My adenium

Harrisburg, PA(Zone 6a)

Yes, it was, for $28 but you cannot see the caudex. It was online at Asiatica Nursery!

Plumiedelphia, PA(Zone 7a)

Snag it up or I will!! LOL!!
That is very unussual color on the foliage!!
Are they located in Asia or the USA?
Shipping and certificates could make purchasing just 1 prohibitive.
Perhaps a large order would be a good idea if they are in Asia.
Then sell off the extras at a profit to cover the cert and shipping for the couple you keep.

This message was edited Aug 14, 2006 9:59 AM

Harrisburg, PA(Zone 6a)

Hey, malestrom

Right now, I cannot afford it, so enjoy it!!LOL

Plumiedelphia, PA(Zone 7a)

Schnoikies they are in PA!!
I just noticed... MAKING AN ORDER NOW LOL!!!
I am planning a trip now lol!!
Ill call and see if they allow visitors.
Maybe we could meet?
Could be a fun day!
Ill contact another buddy of mine to see if he wants to go too.

This message was edited Aug 14, 2006 10:02 AM

Valrico, FL(Zone 9b)

Hi Lisa,

You got lucky. I almost kept that one for my self, but then I always weaken an give some of the more unusual ones to regualar customers.

We just got back last Thursday night grom Thsidlsmd, snd I bought domer reslly unique varieties that I[m going to try to get in quantity. I'll ulpoad them shortly.


First is a must have, and will be offering in the spring.

Thumbnail by BuriedTreasures
Valrico, FL(Zone 9b)

A darker red w' red throat. Undecoded, a the onlyt real differece between this and out current one is throat coloring.

Thumbnail by BuriedTreasures
Valrico, FL(Zone 9b)

Spectacularly small flowers, and may make it into the new lineup

Thumbnail by BuriedTreasures
Valrico, FL(Zone 9b)

Another possibility, but will probably chose this or the first one. Not enough difference to carry bothl

Thumbnail by BuriedTreasures
Valrico, FL(Zone 9b)

Incredible variegation on this one. Mayadd to or replace with our urrent variegated one

Thumbnail by BuriedTreasures
Valrico, FL(Zone 9b)

Very unusual foliage, but not sure if it's viral. Had several specimens of it.

Thumbnail by BuriedTreasures
Valrico, FL(Zone 9b)

Huge foliage, and a flower to match, Will definately add if I can find it in quantity.

Thumbnail by BuriedTreasures
Valrico, FL(Zone 9b)

Yellow adenium anyone?

Thumbnail by BuriedTreasures
Valrico, FL(Zone 9b)

Another must have if I can find it in quantitity. I do have a sample coming bcak though :-)

Thumbnail by BuriedTreasures
Valrico, FL(Zone 9b)

Last one for now. I have about 1000 pics to weeed throgu, including some spectacular caladiums,

The one below is caled "Two Face Lady"

Thumbnail by BuriedTreasures
Valrico, FL(Zone 9b)

Sorry. One more. Me and my beautiful bride in the most spectacular villa I've ever stayed in. It's in Koh Samui, and you wouldn[t believe what I went through to try snd get our trip extended. Still nice to be home.

Thumbnail by BuriedTreasures
Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

Please please pleas get that variegated one. I have to have it. And those caladiums are to die for. I will be watching carefully. There are some must haves in there.
Here is one of your babies.

Thumbnail by rylaff
Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

And some of your caladiums

Thumbnail by rylaff
Glendale, AZ(Zone 9b)

Be sure to put in a vote for an adenium forum if you are interested. If enough people show an interest Dave may start one.

edited for spelling 9/10/06

This message was edited Sep 10, 2006 8:53 AM

Harrisburg, PA(Zone 6a)

Beautiful pictures, Chris and congratulations!!! Definitely, number 3,6,7,&8 are definitely on my wish (want, need) list!!! LOL


Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

Sounds like a terrific trip, Chris! 3,5,6, 8 & 9 are the ones that I like the best. The Harry Potter looking striped ones are beautiful, but I already have one! Do you know what color the flowers are on the variegated one? Do you know the names of them?

Plumiedelphia, PA(Zone 7a)

I love the thread leaf and the yellow flower best of them all.
How much are you asking for them?

Valrico, FL(Zone 9b)


Forget names on anything coming out of Thailand or Taiwan. The one that looks like Harry Potter is probably being sold AS Harry Potter by some marketers. Each seller names their own hybrids, and then re-names someone elses hybrids that they buy in.

Lisa, regarding the variegated one, I'm going to try and get them to switch that with the one we currently offer. It's MUCH nicer.


