blueberries in container over winter

Camp Crook, SD(Zone 3b)

I have 2 Rubel blueberries that I planted in whiskey barrels with about 1/2 peat moss and 1/2 bagged (appears to be quite sandy) topsoil. I live in zone 3b, and am wondering what I will need to do to ensure that they survive the winter here. We get a lot of wind, and at least one week of temps well below zero. Thanks for any advice.

Poquoson, VA(Zone 7b)

The most important thing is to make sure the roots don't freeze. I'd put them in a protected place - preferably in the sun and out of the wind. Bundle up around the barrels with straw or leaves or something else to keep heat in and maybe even form a sort of 'greenhouse' over the tops - clear sheet plastic from the hardware store or one of those new 'umbrella greenhouses' if you want to be fancy. Whichever way you go, the plastic should help keep the leaves/straw bundled where it should be as well as trapping solar heat and protecting from the wind. Another option might be to bag the leaves/straw in dark plastic trash bags - the dark color will absorb heat & you can tie the bag down to keep it in place.

Camp Crook, SD(Zone 3b)

Thanks so much for the advice. I've gone to some trouble to keep them alive in barrels because of my pH 7.9 soil, so didn't want to lose them to winter.

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