Bitter Cukes

Perryville, AR

Mine are fine (Burpee Burpless) but a friend of mine is growing "space savers?" and every one is bitter at the stim end. Anyone who can tell me what causes this and how to prevent?

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Many cukes will exhibit bitterness at the ends. 'Tis often said it is due to lack of consistent watering, which increases the cucurbitacin (a bitter triterpenoid) in the fruit. (Cucurbitacin also tends to increase, "supposedly" when spider mites are prevalent.)

A nice humusy soil with consistent moisture will help alleviate this problem in some cukes.

For now, just trim the ends. You should find that the rest of the cucumber is just fine! (Ah yess,....cucumber sammiches! Cucumbers in vinegar, with sweet onions! Cucumbers with a splat of salt/pepper and a smear of Mayo! Yummy!)


Orange, CA(Zone 10b)

Cucumber slices (in place of crackers) with herbed cheese spreads....

Audubon, PA(Zone 6b)

I'm a cucumber & onion pickle sort of guy. Eat'em every day with meals.
Does anyone grow the English-type?? or "burpless"?? You know--- The kind they sell in supermarkets shrink-wrapped in plastic? We love'em'''pickled, of course. Any recommendations as to variety? Just gotta grow some...


Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Larry, I was lookin' at those the other day at the grocery store. Of course the first thing that came to mind was to buy one just to get the seeds out of it! However, I think I read sometime in the past they were hybrids or the like so I ended up leaving the store w/out one untill I check the catalogues a bit more.

(Boy! those things were expensive, too!)

Quyen, will have to try the cheese spreads on cukes. Just started some more seeds last week of Lemon Apple cuke and Poohna Keera (sp?) so I can have a late crop coming in!

Audubon, PA(Zone 6b)

shoe...... thanks for the reee-ply!! I've got Poona Kheera growing for a late crop too!! As 'they' say, "great minds..."blahhh, blahhhhh...blahhhh..

Talk about expensive!! I a-greee!!! Our local supermkt. "Acme" had them "on sale" at $1.00 each about a week or two back. NOT a bad price so I got 5 of them & never regretted it!! WE luv'em..... I'm hooked!!


Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

ahah! "Poona Kheera"...I KNEW there was an "H" in that name somewhere! :>

Yep, you got a bargain at a buck each! I believe I woulda done the same as you and loaded up.

Okay...just ordered "English cucumber Telegraph" seeds. Will let everyone know how they do! Touted as an heirloom so at least the seeds are OP.


Orange, CA(Zone 10b)

If you just ordered the seeds, will you have enough time to grow them this year, Shoe? I'm asking b'c I'd like to order some seeds too, but thought it might be too late.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Quyen, hopefully they'll send the seeds out quickly.

The ones I got are listed as a 45 day-to-maturity variety. If that is the case I should be fine; we normally don't get a first frost here till the end of October. (Last year we had such a mild winter that it didn't frost until nearly December! Very rare.)

I'll most likely just start a few seeds, maybe 6, and see how they do. Will put some outside in the ground and put at least one plant in a big container so I can slide it inside the g-house if the weather gets too cold too soon.

Cukes germinate pretty fast so I'm gonna give it a try with these "Telegraph" seeds. (I also have some plants ready to set out, the above-mentioned Lemon and Poona Kheera so that should also hold me over for a while, eh?)

Guess you'd have time if your frost date/temps a ways off yet.


Franklin, NC(Zone 6b)

Shoe, how did the Telegraps turn out? I have friend selling them at a local tailgate market and they're fantastic; I walked around eating one like an apple! Saw the plants and they're doing quite well here in Franklin. I hope yours did as well.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Haven't gotten to sample them yet, Agrinerd! But, I received the seeds a few days after I ordered them, sowed some in pots on 7/25 and they are growing great! Very healthy plants, nice strong stems and very hearty growth. I just set a few out last week in my garden north of town and today will set out the rest (about 6 more). (Was trying to put together a DIY EB this week so maybe I'll save a couple for planting in it.)

The ones you got to sample at the mkt, did they truly resemble the English cukes we see in the stores? (long, skinny?)


Springfield, MO(Zone 6a)

Try this simple "recipe." Take light mayonaise and whisk in Balsamic Vinegar until the balance is just right (it's different for everyone). Slice those cucumbers thinly, and add to the creamy sauce. Heavenly!

Franklin, NC(Zone 6b)

Yep, they were long and skinny with just a hint of faint ribbing and that little taper at the stem end. Juicy, sweet and crunchy.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

wow...looking forward to the fruits of my labors! Thanks!

And digi-dave, thanks...will have to give that a try! (I have never shied away from mayo and balsamic v!)


Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Add curry powder and a thinly sliced red onion.......ummmmmmm...

Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

Shoe, Are you going to trellis those telegraphs? I did. They grew well.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a) just got my interest up even more so! Have mercy! I just gotta try it!

Yes, Indy, I will undoubtedly trellis them so they grow straight and hanging (not curled). The Poona Kheera cukes I have growing are nearly over my head now...I figger a cuke named "Telegraph" will grow at least that tall (am thinking 'telegraph poles' here!). Really looking forward to these!

Indy, how do you like the flavor? The texture/skins/ taste, etc...?


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