Use of Burlap sacks as weed barrier??

Hamburg, NY

I have recently picked up many burlap bags, which I have started using in my garden beds as a barrier to hold back weed growth, and to cover with mulch. Has anyone used them for the same purposes, and would be kind enough to share your experience with them. The are biodegradeable, and have small holes for some airation, and they hold back the weeds. However, anyone with information on this would be appreciated. I live in Western New York if that is of any help!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Haven't done it...but Wow, what a great idea!!! I've even heard of folks using newspaper!! Could've saved myself some $$ had I'd heard these suggestions first.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I know people who use newspaper successfully but it didn't work here at all when I tried it in my vegetable garden. Maybe if you put mulch on top but then why not use mulch to begin with?

What happened here was the newspapers would dry out a bit and then when it rained the water just rolled off of them. So some plants would get drowned and others parched. The next year I shredded them and that worked a little better but still wasn't as effective as just about anything else I've used.

I would guess with burlap, since it is fairly open, that the weeds would eventually grow through. But then maybe you all don't have the killer weeds from Hell that I have.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

"killer weeds from Hell that I have" LOL!!!! I've got them..they've overtaken my poor little ole front yard...just wait until tomorrow...dont' care if it rains or not...I WILL have the upper hand!!!

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