This is important everybody

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Well, I think it is.

Rubyw is going in for surgery on Thursday and would really like some cards from her fellow DGers. Her address is in the exchange if you'd like to send her a card.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)


Hart, A card is on its way! We bosom buddies have to stick together you know! Sorry for the pun, but laughter is the best medicine.

I visited my surgeon yesterday and I am healing well, I have an appointment Monday with my oncologist, to go over the next phase of treatment, radiation and some durg therapy, but no more chemo Yea!!!

Ruby is alway on my mind sending her best wishes!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ah Lady - so good to hear your good news!!! I'm doin' the happy dance for you!!!

hart - thanks for putting the reminder up there!! I was signing on to actually put a reminder myself for everyone to keep the prayers going for her esp. today and tomorrow...that God be with the surgeons and everyone treating her....that He wrap His love around her and give her a sense of peace. Again my favorite verse, that I shared with you: "Fear not, I'm am with thee, thou art Mine." Ruby if you get a chance to read this...please remember this verse.

And of course continued prayers for Ladygardener's recovery!!

For those unaware of what's going on w/Ruby here is the link she'd started:

This message was edited Jul 26, 2006 11:32 AM

Crozet, VA

Hi Guys and Bosom Buddies - Yep, laughter is the best medicine. My hubby and I have had a few laughs about the situation. One boobed, toothless hag here. Oh well, as I said, I have no room for modesty at the moment.

The tooth saga continues. I was eating a tootsie roll yesterday and another crown came off. I know, I know, what is a grown woman doing eating a tootsie roll? It is my belief that one of my medications is making me crave sugar. Since beginning the med about two years ago, I just cannot get enough sugar. I eat candy by the hand full. I haven't mentioned this to my dentist. I am going to let them believe it is all caused by the other medications that create dry mouth. Which is true also. If I haven't said so before, a dry mouth is breeding ground for decay. I won't mention that I turned 50 last year. That number crept up on me like nobody's business. When I was younger, that number seemed ancient. Our bodies wear out but thankfully my spirit is alive and well. I feel much, much younger than the mirror shows.

All of you folks are so good about being concerned for me. Hart thank you for the post. As always thank you for "rooting" for me, ladygardener. I am in your corner also. GET WELL SOON. Keep us all updated.

Chantell, you too are a very special person. Your kindness and kind words are very much appreciated.

Surgery is tomorrow, the 27th at 2:30 PM. I will come on here and check in as soon as I can. Supposedly I will only be in hospital for one night.

Everyone else take good care and thank you each and every one who is sending well wishes. Maybe ladygardener would like to include her mailing address on her profile too, if it hasn't already been done. I will check after sending this. She too could use a beautiful get well card.

Ruby Watts

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Hey Ruby
And what, may I ask, is wrong with an adult liking tootie rolls!?!?! I believe in shooters of Hershey's syrup for goodness sake!!! Sorry to hear about those teeth of yours. Sure the mix of dryness + sugar is reeking havoc...sorry to say!! Chocolate is theraputic...don't cha' know?!!!

All those that can be "here" tomorrow at 2:25ish...please join me. The good book talks about when 2 or more believers come together for prayer...let's lift Ruby together in prayer!!!

Your addy is minus the street address. Dont' post it here but if you comfortable updating it there - please do.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Hey Ruby, My surg. was about the same time, Doc was running behind. I guess I was the hit of the surg. floor my boss and co-workers + family were with me before surg. I was the last one so the nurse pulled in extera chairs for everyone. We were joking about me pulling out my fake boob and sailing it down the hall at my boss if he didn't behave himself, well I guess when I was coming out of anesthesia I was still talking about it. I guess I ended everyone's day on a happy note ROFL!!!!

You sound like a strong lady, that is half the battle. Remember the quote that I told you, "I have breast cancer, but it doesn't have me" I would repeat that every time I felt down in the dumps.
Now go eat those tootsie rolls , you have till midnight!


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Chantell, Thank you for the Happy dance. I updated my address.

I'll be at work tomarrow but my thought's will be with Rudy and my friends at DG. (No internet at work)


Shenandoah Valley, VA

Chantell, I can't be here tomorrow. My dad is back in the hospital and you wouldn't believe the nightmares we're going through trying to get him into a nursing home that's isn't killing him.

Ruby I'll be thinking about you.

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Ruby, my thoughts are coming your way ~ remember all the flowers you still have to stop and smell! :)

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Hi every one, I just read an e-mail from Ruby, and she asked me to copy it to this board.
From Ruby:
Hi Chris - Would you mind copying this to Mid-Atlantic Gardening board again? This has become more and more laughable as time goes on. I am also looking at it in the spiritual - I didn't particularly want two surgeons beginning their work on me after 5 PM and having also worked all day before that. The surgery was cancelled for a "bigger" reason for now. Thanks again and I hope that you are doing well today honey.


This message was edited Jul 28, 2006 7:30 PM

This message was edited Jul 28, 2006 7:32 PM

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Was the "bigger reason" something worse going on with Ruby, do you know.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Chantell, She must address her dental sistuation, and get that under control first, any infection of the teeth could effect the out come of the reconstructive surgery.

When I was going through Chemotherapy ( Ruby is not) I could not have dental work done, not even a cleaning, Chemo lowers your resistance to infection and there is a lot of bacteria in your mouth, your mouth and stomach and handle it, but introducing that bacteria to the blood stream is not good. That's one of the reasons to have a healthy mouth.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

That makes perfect sense...I wondered about that when she mentioned issues with her teeth of late...but wasn't certain. Thanks for letting me know!!

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