I thought I'd done the barrel right...

hee hee hee heee

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I found my compost barrel very difficult to turn. I didn't think to sell it. I gave it away to someone who believed in them. I told her that I did too until I tried it. I have no idea of its history since it left my home. Actually if I had thought of it for compost tea, I might have kept it, but on the other hand, they take up a huge amount of space. But you, Soferdig, have lots of room without prissy neighbors. Do I seem jealous? I am.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Boy Sue you are asking for it. The buckeyes will have a great fall. You never want to giggle when you start out ranked #1. It is a long season. Good luck to the mighty red and grey.

i smell something funny and it isn't my compost tumbler either soferdig , hmmmm what is up your sleeve ?? :)
DId you get that tumbler Steve? If you get that thing to work Steve , i will be jealous .
With all honestly i m not a football fan myself, steve i just like to kid you on that subject :)
baseball is my sport and hockey
I do think the key to a tumbler is the ratio of layers you put in has to be excact or it wont work. I have found that i have to much kitchen scrap and alot of fruit which i wonder if it makes it to acidic ?? and will cause stagnent pile?
what do you think Steve? to much fruit.
I m back to the old school way of doing things myself and turned my pile last week . I forgot about it all summer and was busy on my friends farm.
yuk is all i can say and what a smell, i have smelled dead decaying animals that didnt smell that bad LOL even the worms left !! LOL, if worms don't like your pile of compost than you realy have a bad pile LOL
I have been adding newspaper for carbon, i don't really use grass we treat for weeds and fertilize it. THis fall i will definetly load up on leaves !!!!!
best wishes to U of M :))))

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Could you throw a little of that toward the burnt orange? The eyes of Texas are, after all, upon you. (That song used to scare the dickens out of me when I was little.)

I do have prissy neighbors, but luckily I also have a privacy fence, so if they're offended by what they see back there I can file on them for trespassing. ;)

I have about four square yards of dirt left in the pile I ordered, and I think I'll be using the barrel to mix it up with the compost I'm definitely developing in my Pile. I love my Pile.

Edited to say I'm not really a football fan either, but I do like to see UT win -- my son got two degrees there and is working for the Dept. of Economic Geology and he IS a big fan. Baseball's my game, though I'm beginning to think the Astros aren't going to make it this year. The fat lady hasn't sung, of course...

This message was edited Sep 13, 2006 9:23 AM

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

I failed to score another time on a compost tumbler. I guess I will start looking for a cement mixer to do my soil mixing. My compost doesn't stink at all. It just has a little musty odor. I am exhausted cause I split 8 cords of wood today with a hydrolic splitter. I can hardly move. Oh I had to haul it too. I am going to make a dumper with the new log hauler trailor I just bought. No more having to shovel all the cow manure I found yesterday.

Thumbnail by Soferdig

that thing reminds me of when my ffamily and i used to go to Yosemite to camp, and they had these bear traps in the camp grounds and then a type of hualer to haul them away in.
Yes apparently my family thought it was fun to camp amoung wild dangerous animals.
That looks pretty niffty Steve, Hope you feel better soon.
My Dh bought me a snow plow LOL what a romatic he is Huh ?
why don't you start dropping some hints of a tumbler for a present to the Mrs. ??
If i see one at a garage sale i will let you know :)
how do i get my compost to not stink Steve?
with all this rain we are having ,it is getting a bit mushy and soaked to much. Do i need to heat it up iwth something. my neighbor has some comfrey herb i was told that would heat it up.
I have also herd of alfalfa pellets the horse feed kind .
Brigadilly my kids are wearing San Fran Giant socks my inlaws gave them LOL

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Sue you have your pile exposed to the elements? Is it sitting on soil? Sounds like you have too much Green and not enough Oxygen. Turn it over and add some structure. IE Pine needles, sticks (small), and maybe some straw to give it something to digest. Hard to say but probably everything stinks by OSU. LOL.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

"Hard to say but probably everything stinks by OSU. LOL."

Hehehe...good thing you're out of arm's reach, Soferdig...that woman would beat you like a junkyard dawg!

Just wanted to add that I use an electric cement mixer for making my soils, Sofer. Works fantastic and only cost $179 at the time; not sure what they run now, 3 years later. Northern Tools may be near you ( I got mine on sale there during the 'slow construction months'.)

Go Panthers!

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

"Go right thru with MSU, keep the points keep growing....."
I am looking for one around 50 to 100 bucks. Used is the only way I do inventions. I have plenty of motors left over at our local junk place. I like the cement mixer better cause the device has wheels ( I'm putting on pneumatic ones) and can easily hook up to my Dixie Chopper for a trip to where it is needed.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Sounds like a great plan. Post pics when you get it done.

oh Shoe, i think steve and i would have one fun Buckeye vs spartan game party, he has to bring the beer, and i only drink imported German beer :))) but don't let the ball hit you on the way out Steve :) ehehehhe. Hey SHoe you can bring your lobster. :)))
the pile is in a compost bin with air holes . i keep it covered , but rain still gets into it. i guess i will go get some straw , would newspaper help, maybe a Spartan sports page ?? would benifit my pile :) LOl

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

hah! I can just see the threads when it gets down to game time and ya'lls fave teams!


Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

I humbly concede to OSU but I have to ask Sue how many times has MSU beat OSU. Being a MSU fan I learn not to brag but look out you hairless nuts. Confidence has doomed you many times. And I only drink a microbrew made here locally so it will be a long trip to deliver the goods Sue. Actually I use UofM toilet paper and it works well.

sorry to hear about Texas muaahahahahahaha,
microbrews ?? oh gosh Steve i m from CA and the only people who drink those are yuppies.!
Shoe it does get a bit Bare and brazen with us during this time of yr LOL
Haaaaazaaaaah i say.
football adn compost what more could a person want, ?? ok beer too.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

See I told you that beer makes composting fun. Anyway maybe I am a yuppie but I do all of my own building, gardening, electrical, plumbing etc so maybe not. Also I am a grand son of a brewmaster who left Germany in the 30's to start his own breweries in Michigan. He eventually retired out of Strohs brewery as a head brewmaster. When he told me what a beer should look and taste like I could not drink American Beers. Now there are breweries across america who do make Beer. Not watered down liquor called beer. Boo on what happened to America.
I was out looking for a fuel tank to convert into a manure hauler. I think I found one. My DW says that I am starting to become a junk dealer. Fine compliments for the garden I built. Oh well you girls are from Mars. The book was incorrect in who from where. After all I painted my "Doo Doo All" trailor. It is a nice brown and will paint camoflage highlights on it so no one sees me in the forest. Hee Hee.

Thumbnail by Soferdig
Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)




Soferdig is " Sanford an Son" hahahahaha,
aaaaaahhhhhh beer, i wish i had time to drink beer, i would love a beer. My Bro did his own beer once it was good.
i agree Ann pppppphhhhhhttttttttt hee hee
i can sew you some camo curtains for that thing Steve ? :)))))

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

I don't need curtains just a few well placed branches and camo coloring. I can haul out my buck I get this year and dress it all on the same trailor. LOL.

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