Plumiedelphia, PA(Zone 7a)

Please e-mail me when they are ready to sell!!

Valrico, FL(Zone 9b)

The current varieties are in stock, and our site can be found on our profile. We have some particularly nice large varieties that have now flushed out, but have yet to flower. There are 4 varieties there, but I won't know which is which until they flower.

the new varieties will start in March of 2007. October is just to late to start bringing them in. We'll also be offering 3-4 varieties of Plumeria next year, including a white upright with ruffled foliage, that is evergreen in south Florida.



Davie, FL(Zone 10b)

I saw this adenium for sale at a nursery. Anyone know anything about it and how much it should cost??
It is called 'mahogany variegated'.

That is very unussual color on the foliage!!
Are they located in Asia or the USA?
Shipping and certificates could make purchasing just 1 prohibitive.
Perhaps a large order would be a good idea if they are in Asia.
Then sell off the extras at a profit to cover the cert and shipping for the couple you keep

Someone in my neighborhood is growing one these i didn't know it was DR!
I also didn't know it was from Florida Mike did you?
I thought it was a croton lol..

Thumbnail by lopaka
Ventura, United States(Zone 10b)


Plumiedelphia, PA(Zone 7a)

I just ordered one from phil at Cornell.
The plant is terrific.
Whats a 'Croton'? ;^P

Ventura, United States(Zone 10b)

Michael, you don't want to know! Your house is crowded enough! LOL!

Hollywood, FL(Zone 10a)

Here is my pride and joy. I have had it about a year.

Thumbnail by mckraz
Ventura, United States(Zone 10b)

Very pretty!

Stockton, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi folks, Just purchased two Adeniums from Buried Treasures and they look healthy enough but all the top leaves are going yellow and dropping off. Is it just that time of year? I am a Plumeria and Adenium rookie but I know they are related. My Plumie is still producing leaves. Should I worry about the Adeniums? They got soaked in the rain a few days ago and I am holding off on any more watering, perhaps for the season. Is this correct? Thanks you guys, Brian

Plumiedelphia, PA(Zone 7a)

I have crotons lol!!
Lovely adenium there Mckraz
the shape is very appealing
Yelowing leaves can be a sign of dormancy setting on
Kinda early in your zone though
Clare will know better than I on CA

Davie, FL(Zone 10b)

I think it's the rain..
I am not a pro with DR but i notice if mine gets alot of water some of the leaves turn yellow or if i put her in a location where high heat reflects on her she turns yellow a bit..

Valrico, FL(Zone 9b)

Hi Brian,

One rain shouldn't have done it unless it lasted a week or so. :-)

It could be a combo of travel shock plus the rain. Do treat them like a plumeria though. As the saying goes on watering, "When in doubt, wait a week."

I literally misplaced one from October until March. It saw no sun or water in that time. I knocked off the then rock like soil, re-potted and watered, and it's doing great.

Make sure it's in full sun as well. I had a complaint earlier this week about a similar problem, and the customer emailed a picture. Spotted the problem right away. He was keeping it under an Oak tree. Definately not a good spot for Adeniums.

If you can provide more info, we might be able to narrow it down. Please feel free to ask here, phone me, or email.

Also check for spider mites. They'll appear as little yellow dots, usually where the foliage meets the stem. Orthenex will knock them out quickly if that's the issue.


Ventura, United States(Zone 10b)

Mine are starting to get yellow leaves too. In the summertime, when they get yellow leaves, it usually means not enough water, but this time of year, it means nights are getting colder. Yes, water a lot less frequently now. I continue to water sparingly as long as they have leaves. Mine will stay outdoors on my covered patio this winter, but we don't get temps much less than 40 here during the winter. You'll want to bring your adeniums indoors or in to a greenhouse before nighttime temps drop below 50.

Plumiedelphia, PA(Zone 7a)

I have moved all of mine inside for the winter now and all leaves have dropped.
I water 1 more time with Bayer to prevent mites and root rot, then its off to sleep till they send out new leaves in about 5 or 6 weeks. Then I may have blooms by Christmas again! WOOT!!

Buried Treasures,
Do you still have any of those in your picture # 6? It looks like adenium somalense "crispum". I've been wanting one of those. I'm about to go look at your website.

Valrico, FL(Zone 9b)

All of the ones I pictured, I only brought one back, to evaluate for the future. Most likely it won't be until 2008 before deciding which ones I'll add for certain, though I am trying some for 2007. Number 6 isn't one, as I haven't seen it flower.


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