New introductions and the seasonal palette

Edgartown, MA(Zone 7a)

I am now beginning to think that perhaps the massively marketed (at least in my neck of the woods) introduction of ‘Endless Summer’ Hydrangea that I had long awaited was not everything I had hoped for after all. One of it’s many attributes is that it continues to produce new flowers throughout the fall and what I discovered standing amongst the fallen leaves last October was the bright blue blossoms clashed with the earth tones of fall. I was so proud of myself when I came up with the solution to add another bright colored new introduction (very late ‘Sandra Elizabeth’ day-lily) until I began to think that certainly just two of these bold summer colors would not be enough to successfully weave through the rust, gold, burgundy, and muted fall tones I would need more new introductions. Suddenly the big picture of trying to replace one season’s palette with another seemed as wrong as a Christmas tree in July. As the nurseries are flooded with new and not always improved introductions I wonder if the colors we associate with different seasons will become a thing of the past? kt

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