Hello All. I'm new to Shelton, WA

Shelton, WA(Zone 8a)

I've browsed the forum and there's so much great stuff here.

My husband and I moved to 4 acres just outside Shelton last fall and I have so many plans already! I have an area set aside for fruit trees -- apples, pears, cherries, just about anything that will grow here. I'd like to know what other people in my area are having success with so I can avoid buying the wrong trees!

Thanks for any suggestions. :-)

Thumbnail by MzWeazelle
Olympia, WA(Zone 8b)

Congrats!! And welcome to Shelton, well, unless you are from cali, lol. I am nearby you!! Best of Luck Gardening.


So. Puget Sound, WA(Zone 8b)

Welcome MzWeazelle! I've been here a year and a half now. My garden is mostly shade so no fruit trees. There are many resources here on DG and here are a few websites I've sound helpful:

Have fun!

West Richland, WA(Zone 7a)

I was raised in Shelton and my parents and close friends and family still live there. Probably will forever. We don't get to visit as often as we'd like but it is so gorgeous over there. What part of Shelton? My parents have 10 acres about 6 miles out Arcadia Rd right on Hammersley Inlet. I think they have one of the biggest Doug Firs in Mason County right next to the garage! It is a haven for birds and squirrels. How long have you been in WA?
Depending on the cherry, you may not get enough sun there. It is rather wet there being just at the base of the rainforest. My parents have a pie cherry, a few apple trees, and a Japanese Prune (yum). We tried some different types of apple and even a peach but with no success. I don't know about pears. Pears are a spectacular grower over here in Yakima where the climate is not quite as extreme as the Tri-Cities. I don't recall anyone growing pears; I'll have to ask my Mom....I am rather curious.
What is so great over there is how mild it is. Not too hot or too cold like it is over here on the Eastern side. It is so wet though so I am getting to like living in 250+ days of sunshine and a rather arid climate.
It's good to "meet" someone from my hometown!!

Olympia, WA(Zone 8b)

Maybe I could mooch some of your fruit, I am NEAR shelton, does THAT count, lol. If you are over this way, lemme know, we can do lunch somewhere.


Shelton, WA(Zone 8a)

I'm about 5 miles out Cloquallum road, so I'm a little south and west of Shelton proper.

I'm new to Shelton but I've lived in Washington for most of the last 42 years, first in Seattle then in Snoqualmie and North Bend. My mom has a cherry tree, some apples and a plum in North Bend, and we had a pear tree in the neighbor's yard when we lived in Seattle, so I know they'll all grow around here. I also know that our climate is marginal for most fruits, so I want to try some proven stock. Any specifics you can pass along will be greatly appreciated. :-)

Thanks for the howdy -- always good to meet the neighbors.

I'm still looking around the forum and there's so much info that it'll take time to digest it all. Thanks for the links. I'll take a gander at them, too.

Mostly forest on our property so there's a lot of shaded area here too, but just as you drive in we have a nice size clear area on the right and I'm itching to plant my orchard there. I have visions of a split-rail fence lining the driveway on that side with fruit trees in the clearing and hanging over the fence!

Thanks again to all.


Olympia, WA(Zone 8b)

IF you get into town next week, be happy to meet ya for lunch.


Las Vegas, NV(Zone 8a)

Welcome to DG...you'll love it here!

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