Will these play nice together?

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Right now I have,
Granny smith apple
Grapes vines
All growing well and their all healthy and bear fruit.
I want to expand my fruit tree collection so I'm planting
Meyers lemon
Mandrin orange
2 trees of each.

My first problem is would this combo give me any problems? Sometimes one kind of tree can be fatal to another thru fungus or something like that. I'm not aware of any problems here.

Second question is can you keep a Persimmon tree pruned to about 15 ft in height without problems? I'm spacing the trees about 15 ft apart and don't want any to go over about 15 ft tall. I know it will take years to get to that point.

Third any thoughts about this plan? Suggestion for a better combo of trees?

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

I suggest you plant trees whose fruit you will eat. A good starting place is a visit to your local extension agent to get a list of fruit trees recommended for your area. You will also need to know how many chill hours your area gets. If you want to keep the trees to under 15', get dwarf or semi-dwarf trees. Extend your harvest time by selecting varieties that ripen at different times.

Most apple trees are self-sterile so you need to get a different apple variety, one that blooms at the same time, to pollinate your Granny Smith. The lemon, orange and pomegranate are self-fertile, so unless you want large quantities of them, you need only one of each. With peaches and persimmons, it depends on the varieties you choose.

Japanese persimmon trees are much smaller than the American persimmons and many are self-fertile. Non-astringent varieties can be eaten while still crisp . They can also be sliced and dried. Astringent varieties have to be soft before they lose that astringency, but the pulp is fantastic in recipes.


Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

All those will fruit, I figured out which varities I need with low chill hours. No problems there. I've also have seen all those growing around here. The apple trees were the least likely to fruit and I've gotten fruit 3 years in a row, pleasantly surprised. Not a lot of fruit but their small.

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