Searching for info on Clematis

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

We recently built a carport with (6) 8-1/2 ft. posts. I put up the vinyl trellis sheets by cutting a 2X 8' sheet in half And fastening a 1 ft. X 8 Ft section to each post. I would love to have some spectacular clematis vines climbing those posts. I had bought a quart plant of Climador (Proven Selections perennials) earlier this year and planted in at one post.

I had heard about the Raymond Evison Patio Climbers that looked very nice - but I don't know if they would get tall enough?

I would like to get a red one and a double white ( large flowered, if possible) to start out with - that would survive in Zone 6.

Can anyone point me in the right direction? Any suggestions from your personal experience in Zone 6 conditions? I think the Raymond Evison Patio Climbers are so pretty and the price is right, but will they get tall?

Any help or suggestions on other varieties, including tried and true ones, will be greatly appreciated.
Zone 6

Denver, CO

They Evison hybrids are suited to patio culture, but get bigger and will still grow in the landscape. The main attraction to his brilliant breeding is continuous reblooming.
Good resource:

Both by Mr. Evison:
Red guy:
He isn't exactly a tiny plant.
Double white:
Maximum blooms could be seen by planting two reblooming clematis at each section, twined into eachother, like the above two.

Look at their date. Google them. That will give you an idea about if they are "tried-and-true." Just searching this forum will yeild a wealth of info on clematis in general.
Hope this helps, K. James

Monon, IN

Hi, James.

Arctic Queen is gorgeous! I had bought one at the local Wal-Mart or some other big store---was amazed to find one there---but didn't get around to planting it soon enough, and it languished and finally died in the pot. Thanks for pointing out where to get another one!


Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Will any of the Montanas grow in your area?..You might wanna consider some of them too..some will grow 20-30 feet...I have two that are going to grow up my posts and on top...Montana "Mayleen" is one I am ordering and I already have "Spooneri"..Spring bloomers but magnificent and what a gorgeous scent...Jeanne

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks JamesCo - Artic Queen was what I had in mind for a white one.

Jeanne Tx - I have to try and see what the Montanas are - will check out the Clematis on the web site again.

Whoops rain and hail again.

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

I checked out the Montanas and they are not exactly what I want. Am looking for a really brillant red - prefer autumn blooming ones as my daylily show is running down at that time.

I am so thrilled to have six (6) tall posts to grow them on.

First I have to see who sells Artic Queen - that is a must have, right now.

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Well, I did some preliminary googling and found a place in Ca. But to have 4 vines shipped, 2nd day airmail - this fall- would be $66.00 for shipping. There must be some place in the eastern seaboard that sells theRaymond Evison varieties. I really like Arctic Queen and Versailles and Anna Louise.

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Chalk Hills has Artic Queen.

Silver Star Vinery doesn't have it, but Debbie there could probably make some recommendations. Her clems are the absolute best. Brushwood has good plants too.

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks beaker_ch - Chalk Hills were the ones that wanted $66.00 for shpping.

I will check out Silver Star Vinery as it is closer to my own area.(And Debbie)

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

I see ForestFarms has Clematis "Arctic Queen"
scroll down for clematis

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Joycreek doesn't have it but I like to look at their "Availability" you know what they do have...Jeanne

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

I think Debbie only charges for the flat rate box (8.10) and she can get three plants in. The roots on her vines are huge. Are you kidding about that shipping cost? Who in their right mind would pay that?

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

I thought you said Debbie didn't have it...I bought 2 Arctic Queen clematis at Walmart for $4.20 have you checked your Walmart or Lowes?...Jeanne

This message was edited Jul 25, 2006 6:48 PM

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

It's not in her catalog, so I don't think she has it. I was referring to the search for the red.

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Nearest Walmart or Lowes in 70 miles roundtrip. LOL But for $66.00 shipping it may be worth the trip.

Forestfarm will only ship by Air to my zip code ($85.00 shipping!)

Song Sparrow's shipping is only $22.00 but I can't tell if it is per box or per plant without actually ordering it.

JoyCreek Nursery is sold out of the ones I want and will not give me a shippping charge 0 they say it will be billed at the time the order is shipped. Ido not order that way.

The more I see of these vines - the more I like them.
More Googling or me. LOL

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Where the heck do you live Seeds?!? Silver Star plants are 15.00 and shipping is whatever the flat rate box price is. I think it was 8.10 for up to three plants. And these are not those little itty bitty plants, they have huge root systems. I really recommend this site. Debbie gives alot of personal service and advice. I bought 8 plants from her this year and all are doing well. I have a first year Princess Diana that's been blooming for weeks, not a huge flush, but more than I've ever seen on a first year plant.

Here's a pic I took over the weekend of one of my mirabilis. You can see P Di in the background.

Thumbnail by beaker_ch
Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

beaker_ch - I live in northern Dauphin Co. in central Pa. Sorta in the bonnies. LOL

I will look at Silver Star again - some of the sites do not state what the shipping is, some only state handling charges. When I order on line - which I do a lot of, I like to know exactly what charges are. Thank you for the info on shipping charges. I am not to concerned about price, especially if they are nice plants. Off to Silver Star :-)

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Silver Star and Debbie are tops!

beacker-ch - she even gave me a link for what she says is my upcoming clematis addiction. LOL

We have had several discussions on the pros and cons of some varieties and I chose:

Duchess of Edinburgh
The President
Blue Light
Voluceau - which she says is a type three.

Itold her I was a newbie and wanted hardy plants and varieties - not finiky ones.

Thanks to all of you for your input and suggestions. I will probably get the plants this fall yet so they will bloom next year. Yippee!!

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Glad to hear you had a positive experience. Will look forward to seeing some blooms next year. And yes, it becomes addicting, especially with such great plants. Seems like I went from having 5 to 25 overnight, LOL. I don't have any of the ones you selected, will have to look them up. I do know that The President is fairly popular. I think it is a blue. Anyway, welcome to the forum.

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

I got the post hole digger out a month ago and dug out all of the clay and cement from the builders. LOL. Filled up the holes with a mix of hardwood shredded mulch and composted manure and watered well several times, to flush out remaining concrete junk.

Finally - today my clematis arrived from Silver Star Vinery.

This must be old stuff to most of you - but I am so thrilled with them. Debbie has been a good help on selecting the varieties I wanted. She suggested starting out with Duchess of Edinburgh instead of 'Artic Snow'. I wanted a good red so bought 'Voluceau" and of course I loved 'Mister President' and 'Blue Light'. She dropped me an email that she couldn't bear to cut back 'Blue Light' and it arrived with a three foot vine and flowers!

It took two days from Washington State to Millersburg, Pa. The plants were fresh as a daisy. Big gallon pot sized roots - not dirt balls - fresh green vines - not a leaf broken.

I had bought a $15.00 quart pot of Climador earlier this spring, one stalk, three roots. (But it is growing). These plants from Silver Star Vinery are hugh!

They are tenderly planted, and I had to take a picture of the blooming one, 'Blue Light'. I had seen pics of it, but there is nothing like seeing it in person.

To me - an old Pa. Dutch Lady - it is beautiful. (Remember it was in the mail for two days)

Thanks to all for your help and recommendations.
Hmmm, I think I need a few more and have a place to put them.

Thumbnail by se_eds

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