lily moron

Harrisonburg, VA

Ok...this spring I purchased some lily bulbs. Nothing fancy just a bag of bulbs that was on sale at walmart...I'm sure they're basic oriental lilies. However, me, having never planted them before, did not plant them deep enough and now they're falling over and the bulbs are coming through the top of the soil! My question is if I were to re-plant the exposed ones to the appropriate 6 inch depth now will it hurt them or should I wait until fall?

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I'd just stake them up, cover the exposed bits with mulch and replant them deeper in the fall, but you might want to ask over in the lily forum.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Hart, I agree with you. I would think that the bulbs are getting nourishment for next years blooms now. When they start going dorment in the fall, that would be the time to replant.


Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Yes, Fall is the best time to redo lilies. I had to do that one year and they did just fine. That was about 7 yrs. ago and they are about ready to be separated.

Thumbnail by music2keep
Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

When I have grown Oriental lilies, they have died out after a few years. I gather from music2keep's post that they can thrive over time -- is that the experience of the rest of you? My soil is fairly heavy clay, though I do amend it. Any other suggestions? And are there particular cultivars that last longer?

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

I do have one suggestion and it is something I really stick to. Every spring I fertilize with Ozmocote (slow release) and water heavily for about a month. I didn't do it one year and I could really tell the difference. I have heavy clay soil as well and amend it with ~ don't LOL ~ Miracle Grow Moisture Control potting soil! It works like a charm.

Thumbnail by music2keep
Warren, PA(Zone 5a)

Greetings from a newcomer! We've had Oriental lilies in our raised bed garden for about 4 years now ("Casa Blanca" and a mix of "Stargazer" types). They are in full, heavy, and fragrant bloom at the moment. We love them.

Here's my question. We haven't "done" anything with them. Haven't lifted them or divided them, have not fertilized much beyond a standard bit of compost mulch (and not much this past year). I notice (or is it my imagination) that the stalks are shorter this year. The "Casa Blancas" especially seemed taller the first year or so. Am I witnessing a downhill decline and should I (can I) do something about it? Fertilizer? Water? A good firm pep talk? Thanks in advance for any advice.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Greetings back at you Dale, from your neighbor the west end of 6N, LOL

I am a fan of the Lily also, Oriental and Day's are my favorites, I have losted a few in my day, I have clay soil too, but have been adding compost, peat and anything else I can to improve the soil.

I have to tell you this story, more then a few years ago I moved an orange lily, I think it is an Asiatic, really didn't like the color in the bed it was in. I got it dug up and then nature called, I laid it on the deck steps, and ran into the house, when I came out, the bulb was gone!!!!! We had a lot of chipmunks, and squirrels running around, so I guest one of them spotted an free lunch.
But there is a happy ending, about three years ago the lily is back blooming, I must have missed a small baby bulb and it has grown into an adult. LOL

I do use Miracle Grow Weed and Feed, or just the Feed and I love Miracle Grow Moisture Control potting soil in my containers, and the old container soil goes in the compost bin.

Right now I have Color Parade Oriental blooming and the scent is heavenly when I step out my front door! Here is a picture.

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Warren, PA(Zone 5a)

Hi ladyg! Yes, we are close. A quick trip on 6/N except for the bridge out by Union City. I guess we are the "North Mid-Atlantic" representatives here.

Awesome photo and great story! Aren't these Oriental Lilies an exceptional combination of physical beauty and wonderful fragrance? I look forward to their bloom every year, and bring one inside the house and WOW.

I see some similar advice from both you and music2keep on early feeding. Didn't do as much of that this year, and perhaps that explains the stem growth (or lack thereof). We do stake them and I did add a bit of fish emulsion during the budding stage. Maybe skimped on water based on music2keep's advice. More needed?

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Welcome Dale! Yes, lots o' water in the spring. That should do the trick. I think when U help the spikes, you help the bloom.

Ladyg, that is bee~uu~tee~ful!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Dale we had a lot of rain this spring, and I didn't do anything to the bed this year that "Color Parade" is planted in (health problems) I could not even weed this year : (

But this is the most blooms I have ever had.

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Warren, PA(Zone 5a)

Ladyg, your garden looks vibrant and cheery!

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