Solexx Greenhouses

Mandeville, LA(Zone 9a)

Any experiences? Positives? Negatives?

Keizer, OR(Zone 8a)

Hi n-nut,
I own an 8x8 Solexx greenhouse and live about a mile from their factory. The structure is super sturdy and heavy. The frame is metal pipe covered with PVC. Mine has two sets of shelves on each side and an automatic solar-activated vent.

I installed plumbing and electricity.

To propagate seeds in my greenhouse I bought full-spectrum fluorescent grow lights that I hang under the top shelf and in the early spring I put my seed trays under the lights on the bottom shelf. I also dug down 8 inches in the ground under the bottom shelf and tied soil heating cable to hardware cloth. I plug in it in January to heat the soil in the greenhouse and start some salad greens. I have pea gravel inside the greenhouse down the center aisle.

I grow tomatoes upsidedown hanging from the ceiling inside the greenhouse (

I have a rugged plastic chair in my greenhouse and enjoy having my morning coffee in there in the winter and early spring. In the winter, I also run a small "milkhouse" type heater with a thermostat in this greenhouse and maintain the temperature at about 50 degrees. This costs me about $50.00 a month, but lets me specialize in Amaryllis bulbs. I have about a dozen of them in the greenhouse now.

I also use my greenhouse to winter over container plants that I put out on my deck in the summer such a aloe vera, canterbury bells, Mexican Heather and impatiens.

I am the editor of the my county's master gardener newsletter and Solexx is the sponsor of our newsletter. When I bought mine I expected to get one unassembled, but they had a demo model already put together and since I live so close they delivered it to my place for free.

Obviously, I highly recommend Solexx greenhouses.

I you want, I'll grab my digital camera and take some pictures of my greenhouse for you. This afternoon about 2 p.m. it was 110 degrees in the greenhouse because I forgot to turn on the fan. I should put the fan on a timer. Let me know if you have any questions.

Mandeville, LA(Zone 9a)

Pictures would be wonderful! I have about 50 or so tropicals (mostly anthuriums & philos) and need a place for them to spend the winter. It doesn't ever get really cold here. Lower 30's at night are about as bad as it gets and I'll need to keep the plants at a minimum of 50 or above at night. Humidity & condensation are a big problem here with greenhouses so fans would be a must during the day any time of year.

I'll have to put it together myself (HUGE issue) but it looks like it wouldn't be too hard. I thought I would just make a "pad" of either pea gravel or paving stones.

Do you have the 3.5 or the 5.0m panels?

So you think it's "do-able"?

BTW, I've been wanting to try that hanging tomato thing! Too cool!



Springfield, MO(Zone 6a)

Elchante - how about putting your fan on a thermostat? Then you don't have to remember to turn it on or off. There are high-current models that can handle even very large fans.

Fulton, MO

Dave, that's exactly what I was thinking.

Something like this:

Keizer, OR(Zone 8a)

I probably have the lighter skin (3.5mm) although I don't really know. As I mentioned, the store offered me one already assembled with free delivery. So I don't remember asking about the materials. Since I didn't assemble mine, I can't really say how difficult it would be, but judging from the quantity of screws, bolts and nuts, I think you would be putting in some time. Although I don't think it would be too hard to do. I had expected to do it myself and lucked out. There are some photos and a Quicktime movie of my Solexx greenhouse at in the Greenhouse folder. Good luck with choosing a greenhouse.

Keizer, OR(Zone 8a)

To the gardeners in MO,
Thanks for your tip about a thermostat for the fan and the link. I did not know that I could get a timer that turned on the fan based on the temperature. I'm still learning about all these greenhouse add-ons.

Mandeville, LA(Zone 9a)

Thanks so much for the photos. I think this is definitely the one I'll choose. This is going to be sooo exciting!

Glassboro, NJ(Zone 7a)

We have a Harbor Freight greenhouse that was badly damaged by the wind and are thinking about getting a Solexx as a replacement. Any info. or experiences would be appreciated.

Ken & Sue in Glassboro, NJ

Keizer, OR(Zone 8a)

Ken & Sue,
Did you read about my experience with my Solexx greenhouse in this thread? One of my messages contains a link to photos of my Solexx greenhouse. I own one and use it year around. What do you need to know besides what I've already said?

Glassboro, NJ(Zone 7a)

Yep, read about yours and looked at the pictures, too. Was just hoping to hear from some others before spending so much cash. We'll probably get the Oasis with the 5 mil. covering.

Ken & Sue in Glassboro, NJ

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