getting a tattoo..

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

I'm fat & old

Not according to those who know you! Besides, if we all can post our "senior" pictures, you can too.

Show us your tattoo . . .

Thornton, IL

LOL You're too kind. Tattoo? I don't have one, yet. I was thinking of getting a tree...

Seriously, a friend of mine, ok this kid in my class, had a tree tattoo on his leg, it was like a tree of life, I really liked it.

Maybe not. It's the heat.

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

My neice got married last month. Her bridesmaids had backless dresses. The head honcho bridesmaid (is that called Maid of Horror?), a forestry major, has a whole dogwood tree on her back. The roots are entwined into a Pagan endless knot at her rear end, there is a Bible verse (about trees)wrapped around the trunk, and the top is way up by her neck!

Thumbnail by StarhillForest
Thornton, IL

OMG that's a bit much, IMHO. But thanks for sharing.

I take it you think tattoos are hideous? I'm prob not going to do it, but my mind wanders in this heat wave...going to take a dip in the kiddie pool and ponder my options...

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Boy Guy just to be a root on a tree. LOL. I had a client who was a linebacker for the Seattle Seahawks and he had an arrow low on his back dripping blood down to his rump. In the upper chest the point of the arrow exited and blood there. Well he added to his Too and got a Bald eagle decending on the Arrow across his back and gripping the arrow as if to rip it out. That was really great across his huge back. By the way he had 2 little Yorkies that were his pride and joy.

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

I have no strong opinion on body arts -- but I wouldn't get a tattoo myself, or let my kids (if I had any) do so until they're old enough to realize the permanent repercussions (like backless dresses at weddings!). But, if I did, I think the tree tattoo is maahhhhvelous!

Guy S.

Thornton, IL

Well, I don't think I can get one for 1. health reasons, which trumps everything, conveniently forgot about that and 2. can't afford it right now and 3. pain weenie. Maybe I can get one of those really kewl henna ones that are great fakes! There ya (um, I) go, yeah, that's the ticket! Okay, where do I go to get that done, besides the carnival? Ha ha.

What an emotional roller-coaster I've been on. My baby girl turned 18 last week, excited and happy and nauseous all at once. And today I registered my little man for Kindergarten! Included on the list of school supplies was a headset for computer use, I had to ask someone what dept. that would be in! I had no clue what I was looking for, ahem, get with it Mom. It's really light-weight headphones, so that they can "study" while the rest of the class does whatever. Yeah, right. My son is the kid who got stuck in the chair last year in pre-K.

Well, I did sign up for a couple of committees, Book Fair and Family Night, that last one is for the roller-skating parties, yippee!

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

pain weenie

I thought you women were supposed to be the stoic gender that endures childbirth and all such stuff with impunity? Oh, wait -- you already did that! So, what's the big deal about a little tattoo needle? (Not that I'm encouraging you . . . )

Come on down here and I'll draw one on you with a felt-tip for free! You can photrograph it for posterity, then in a week or so it will be gone, and there will be no needles or health issues or cost to worry about.

Guy S.

Thornton, IL

Um, ok, are you this amazing artistic talent? If not, thanks, but, geez, I need to wash my hair that night...

BTW, I delivered both of my little darlings sans medication of any kind, thank you very much! That was NOT my intention, rather they BOTH decided to take the express lane, what are the odds of that happening?? And since I had Back Labor with my DD, surely the next one would be a kinder, gentler birth. You know, puff puff, I'm got a little sweat on my brow, still look cute, hubby feeds me ice chips, rubs my feet, etc. My son came with Back Labor, Front Labor and Bowels of Hell Labor, but of course it was all over in less than an hour, so yeah, pain weenie! It's a myth that you forget these things...

Eau Claire, WI

Our second daughter was born at home with aid of a midwife. Now that was an incredible experience, and much easier on DW than the first, which was at a hospital. Of course I was cool as a cucumber through the whole thing--Not!

Elburn, IL(Zone 5a)

I suffered absolutely no pain through the birth of both my children--piece of cake!

I suffered absolutely no pain through child birth with any of our boys! Piece of cake with all of ours also!

Denver, CO

That explains the hawk-like behaviour you have. (Especially to albizia-planters! Oh, mere shrews be they):
One usually doesn't feel pain when laying eggs.

(and from what does the Oooh-Ahhh bird derive it's name?)

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